
Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nothing good happens after midnight, except in Stars Like Gasoline. I was hooked from the first chapter and had to keep reading to find out what was going on! There is plenty of mystery, a little bit of romance, tension and a little bit of the paranormal thrown into the mix. I enjoyed the plot of Stars Like Gasoline and you will too!

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Maikalani Alexander

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Recommended for ages 16+

Thrilling. Remember the ghost stories, things that go bump in the night, shadows that seem to move on their own? Well this book has all of that and more. Get ready for the goosebumps.

Starts off blazing; laying the suspense and supernatural spook on thick. The first chapter pulls you in tight. Celia and Adrian have a slow burning romance that tends to speed up just as quickly as the mystery winds tighter and tighter.

Love a good suspense ? This is the book for you; add a little romance and it became *chef’s kiss* perfection

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Donya Pedigo

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover is a suspenseful paranormal tale with ghosts/spirits, mystery, family, friendship, love, loss, and even a few darker topics that may be sensitive for some, such as abuse, slurs, violence, and stalking. The author broached these topics in such a way that I wasn’t triggered by them, but I wanted to mention them as a precaution for others that might be.

Jessika Grewe Glover has written an interwoven/ layered complex storyline of ghosts and their past lives along with living people in a different time. I applaud the great skills she used to keep all these layers from getting jumbled up and confusing. The characters are so creative and well written as well that they draw you into the story and make you want to know more about their lives past and present. All the connections and mysteries keep you guessing as you laugh at the banter and characters’ antics. It has a good mix of scary, funny, and drama-filled scenes.

We start off meeting Celia, an art curator who, with the help of her brother Oscar and friend Adrian, will try to figure out all the mysteries surrounding the spirits and those of the house she bought. This gets really interesting as Celia can see ghosts and has been able to since she was young. She has just accepted this fact over time, which amazed me. Their hunt for answers takes several wild turns and no one expects the events that follow. This is a well written story and many will enjoy it!

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Jade Brunton

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was the first book that I have read from this author. The synopsis drew me in but the story kept me here! The story line was original and it kept me entertained. This book was great from start to finish! It was spooky, mysterious and romantic. The characters in the book were amazing, the support of family and the culture really tied it all together for me.

By @jaderockslife

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Felicia Bates

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was drawn in by the synopsis of this book and truly looked forward to reading a novel with paranormal elements. I tend to gravitate toward a lot of the same authors so I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book, since this author was new to me. Not only did the storyline exceed my expectations, I was really impressed with the author’s writing style. What I enjoyed most, however, were the main characters. Each character was written in a strong way and truly enjoyable. I was also surprised by the range of emotion the story held. There were a lot of entertaining complexities, far more intricate than the “campfire ghost story” I was anticipating. This is definitely a book I’d recommend by an author I will be looking out for.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book that I read from this author and found it to be enjoyable. This paranormal mystery has it all – ghosts, romance, danger and more!

The plot was intriguing and the author balanced suspense and humour well to create a great story. This alongside a collection of well-developed characters made the story really stand out to me. I loved it!

Events and characters are woven together so well in a way that isn’t always obvious. The ghost element drew me in at first, but the connections in mystery elements blew me away.

I was very invested and couldn’t put the book down. I’ll be looking out for more from this author!

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Shannen Kern

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading Stars Like Gasoline! This was the first book I’ve read by this author, so I was pleasantly surprised by the complex characters and incredibly detailed world-building. The author expertly combines past and present creating a magnificent flow of the story, as well as a very realistic experience for the reader. I find that most stories only dive deep into one character and the rest support that one, but this book really developed each character incredibly well! I plan on following this author closely because their writing style is nothing short of amazing. I highly recommend picking this one up, especially if you enjoy romantic suspense with a major paranormal theme.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An entertaining read with an intriguing storyline and a host of fascinating characters, which kept me captivated throughout. Florida art curator, Celia purchases the house of her brother’s deceased fiancé, only to find that its haunted. In order to get rid of the malevolent ghosts who are threatening her life and career, she enlists the help of Oscar, her brother and Adrian, his late fiancé’s best friend. Celia discovers a hidden journal from the 1980s belonging to a revered artist, and this is the start of a series of events which involve a dead French artist, a Dutch aerospace heiress, and a missing presumed dead Japanese painter. Things take a sinister turn when Celia and Oscar are threatened by a stalker. Meanwhile, as Adrian and Celia spend time together deciphering the clues they cannot deny their mutual attraction. However, they get the feeling that someone is playing a game with them all and their lives might actually be in danger. This is an enjoyable and engaging read which drew me in from page one. The setting and characters where brought vividly to life through the descriptive narrative, making me feel immersed in the story. The storyline had a mix of paranormal, mystery, suspense and a slow burn romance, which kept me happily turning the pages.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Melissa Fink

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. Stars like Gasoline was a story about haunting and spirits. The details in the story was on point. I really loved how much detailing was put in the book. The book was a page turner for me. The world building and characters was well thought out also.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Tonya Merritt

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! This is my first book by Jessika Grewe Glover and this book blew me away. I have added her other books to my to- be read lists. Stars Like Gasoline is full of mystery and life. It was a great nighttime read for me; I like ghost stories at night. There is so much culture and details that you normally have to struggle in some books to find. This one was packed full.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Julie Johnson

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had really high hopes for this book as they synopsis looked like something I’d be interested in. However, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get into this book. For starters, it switched back and forth a lot, something that I struggle in keeping up with the storyline. The story took forever to really pick up for me and by then, I was pretty much done. I did want to enjoy this book, and many others have, I just couldn’t get into it.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stars Like Gasoline had me riveted from the first few pages and it was impossible to put down. I love a good ghost story and this one had it all with haunted houses, paranormal happenings, ghosts, apparitions, mystery, suspense, drama, and danger. The storyline immediately intrigued me and captured my attention because it was full of ghostly apparitions and hauntings right at the start. Although the book immediately captured my attention because of the phantoms in the museum, that was not all there was to the story.

The story is centered around Celia, an art curator, and has an air of mystery and suspense when an art heist takes place. This book is superbly written with vivid scenes that pull you into the story alongside the characters. Each scene is described in so much detail that you are immersed in that time and place, seeing the same things as the MC, Celia. The apparitions appear before your very eyes. The artwork magically appears before you. It is all very surreal to experience and magical in its feel. You will surely feel the goosebumps start popping out on your arms and feel the tingling as the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when the ghostly apparitions come at you. The characters were well crafted, and the storyline was multi-faceted with interwoven elements of romance, poetic prose, family relationships, love, secrets, loss, and hidden agendas. I look forward to reading more from this new to me author.

View all my reviews@tarab

Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by April McCoy

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a spider web I got caught in. This book was incredible. A new author for me and boy did she leave her mark! What an intriguing and mysterious tale! Celia was fantastic, such a well thought out MC, and Adrian was such a complimentary character for her. The chemistry was there along with the mystery and page turning moments, and of course, the ghosts! I couldn’t get enough of this read and can’t recommend it enough! I wish this was a series because the trio was perfect!!!

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Jennifer Crain

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first third of the book, in my opinion, I had a hard time differentiating between the stories of the French artist and Japanese artists’ stories. Once I had the story lines straight, I loved how the author intertwines past histories and current relationships to make you keep reading to find out what happens next. I will warn you- there are some tough scenes (physical abuse, kidnapping, etc), but overall, I fell in love with Celia’s story as she navigates a new friendship.

Not usually reading book with ghosts, I liked how I stepped out of my comfort zone and reading a book where a spirit ends up playing a large part of the plot line. I appreciated the French and Spanish phrases being either explained or paraphrased, because they were a nice touch to the story yet I am unfortunately monolinguistic. Overall, the plot moved fast enough, I am looking forward to reading more from this author.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Angela Hayes

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover is the first book that I have read by this author, so I really didn’t know what to expect going in. It turned out to be a very intriguing and well-woven paranormal mystery with suspense, slow-burn romance, layers, ghosts, a haunted house, love, loss, drama, danger, secrets, agendas, family, friendship, humour, banter, wit, and much more.
Celia is thrust into quite an unexpected mystery involving art heists, a haunted house, a stalker, and buried secrets. Her ability to see ghosts adds an extra element of interest to the story, as does all the clever interconnected details.
This story wouldn’t have had the same impact if it weren’t for the stellar cast of characters- all of which were so fully developed. The complex, layered storyline was quite engrossing- and had me following along avidly to find out how things would play out in the end.
Well worth the read!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Jessika Grewe Glover!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Sheri Schrader

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stars Like Gasoline is an interesting mystery read. I was drawn in by the blurb and got so much more than I expected. Not only is there an art link but a Hitchcockian-style mystery. Celia, an art curator, gets drawn into so many events after buying the house of her brother’s dead fiance. I enjoyed the characters and how they all played a part in the story. This was well-written and kept me reading. I got drawn into the story and everything going on and did not want to put the book down. This was my first read by this author, and now I will look forward to reading more by her in the future. I highly recommend this if you like intriguing stories with mystery, art, and more.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Jenni Bishop

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Stars Like Gasoline is my first introduction to Jessika and her unique way of telling a story. I have never read anything by this author before and I was delightfully surprised. She has cleverly orchestrated a cast of well-developed characters in a tale that will have you checking dark corners as the chills as thrills intensify your senses.
What makes Stars Like Gasoline so encompassing is that it has multi-faceted complex plots and storylines. They are carefully woven together to give us the right amount of mystery, intrigue, suspense and some paranormal elements. The characters are just as equally complex and fully realised and delightful.
Ghostly encounters, missing artists, an international art scandal, romance, and a stalker and so much more
Celia loves her job is an art curator for a museum where she suddenly finds herself thrust into the underbelly of fine art and the art world. It is interesting to read about each painting and piece of sculpture as Jessika’s passion and vivid descriptions brings them to life and makes it hard to believe they aren’t real.
I love to watch the British TV show Fake Or Fortune where owners find out if the piece of art they have procured is a real piece by the artist or a fake. It made this story much more relatable and real.
The story is beautifully written despite the spine-tingling ghostly encounters that haunt Celia.
leaves us feeling as if the characters will invite us into their home for fine wine, good conversation and a few extra secrets after turning the last page.
If you love a good mystery, ghosts, with a sweet romantic tale then you will love Stars Like Gasoline.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Christine Baranek

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stars Like Gasoline
By: Jessika Grewe Glover

This book was sooo good and suspenseful. Books that feature ghosts / spirits are not normally my cup of tea but something about this book called to me and I decided to give it a try. I am so very glad I did. Celia buys a house that once belonged to her brother’s fiance. What she doesn’t buy is everything that comes with the house. And by that I mean the spirits and the chaos that ensues. On top of the spirits in the house there is a stalker and a police department that is less than helpful. What ends up is a fantastic book that I definitely did not want to end. I recommend picking this one up as it is so well written and enchanting.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this story. This is a newer author for me which I enjoyed her writing skills and attention to details. I look forward to seeing what is next for her. I found this book to be well written and hard to put down. It is a story full of spirits and haunting. Celia buys a house that once belonged to her brother’s finance. What she was expecting to find was the spirit and the events that follow. This is an engaging story where the characters pull you in from the beginning. They are creative, unique, connectable and supportive of each other. I enjoyed what they brought to the story and how realistic it is. There is great growth with the plot as well as with the characters throughout the story. This is a story that you don’t want to miss. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Shelly Kittell

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an intense story! I jumped in right from the start and didn’t come up for air until I finished the story. The intensity just grabs you. I love the suspense and how the author wrote it into the story. The author does a tremendous job of introducing the characters to us. The plot is out-of-this world. This is a story that just might make you rethink turning those lights off (even if it is a stalker, I’m not telling). This is a definite must read.

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Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover

(˶◡‿◡)(´ ❥ `) BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE (´ ❥ `)(˶◡‿◡)
Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
Genre – Romantic Suspense
Page Count – 370
Cover Designer – Miblart

When Celia, a Florida art curator, purchases the haunted house of her brother’s deceased fiancé, the spirits threaten her life and her career. To rid the home of the malevolent ghosts, she enlists the help of her brother, Oscar, and Adrian, the best friend of Oscar’s late fiancé. The three are about to be thrown into a chasm of events involving a dead French artist, a Dutch aerospace heiress, and a missing Japanese painter who is presumed to be dead. Not to mention a stalker who begins to threaten Celia and Oscar.

 The link between these events appears to be a hidden journal from the 1980s, belonging to a revered French artist, that Celia discovers in the home. As Adrian helps decipher the clues, an attraction burns between him and Celia, raising the stakes of the game someone is playing with their lives. A game that no one might make it out of alive.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover

 Jessika Grewe Glover grew up along the humid shores of South Florida, eventually marrying her British husband and moving to Los Angeles, where they live with their two teenage children and rescue bulldog. Jessika writes multiple genres from literary to speculative fiction. When she is not writing or reading, she can be found traveling, creating art, making chocolate dragons, and bantering in song lyrics. She is the author of the Another Beast’s Skin contemporary fantasy series. Stars Like Gasoline is her first contemporary fiction novel.

Author Interview with Jessika Grewe Glover