
Rhapsody and Rebellion: Once Upon a Widow (Enduring Legacy Series, book 7) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Ashleigh Harrington

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7)Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rhapsody and Rebellion: Once Upon A Widow by Aubrey Wynne is the seventh book in her Enduring Legacy and this series just keeps getting better and better. Classified as a historical romance, this book checked every box for someone looking for a little romance, suspense, mystery and history all rolled into one. Following the story of Alisabeth and Gideon, when Alisabeth marries her best friend. The affection and loyalty that they have for each other, but the passion that burns between them surpasses all other emotions. When tragedy strikes Alisabeth making her a widow. She is lost trying to figure out what is the next step in her life, until she meets Gideon. While she is a widow, Alisabeth is still a strong full of life woman, and a beauty to all of those around her. Gideon is a man who enjoys being single, and while he is not looking to get tied down there is something about Alisabeth that he can’t deny draws him to her. Gideon doesn’t care for the matchmaking wiles of his mother and the society ladies, but when his mother wants him to take her to their Highland home, he can’t deny her. It is there that Gideon meets Alisabeth. The attraction is instantaneous, and while neither of them are looking for a future together, Alisabeth’s appearance in Gideon’s life makes him start to think about the way his life is going. While Alisabeth and Gideon grow closer, Gideon is determined to learn about his Scottish heritage and while this opens a whole new world for him, it could lead to danger for Alisabeth. When word of the political unrest in Scotland reach England, will Gideon and Alisabeth’s budding love be put to the test? Or will they grow and rise together to achieve a happily ever after? Wynne is a new to me author, but I am so happy that I picked this book up. While this book is the seventh book in the series, I didn’t feel like I missed out having found the series so late in the game. I have gotten ahold of all the previous books so itll be a treat to read them all in order. If you are looking for a great story, building a fantastic story and series, then this is one that you need to pick up today! I can’t wait to see where this series goes in the future.

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Rhapsody and Rebellion: (Once Upon a Widow) (Enduring Legacy Book 7) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Erica Fish

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7)Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rhapsody and Rebellion is the seventh book in the series but can be a stand-alone book by Aubrey Wynne. This is a historical romance book with drama, suspense, and second chances. There must have been research done by Aubrey Wynne to be able to write with such clarity with in the time period of this book. I am not one who likes to learn about history because of all the dates but I find this historical romance different. It is interesting when you see the history through another set of eyes. This story is about Alisabeth and Ian then Alisabeth and Gideon. Alisabeth is betrothed to Ian from the day she was born. She became best friends and from there the relationship went into marriage. However, Ian was not long for this world as he was killed one year during a battle and Alisabeth became a widow. An English Lord, Gideon enters into Alisabeth’s life and starts to court her. What becomes of that relationship I will leave you to read about it. It is a heart-felt read and it is beautiful written. It makes me want to read more book by Aubrey Wynne.

Reviewed by @firestars0002

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Rhapsody and Rebellion: Once Upon a Widow (Enduring Legacy Book 7) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Erin Davidson

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7)Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rhapsody and Rebellion: Once Upon a Widow, is the seventh book in the Enduring Legacy series. An anthology series that tells the tale of a Scottish family and their descendants, that are blessed with three magical gifts; sight, empathy, and Truth. The gift is passed down the family, often skipping generations and only coming forward in a time of great upheaval. And with England and Scotland always at each other’s throats, the family must hide their gifts from those that wish to destroy them. In Rhapsody and Rebellion: Once Upon a Widow, Aubrey Wynne tells a harrowing tale set in the Scottish Highlands in the 19th century. The story follows Gideon, Earl of Stanfield and his principled black and white view of the world, that begins to falter when his mother tells him of her eerily accurate dream foreseeing his cousin’s death. Thus causing them to travel back to his mother’s ancestral home in Scotland, where he meets a recently widowed Alisabeth. Could it be love at first sight, or just a simple flare of lust between them?
This series is a perfect read for fans of Outlander, and lovers of historical fiction. Wynne did excellent research for the story does not make any inaccuracies and her tale. I really enjoyed the story, but found it to be a little short. I would have loved to have more, and really space out Gideon and Lissie’s relationship, as it did come across rather rushed and fast. But if you’re looking for a quick steamy story with Scottish Highlanders, then this is perfect for you.
Overall I gave this 4/5 stars!


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Rhapsody and Rebellion: Once Upon a Widow (Enduring Legacy Book 1) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7)Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Once Upon a Widow) is book seven in the Enduring Legacy series by Aubrey Wynne. I have not read this author’s work before, and found it a little hard to get settled into the book, as I had missed the first six books in the series. But that did not last for long. I still really enjoyed the story.

It has been so long since I have read a book of this genre, and the stype in which the story was written was well set out, well planned and immaculately executed. A storyteller of immense talent is Aubrey Wynne. The ability to engage me when I had not read this series before, amd keep me enthralled and amazed just exhibits how incredibly talented the author is.

Alisabeth, Gideon and the eccentric, eclectic and entertaining cast of Rhapsody and Rebellion were delightful and appealing. The story mesmerising and refined. A memorable must-read. 5 stars.

Reviewed by @tracywilkin

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