
Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery) by Rob Bates- reviewed by Stephanie Dulac

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slay it with a diamond is the third book in this series. Although I was late to this series, so I did not read the first two books, but I was still able to follow this book with no issues. I plan on going back and catching up, also this is the first book that I have read by this author. Slay it with a diamond is a fast-paced cozy mystery read. I highly recommend this book. I enjoyed reading about Max who stole a cursed diamond and follow along with his daughter Mimi Rosen Durning this journey of life. Honestly if it wasn’t for work I would of had this book done a lot faster. I look forward to reading more books by this author and i highly recommend this book be added to your TBR list. Thank you to this author for a great series.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the series but can easily be read as a standalone. I learned more about diamonds than I would have in any jewelry store. Bates knowledge of the diamond trade is well woven through this entertaining novel. There is a glossary of Yiddish/Hebrew words and diamond Industry terms provided at the back of the book, which is a great help for the reader. The plot begins with the sale of a supposed cursed black diamond. We are then put in the dangers of the diamond world, curses, the rich and powerful, family feuds, lies, and secrets. I knew there would be trouble as soon as Mimi talked about African Diamonds! You’ll enjoy this cozy mystery too!

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by La Toya Lewis

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates is the third book in the Diamond District Mystery series. Although this book is part of a series it is able to read as a stand-alone. Mimi Rosen is working in her father’s jewelry store when a former friend contacts her to sell a ‘cursed diamond”. Though Mimi and her father Max don’t want to believe the diamond they just acquired is cursed, things start to happen that make it seem that it may very well be. This was a good cozy mystery. The plot is well-written and keeps you engaged. The main character is relatable. There is humor and wit and some good surprises. I really liked reading Max and Mimi’s interactions. This book is good for mystery fans.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Kiana Gunderson (Corley)

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great read that keeps you wanting to know more. This book has a well-developed plot that makes you want to find out what is going to happen next.

This book follows the story of a cursed diamond. Mimi Rosen is a young journalist and enjoys sleuthing to find out the truth behind things. After her father purchases this cursed diamond and her mother ends up dead this kicks her sleuthing into high gear. Her sleuthing leads her to find out more about the jeweler who sold the diamond and the history of their family.

What happens when something seems too unreal to be true? Do curses really exist or did something else happen? What other secrets lie behind a powerful family in the diamond industry? Is the curse real or just a way to get people interested in this diamond?

Read this book to find out what Mimi and her boyfriend are able to find out.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Tausha Treadway

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates. This is my first read by this author but it won’t be my last. It’s the 3rd book in the Diamond District series but can be read as a standalone. I really enjoyed it. Its a fast paced mystery that will have you flipping pages until you finish. Its the story of Max Rosen a diamond dealer in New York when he is offered to purchase a cursed diamond he buys it because he doesn’t believe in curses. When the wife of the jeweler who sole him the diamond ends up dead he has second thoughts about curses. Mimi is Max’s daughter and she’s an investigative journalist so she decides to investigate the death of the dealers wife. What she finds is a dangerous world of diamond dealings that is as cutthroat as it gets! Will Mimi come out of this investigation alive? She tends to be really impulsive and the danger she is dealing with is not to be handled lightly. Such a good fast paced mystery.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Kerry Baker

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a well written mystery story filled with suspense and intrigue. Somehow, I think this is my first book involving a mystery about diamonds and I fully enjoyed every moment of it. This is the third book in the series but can be read as a standalone. It is easy to become invested in what is happening and I found myself swept up by the mystery that needed to be solved.
The characters were all good to read about and added to the overall story. I struggled a few times to fully connect with Mimi, but as the story went one I warmed to her and enjoyed her role in the book. This is a great book and I will be going back to read the others.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Elisha Johnson

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery) by Rob Bates- 4 out of 5 stars

What a gem! Pun intended. This book is part of a series but it can most definitely be read as a stand-alone. If you are interested in the world of jewelry or gemstones, this is the book for you. The book was very knowledged and informative on the subject which I both loved and respected. I recommend this book.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book #3) by Rob Bates – Review by Angela Hayes

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Slay It With A Diamond is the third book in The Diamond District Mystery Series by Rob Bates. This is an intriguing cozy mystery with crime and investigation, drama, a snapshot of the diamond/jewellery industry, secrets, scandal, revelations, humour, witty banter, sassiness, danger, tension, suspense, and surprising developments.
I hadn’t realised that this was the third instalment when I dived in- but luckily, even though it is well into the series, it can be read as a standalone. Having said that though, I am intrigued by what might have happened in the previous books, so I will definitely be going back and explore the other two books before continuing on with any new instalments.
I did enjoy the story, although it did get a little wordy in places, but thankfully that didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment of the mystery. Mimi took some getting used to, as she really annoyed me to begin with, which made it hard to connect with her- but I eventually found my groove as I got to know her better. The characters are well developed individuals with their own unique quirks and flaws, which gave the story an added element of interest and believability.
I also appreciated the glossary of Yiddish/Hebrew/ and Diamond Industry terms provided at the back of the book- it also added interest, as well as making things easier to ‘understand’.
The series (so far) contains:
-A Murder Is Forever (Book #1)
-Murder Is Not A Girl’s Best Friend (Book #2)
-Slay It With A Diamond (Book #3)
Looking forward to more from Mr. Bates.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Rob Bates!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Julie Johnson

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Max Rosen does not believe in curses so when he’s offered a “cursed” diamond, he goes through with the transaction to acquire a rare black diamond. Max’s daughter, Mimi, is an amateur sleuth who starts investigating the lore behind the diamond. She comes across several different versions of the story that she is able to filter out.

This was a good book that held my attention throughout. The characters are well-developed and the story is easy to follow. There is mystery and intrigue, along with a small bit of romance, although that’s almost as complicated as the mystery.

This book is a part of a series but can be read as a standalone. There are mentions to previous cases involving Mimi but I don’t feel that missing the backstory affected this one.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging cozy mystery which kept me hooked throughout. Having not realised it was part of a series I happily read it as a standalone story, however as I enjoyed this story I will be reading the previous books in the series. Max Rosen is a diamond dealer in New York and when he’s offered a ‘cursed’ diamond he buys it as he does not believe in curses. That is until the wife of the famous jeweller who sold him the ‘cursed’ gem ends up dead. Max’s daughter Mimi, a journalist and amateur sleuth decides to investigate along with her policeman boyfriend. The couple are soon drawn into the jewellers powerful family’s rather dark history, which includes bitter family feuds and long buried scandals. Mimi ends up at the family’s opulent mansion where she is rather surprised to find evidence that not only is the curse real but that it might kill her next. This was a fast paced story with an intriguing storyline and quirky characters which kept me happily turning the pages. It was a fun and at times humorous read, and the mystery element kept me guessing as the plot was full of twists and turns. An entertaining read.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by Jenni Bishop

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Slay It With a Diamond is the third book in The Diamond District Mystery Series. Even though this is the third book in the series you could easily read it as a standalone. I am coming in from the wrong end and didn’t realise it until the end so will have to go back and start with the first book.
It is a fun cosy mystery set in the heart of New York City’s Diamond District. Rob gives us an entertaining story which showcases his flawless knowledge and understanding of such a world.
Our journalist turned detective, well detective might be a stretch, amateur sleuth is a better description, finds herself smack dab in the middle of the dark and dangers cutthroat underworld of diamonds, curses, the rich and powerful, feuds, lies and secrets.
Mimi is an interesting character and I’m not really sure how to take her she is a mess really. She is naïve and jumps headfirst before thinking, thank God for her boyfriend is all I can say. I had mixed feeling about her at times and some of the other interesting and eclectic characters.
There is mystery, tension, suspense, sass, wit and humour that I found myself laughing at times and shaking my head at others.
It is a well-paced story that kept me guessing with enough twists and turns to keep the pages turning.
Overall, this is a fun and entertaining and informative tale.
I look forward to seeing what Rob brings next to the table.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates
Author Website –
Genre – Cozy Mystery
Page Count – 258
Cover Designer – CAMEL PRESS

Would you buy a “cursed” diamond?   New York diamond dealer Max Rosen would. He doesn’t believe in curses. But that was before the wife of the famous jeweler who sold him a supposedly “cursed” gem ended up dead.  

 Soon, Max’s daughter-journalist-turned-amateur-sleuth Mimi Rosen-and her policeman boyfriend are drawn into the dark history of the jeweler’s powerful family.

The trail leads Mimi to their opulent mansion, where she uncovers long-buried scandals, a bitter family feud, plus surprising evidence the curse is real-and might kill her next.   Fun and fast-paced, and filled with heart and humor, SLAY IT WITH A DIAMOND not only puts the diamond and jewelry industry under the microscope, but tackles the age-old question of why sparkly objects enchant us so.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates

Rob Bates has written about the diamond industry for three decades. He is currently the news director of JCK, the leading publication in the jewelry industry. There, he has won 12 editorial awards, and been quoted as an industry authority in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and on National Public Radio. He is also a comedy writer and performer, whose work has appeared on FuseTV,, and Mcsweeneys. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and son.