
Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Christine Baranek

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slay it with a Diamond
By: Rob Bates

This is the third book in the Diamond District Mystery Series, however, it is the first that I read. I will start out by saying that this book definitely functions as a standalone, I was not at all confused by what was going on in this story even though I hadn’t read the previous. This was such an interesting story and I was very interested to continue reading to find out if the diamond was truly cursed. This is a fantastic mystery that definitely delivers on twists and turns. The main character journalist was a nice addition. Mimi was a fantastically well developed character. I definitely recommend this story if you enjoy a good mystery that keeps you guessing!

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Slay it With a Diamond by Rob Bates- Review by Laura Jones

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Jade Brunton

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was hooked on this book from the second chapter. I couldn’t put it down. This is a mystery that doesn’t disappoint. Each chapter gives more and more information, leaving you to try and figure out the true story behind this diamond. I loved the main character, Mimi, she was smart and sassy and even though her confidence wavered in the beginning she developed a little more chapter by chapter. This was my first read from this author but it will not be my last.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Faith Jackson

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a quick read that sent you down all sorts of twists and turns. The whole book from beginning to end took you on a turn you never expected. The characters and the story of mystery had me on a chase I wasn’t expecting. I enjoyed reading this one. I love that this is a series as well so I can follow along with where this goes from here. Great job!

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Shannen Kern

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an enjoyable and cozy mystery! I accidentally picked this book up instead of starting with the first in the series, but it was still entertaining. I will definitely be picking up the previous books as well since this one turned out to be a diamond in the rough. It took a bit for me to find the rhythm of the story, but once I did there was just no putting it down. Mimi was a character I could relate to well and was invested in her very quickly. This was my first book by this author, and it is far from the last. I recommend picking this one up if you are interested in cozy mysteries with plenty of twists and turns!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Jennifer Ramos

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my first Bates book and within this series. I tend to be a bit apprehensive jumping in the middle of the series and feeling like I’d get lost in translation but this one was far from it. I really enjoy reading cozy mysteries and this one did not disappoint! It grabbed my attention from the beginning as the mention of the heart brooch. Mimi, who is currently a jeweler at her father’s jewelry shop, has had aspirations of becoming a reporter but now it seems along with the help of her detective boyfriend has become a sleuth in the making. As more intrigue and unexpected circumstances follow along with this heart brooch and discovering its true owner as well as its mysterious, possibly cursed past. The characters are great, comical and keep you on your toes on what will happen next. I will be reading the previous books in the series as well as looking forward to more mysteries to come!

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Nina Maes

Great read, full of suspense and mystery. This one will draw you in capture you to the very end. This is a book in a series but can be read as stand alone. I recommend this to all readers; you will not be disappointed.

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great read, full of suspense and mystery. This one will draw you in capture you to the very end. This is a book in a series but can be read as stand alone. I recommend this to all readers; you will not be disappointed.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Ashley Sugar

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an enjoyable fun mystery this read was! The suspense and humor kept me engaged throughout the entire thing. I couldn’t put it down because I needed to know what happens next. Very entertaining and loved the characters and story.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Jamie Truex

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by this author. It was a pretty good mystery. Mimi works with her father, who owns a jewelry store. An old friend of hers brings in a large diamond that she’s trying very hard to get rid of. She says it’s cursed but Mimi and her father don’t believe in curses. Right? If you like reading mysteries then I would recommend this book. It will keep you guessing.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Terri Jo McAllister

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mimi Rosen’s family is in the diamond business. When her father purchases a “cursed” diamond, Mimi and her father are doubtful. But as things begin happening to everyone who has been involved with the diamond, Mimi starts to believe the diamond really is cursed. This was an interesting mystery that kept me reading to the end.

Reviewed by Terri Jo McAllister

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Kerry Carr

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in The Diamond District Mystery Series. This is a cosy mystery filled with twists and turns that will keep you guessing from beginning to end.
I read this book without realising it was the 3rd one however it didn’t take away my enjoyment of the story. These books can be read as a standalone however I will be going back to read the first too books in the series.
This is a story based in the world of diamonds, from buying them to selling them and every part in-between. It was a really unique story as I knew little about the process before.
Imparticular we are following 1 diamond that is supposedly cursed but is there such as thing as a cursed diamond?

When the seller of the “cursed” Diamond is found dead the our main character and amateur sleth decides to investigate. Was the diamond really cursed? What will happen to the person who now had possession of the diamond now? Will they suffer the same fate?

This is a story full of twists and turns, secrets and lies, cursed diamonds and a question everyone wants an answer to, who does the diamond belong to? And does it really hold a curse.
Mimi is determined to find out and get to the bottom of the mystery even if it could put her own safety in danger.

I love Mysteries and this was fast paced and engaging. I loved how determined Mimi was to get to the truth and how that determination kept pushing her forwards. Overall it was a really enjoyable mystery.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Hannah Porter

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates is the third book of the Diamond District Mystery Series. This is my first time reading a story by this author. This was a very intriguing read for me. After reading the synopsis I just had to give it a try, like i had to find out of if the diamond was really cursed of if it was just a series of coincidences that led them to believe it was( i’m not gonna spoil it for you lol you gotta read it 😂). I gotta say I really enjoyed it so much so I’m gonna go back to read the previous ones. This murder mystery with the journalist that doesn’t stop no matter what, will give such an intense ride with so many twists and turns that you won’t see coming. I highly recommend you read this and I look forward to reading the rest 🥰

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Paloma Fierro 07/12/23

Mimi is jealous of her college friend Roz, she has it all: the career, the husband, and of course the money. After careful consideration and the motivation from her boyfriend Mimi sends a text to Roz,  to see if she may have a freelance job for her in her magazine. Roz let her know that she may have something but first Mimi must help her to get her hands off 2 pieces of jewelry, since Mimi’s father is into the diamond business this task should be easy. Oh but life is anything but easy, and those pieces of precious stones and metal will be the beginning of a mysterious adventure to Mimi and her inner circle.  


This fast paced story is full of tension and action, you won’t be able to put it down until the very end.

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slay It With A Diamond is Book Three in The Diamond District Mystery Series. It is a cozy mystery with drama, suspense, action, danger, secrets, lies, humor, and witty banter. The story is set in New York City’s Diamond District and centers around the character of Mimi who is an amateur sleuth. Mimi used to be a journalist and loves a good mystery that she can delve into. As she digs into the mystery behind a cursed diamond she uncovers long-buried secrets, family feuds, and scandals that put her life in danger. A great read that takes Mimi into the cutthroat world of diamonds and how sinister it can be. The characters are quirky, and Mimi is someone that can be simultaneously smart and somewhat naive. Her boyfriend seems to help her remain focused and grounded. An entertaining read with twists and turns that will compel you to read to the end.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Megan Conley

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I’m a sucker for shiny things and murder so when I had an opportunity to read about diamonds and murder…sign me up! This is book 3 in the series and while you don’t necessarily need to read the other 2, I think it would help. I liked the idea of the plot being a hybrid learn about diamonds/murder mystery and it was done well…but there were parts that were very slow for me and just really kind of overdone. The beginning was hard for me to get into, but once I did, it was able to keep my interest. I also felt that there was a lot of time spent on characters that weren’t necessarily integral to the plot and that slowed the book down as well. I liked it…it was a fine read.

Reviewed by @meggs1717
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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Slay It With a Diamond</a> by <a href=””>Rob Bates</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
When I read this book I did not realise it was the third book in a series. It really reads very well as a stand alone.<br />Mimi is a bussing journalist and amaetur sleuth that sees herself as a detective, she does come across a little ditzy but quite lovable and she is definitely full of enthusiasm especially in this case with the ‘cursed black diamond’<br />The story itself keeps you entertained and the characters develop as the story unfolds. It is not my usual genre to read but I found it quite enthralling, and the need to know what happens keeps you reading. <br />Certainly an author I will be looking at reading more from. <br />
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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Rayne East

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cozy mystery
The third book in The Diamond District Mystery Series is a story filled with tension, suspense and intrigue. This was balanced with witty banter and an array of interesting characters. I enjoyed the storyline but did struggle to connect to Mimi, she was a bit over the top at times. This didn’t detract from the story as the writing was good and flowed well and kept me engaged until the end. I’m curious enough to want to check out other books in this series. Recommend.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by April McCoy

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

New to the Rob Bates mystery-verse, and impressed with the attention to detail in this story. The characters were good, the story easy to follow, it was a good exciting read. I only gave 4 stars because it took me a bit to get into it which is a personal problem not the authors fault!

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by M Policicchio

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first book by this author and not my usual cup of tea, but it was interesting and sprinkled with a few twists and kept the action moving to keep my interest.

Mimi isn’t where she thought she would or wants to be. Mimi had a short lived career as a journalist and when that ended she wound up working for her father in his diamond store. She is in a long-term relationship with Michael, but she is not sure where that is headed because after a year together, she has yet to meet his daughter or his mother.

When Mimi reaches out to an old friend about a writing job, the friend, Rosalyn, asks about meeting with Mimi’s dad to sell a diamond. The diamond is a rare black diamond that is supposedly cursed. When the diamond causes problems for a different friend of Mimi’s, she feels the need to investigate the history of the diamond to prove that it is not cursed. Through this process, Mimi also finds out what happened to Rosalyn.

Mimi puts her life, her father’s business, her relationship with Michael and her freedom at risk to solve this mystery. With all the twists and suspects along the way, a solution is found!!

The book was a good way to spend a rainy afternoon.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Fun, fast paced cozy mystery that was very enjoyable. Slay it with a Diamond is Book 3 in the Diamond District Mysteries and this is the first book I picked up from this author and series and I will be definitely will have to circle back and read the other books. I love to curl up to a good cozy mystery with murder, mafia, secrets, lies and a diamond.

Mimi Rosen works for her father’s business in the diamond industry, even though she would love to find some work as a freelance journalist, her passion. When a chance encounter of a precious diamond comes in, at first Max Rosen, Mimi’s dad is a bit hesitant. With this diamond, it opens up secrets and murder….will Mimi sleuth out the truth…

Definitely read and find out!! Very good story and very enjoyable.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Though I have not read the prior two books in the Diamond District Mystery Series, I had no trouble understanding the characters and their dynamics. This was a fun read that kept me guessing until the very end. I loved the various family dynamics and Mimi is a super relatable lead character. I mean, who doesn’t love a book about a cursed diamond?! Slay It With a Diamond is a fun mystery book and I look forward to reading the rest of the series and more books from Rob Bates.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Maikalani Alexander

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Slay it with a diamond peaked my interest because of the murder mystery. It was a bit hard to fall along with the transitions of characters speaking in first person versus third. The mystery was a good one but the ending became overwhelming with its information. An entire chapter or 2 dedicated to a couple that weren’t the main.
I enjoyed the female characters quirkiness and her love for solving mysteries, being a good daughter, and striving to become something great.

The last few chapters of the book could be considered an epilogue there really wasn’t much warrant to them other than providing insight to what happens to the non main characters and to the main character. Wrapping up a few ends to something mentioned at the beginning of the chapter.

Overall the mystery was great, I could do without the considerably detailed ending of their life after the mystery’s been solved however I’m sure some will enjoy that.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Whisper Hymer

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slay It With a Diamond is part of the Diamond District Mystery series by Rob Bates. This was my first introduction to this author but it did seem that the stories are interconnected. It was fine as a stand-alone though.
This story follows Mimi as she and her father buy a supposedly cursed black diamond. Bad news follows the diamond causing Mimi to investigate the murder of a once-close, now estranged friend. As threats continue to mount, it puts pressure on Mimi and all her close relationships. The Book was a lovely who-done-it with some fun twists.

Reviewed by @WhisperHymer

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Dawn Mitchell

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 3 of the series. It can be read as a standalone but I think youd understand some things better if you read in order. Its slow in the beginning but picks up an youll learn all about diamonds. Max an Mimi keep it fun and entertaining.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Ashley McMillon

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m a true crime lover, and I listen to some pretty awesome podcasts about crime, that lead you down the path of mystery.  I was so excited to get deep into this book and read a work of fiction that is crime related.  Loved reading this book so much and I need to find the time to catch up on book’s 1 and 2!  I originally forgot that this is a stand alone book! I was so easily able to follow the story and this is book number 3 which is quite amazing.  I love that i was able to get lost in the mystery, and though at times I wanted to solve it, I was STILL wrong!

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Slay It With A Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates- Review by Heather Knalls

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mimi is a journalist at heart but left the business to come back and work for her fathers diamond company. Rosalyn was a friend that Mimi met while working at a PR firm back in the day. She is now married into a very influential family the Lowery’s. They own one of the biggest name diamond businesses in the area. Rosalyn has called up Mimi to set up the sale of a diamond, but Mimi doesn’t feel comfortable with it due to who Rosalyn’s husband is and what he does. Rosalyn has come to sell the Heartbrooch, which is an intricate golden brooch with an almost perfect black diamond as its center. After selling said diamond to Mimi and her father Rosalyn is found murdered. Now everyone is saying the brooch belongs to them and Mimi and her father no longer know what to do with this cursed diamond brooch. Will Mimi find out what happened to Rosalyn or will she find herself in more trouble than she already is?

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Slay It With A Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Amanda Gonzalez

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book three of the Diamond District Mystery Series, this book focuses on the mystery of a supposedly cursed diamond. Mimi, the main character and sleuthing journalist, works with her diamond dealer father, and her fiancé cop to solve a murder left in the wake of the diamond. I started reading this series with this book, which can easily be read as a stand-alone, though I now have the first two books on my to-be-read list after reading this adventure. Though the beginning did start slower than I’d like typically, the approach did work for this book – especially seeing as this is the first of the series I’ve had the pleasure to read. I enjoyed the build-up of the story and the character interactions and dynamics the author showcased.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Amelia Stansell

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book of the series. It was a good book. It can be read as a stand alone. Max is offered to buy a “cursed” diamond; of course, he buys it. He doesn’t believe in curses. Soon after it’s in his possession the wife of the jeweler ends up dead. Mimi, his daughter and journalist, investigates this crime. She likes to jump head first and not always think before she does something. She partners up with her boyfriend cop to find the killer.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Kirsten Berkebile

This is the first book I have read by Rob Bates. I couldn’t put it down at all, I actually read the book in one day. There is a lot going on throughout the story, there is love, death, confessions, and of course diamonds. We all know that Diamonds are a girl’s best friend at least what we are told growing up. However, in the diamond in this story is not meant to be anyone’s best friend. Mimi finds herself under attack once her and her family purchase the “cursed diamond” from the wife of a famous jeweler who is found murdered. Can Mimi find out who murdered her friend without getting hurt herself? Read to find out and to see what happens to the diamond at the end.

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by Rob Bates. I couldn’t put it down at all, I actually read the book in one day. There is a lot going on throughout the story, there is love, death, confessions, and of course diamonds. We all know that Diamonds are a girl’s best friend at least what we are told growing up. However, in the diamond in this story is not meant to be anyone’s best friend. Mimi finds herself under attack once her and her family purchase the “cursed diamond” from the wife of a famous jeweler who is found murdered. Can Mimi find out who murdered her friend without getting hurt herself? Read to find out and to see what happens to the diamond at the end.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Kristin Boutelle

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The third book can be read as a standalone even though it’s part of a series. This book did start very slow to me, once you got about halfway through the book it got way more interesting. The characters interact and complement each other pretty well. There is a lot of information about the diamond industry and the diamonds itself. The family feud and the cursed diamond made the story more interesting. It is a good read for when you have downtime during the day.

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