
Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Mary Espinoza

Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #1)Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first read by this author, and I was not disappointed one bit! If you love fantasy, conflict, different point of character views, this book is for you! I have to say I was intrigued from the moment I read the first page! Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel is book one in the Guardians of the PHAE series by Rowan Dillon. Rowan did a wonderful job of bringing Anna, a teacher who is trying figure out who she really is, Max a solider, who is trying to overcome his PTSD, and mixing the two different character’s worlds to life. She also did a fantastic job on explaining the difficulties that the people with magic powers face. This book reminded me of a cross between Lord of the Rings and the School of Good and Evil! All I have to say is once you start reading, make sure you have a comfy place to relax and all the snacks you could will need to stay put, because I’m telling you, once you pick this book up you won’t be putting it down till it’s finished, enjoy the ride!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #1)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel</a> by <a href=””>Rowan Dillon</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
The authors have created a completely immersive and all-encompassing world, where after the poles have shifted slightly certain people develop talents, those people are classified the Unhidden. Mostly made up in people with a natural belief in the older ways and those who’s histories are based in magic.<br />It does bring to the forefront that which many of us understand, that of prejudice and how as a human race those seen as different are often targeted before understanding has taken place.<br />This book is the first in the series and I found the characters really well written and their relationships grown and change as the story develops. Some relationships start to bud as we find the areas the Unhidden have settled in around Ireland are attacked by the Pure Earther Movement and others. <br />There is a traitor in their mist, one who has familiar bonds to another Unhidden still finding her strengths. Their healer needs to fight constantly to do her best for those under the protection of PHAE and those in her family. <br />I am going straight onto book 2<br />
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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Megan Watson

Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #1)Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It’s not too hard to imagine a magnetic pole shift activating the hidden bloodlines from the legends of our ancestors. It’s even easier to imagine society being afraid of change and attempting to stomp it out no matter the means necessary. A group of misfits all afflicted with new powers end up at a safe house in Ireland to learn about the new changes within them. Targeted by fear and prejudice, the “Unhidden” must learn to control their powers and work together in order to survive.
The concept of this story is believable and quite unique. The multiple POVs made it hard to fully immerse myself into the story and it jumped around a lot. I really liked the inclusion of multiple cultures, but the characters were written very alike in opinions and feelings despite different faiths and races.
The ending did have me on the edge of my seat. And I have to pick up the next book to check on a few of the characters I was able to get to know.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Megan Watson

Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan DillonMy rating: 3 of 5 starsIt’s not too hard to imagine a magnetic pole shift activating the hidden bloodlines from the legends of our ancestors. It’s even easier to imagine society being afraid of change and attempting to stomp it out no matter the means necessary. A group of misfits all afflicted with new powers end up at a safe house in Ireland to learn about the new changes within them. Targeted by fear and prejudice, the “Unhidden” must learn to control their powers and work together in order to survive.The concept of this story is believable and quite unique. The multiple POVs made it hard to fully immerse myself into the story and it jumped around a lot. I really liked the inclusion of multiple cultures, but the characters were written very alike in opinions and feelings despite different faiths and races.The ending did have me on the edge of my seat. And I have to pick up the next book to check on a few of the characters I was able to get to know.View all my reviews

Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Lucy Machard

Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #1)Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and it’s definitely an interesting story. It’s almost an Irish X-Men story. The character development throughout the book is something I enjoyed. The book is fairly lengthy, and took me a bit to go through. The writing style is also a little more complex than what I normally read, but I did appreciate that there is a pronunciation guide in the front of the book, considering that while I do have Irish roots, I don’t speak the language very well. If you love modern fantasy/urban fantasy, then this is definitely the book for you!

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Taming the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Michaela Massie

Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #1)Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Anna Taylor’s life has been turned upside down. Some people who carry some old blood have had…some changes; some physical, and some magical in nature. And the world is NOT ready, for any of this. Anna Taylor is one of those few. And after her new found changes were forcibly told to the world, she had to run. Read this awesome book and follow Anna on her journey as she discovers more about herself and others like her, while trying to keep herself and her new friends alive as they try and find their place in the world.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Amanda LaMiller

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you love fantasy, conflict multi character views, this book is for you. I have to say the cover art drew me in at first sight. Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel is book one in the Guardians of the PHAE series by Rowan Dillon. Rowan did a fantastic job of bringing Anna a teacher trying to figure out who she is, Max a solider working to overcome his PTSD, and their world to life. Make sure you have a comfy place to relax and all the snacks you could ever need because once you pick this book up you won’t be putting it down till it’s finished, enjoy the ride!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At first it was a little difficult to read and keep track of all of the different characters, but once I got further into it, it got easier to read. I enjoyed the overall story and the different perspectives and lifestyles. One thing that had made me sad is that it was no different then the perils we are facing in real life, I guess that’s why it hit a little closer to home for me. I loved that it brought in a different kind of “fairy” than we are all used to. It brought into modern day. Overall it was well written and kept me on the edge of my seat! I can’t wait to see what book 2 has in store for us!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by La Toya Lewis

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! That’s all I can say about this book: fantastic world-building, well-written plot, and great characters. While there are a lot of characters it is not difficult to keep track. The plot has a lot of relevance to our real world and it’s easy to see where the author drew references. I absolutely adored the Byrne family. They were a soothing balm for every character; especially little Fiona. I was amazed at how Ms. Dillon pulled off such an intricate yet easy-to-understand plot. I found myself to be very unwilling to put this book down. I can’t wait to read book 2 for a continuation of the cliffhanger that we were left on.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Tia Martel

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Something has changed and magical powers are being given to people who before didn’t have any. With these powers and changes come great fear and a desire to stay unnoticed, but the Unhidden can’t be kept from the public view.

Suddenly, a group of six Unhidden is the only thing standing between peace and death with total destruction and elimination. Can they save themselves and all of the Unhidden?

Taming of the Few was a fun and suspenseful read with great world building. With sass and attitude from the characters, this story really feels like something you can relate to (minus the magic). It is told from a variety of viewpoints, so if that’s not something you enjoy, this may not be a read for you. I’m excited to read more from the Guardians of PHAE series! And the title is definitely fun!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Daryian Lucas

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.6/5 stars
This is such a good I try to the series! I couldn’t put it down. The different POVs are done so well that it’s not confusing at all. This book is also very well written. I was honestly very surprised at how much I liked it. It reminded me of 1950’s USA, but with the “unhiddens” instead. I’m very excited to read not only book two, but more by this author.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Betsy Melano

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author has written an interesting world of fantasy that has aspects we recognize but at the same time gives us differences. The characters are well written regarding their individual powers and are fairly easy to connect with. From the start we can feel the danger and hostility the characters face for being different from the rest of the human race.
Many of the people with powers are finding it hard to stay safe. Those with powers are finding safe haven in Ireland at a school where they can learn more about their abilities and learn to work together. The ones who found sanctuary in Ireland must now work together to keep the school and others who helped them.
I enjoyed reading this first book in the series and I’m looking forward to see how the team continues to work together.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Skylar Daniels

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book that I’ve read from the author, and I was not disappointed. The storyline is amazing and the characters each had a dynamic that went very well with the plot of the story. I recommend this book to anyone. I was able to read the entire book in one sitting. I’m excited to read the second book in the series and see what the author has in store for us readers.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Heather Goodman

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a breath of fresh air. It is different then any other books I’ve read. I love how you get thoughts from every character but it gets kind of hard to keep up with what powers everyone has. Overall this book is definitely worth the read.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Taming of the Few is an exciting urban fantasy, the first in the Guardians of the PHAE series. People around their world are finding dormant magical abilities and mutations manifesting, and facing discrimination and violence as people respond in fear. PHAE have established a haven in Ireland, attracting “Unhidden” who have no option but to leave their own lives behind.
This is an engrossing and entertaining book. The characters really make it for me – they feel like people I know (albeit with paranormal abilities I’m not aware of my friends having!). We learn what makes them feel comfortable and safe, and then watch as they’re taken away from their comfort zone. There are plenty of moments of lightness and character-focused scenes as well as the action and drama.
One thing I really like is that the Unhidden aren’t overpowered. Many have niche and specific abilities, or even inconvenient physical mutations. This means that those who object to the Unhidden can pose a real threat, with the numbers and aggression to have the upper hand. It also means characters can’t rely wholly on their abilities to keep themselves and each other safe.
I’d recommend this book to fans of superhero stories like the X-Men, with characters learning to cope with new and growing powers. It gets five stars from me, and I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Melissa Saxton

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An extremely well done look into what happens if suddenly a subset of the population suddenly changes…
You can suddenly change your eye color, move things with your mind… cool right?
No! new things breed mass hysteria and fear and people with abilities are hunted, arrested and attacked…even though they’ve never lifted a finger against others.
We meet a few characters who have been through world changing experiences and find themselves thrust into protecting others like them. Do they rally together, or is there traitors in their ranks?

this is an intriguing opener to a world of fantasy and emerging powers I’m interested as to where the author takes this group of characters.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Shai Flores

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was intrigued by this book because of the beautiful cover, as well as the fact that it takes place partly in Ireland which made it seem unique. I love the paranormal/fantasy genre and this book was full of interesting and original world-building. It was a lot of information to grasp, and I did have to go back and reread some things so I didn’t get confused on the characters or background information. I know that there is going to be another book (or more) so I am hoping that it will be a little easier to follow now that the characters have been explained.

I loved the idea of the individuals with special abilities having a place where they could be with other unique individuals in a place where they were safe and could learn about themselves. I thought a lot of the issues the characters had that came from being different could be connected to our world today, especially recently. I also am a teacher with anxiety about not always fitting in, so I connected with the main female character Anna a lot. I will definitely be checking out the next book in the series.

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reviewed by @puffprincess

Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE #1) by Rowan Dillon-Review by Amanda Kimble

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Taming of the Few: A Thrilling Irish Urban Fantasy Adventure (Guardians of the PHAE #1) by Rowan Dillon

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Taming of the Few is an amazing book. It’s also the first of the genre I’ve read that’s had me hooked from the beginning. It’s the first book in the Guardians of the PHAE series.

Anna is a teacher who isn’t exactly all human. She’s got scales on her skin and one of her students catches it. She has to hide it before something happens. The quote I chose for Anna is: “I’m not sure what you mean. One of my students came back after practice while I did laps. Surely that’s not an issue?”

Max is a soldier and now he’s teaming up with Anna. Can she help him overcome his PSTD? Can he help her overcome the fact that she’s not exactly all human. The quote I chose for Max is: “Oi, you don’t waste time, do you, Hiroki? I would never have thought it of ya. Look at you, the ladies’ man!”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Fantasy lovers.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Alisa Boomer

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Taming of the Few had such a fresh take on magical hybrids! Strange transformations are taking place in certain bloodlines of people and nobody knows why! Ostracized from society, they are trained & honed to be useful for their own cause. Can Anna keep pace when all she is trained to do is swim? Can she master these powers inside her in time? Absolutely worth the read!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of Phae Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review By Darla Yocom

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This beautifully written book is a treasure and I hope all fantasy fans get the chance to read it. The gorgeous cover had me hooked with the deep colors with a pop of brilliant gold in the center. This magical story starts with following Anna, a young woman who realizes she is in danger once her special abilities come to light and impacts her teaching position. Fate helped her escape the states and travel to Ireland for safety. She meets others like her with strange magical powers, all while trying to learn more about her own power, how to protect herself and others, as well as trying to make a decision about volunteering for a future position within the Phae organization.

Anna finds herself partially covered in scales with skin that screams for the water. She also has a spectacular affinity for somewhat controlling water. However, due to fear and discrimination of those who are not of Unhidden Blood.

The story also introduces other incredible characters such as Max, a military vet with a love of flying and the habit of drinking. He wasn’t thrilled about coming to Ireland, but fellow newbie Phae recruiter, Hiroki, successfully recruited him by making several promises, one of which was access to a new plane. Max is a grumpy old man, he has an impressive background and is a great pilot. He also has the magical ability to speak to the wind, which he is struggling with at the beginning of this book.

The Byrne family’s farm is one of the many training locations for the Phae and they welcome the new folks who have uncovered their Unhidden Blood talents. The family’s personalities are incredible, including the wonderful children. I truly enjoyed the way the author incorporated the different folks into the training location along with the Byrne family. With a large group of folks in one single location for any amount of time could prove to be interesting in any setting, let alone one where the Phae are often on alert for any type of attack from those who misunderstand and refuse to accept those with Unhidden Blood.

I cannot wait to see what the next book will have in store for the characters/story/plot.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Kassandra

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The characters were interesting. The plot was alright. I found there was good descriptions throughout the book. If you are interested in the subject of the Fae, you should give this a read.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Christen Ware

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A multiple POV read leads you through the lives of numerous characters, each with their own prejudice and opinions about what the world is. Each marked with an ability that some view as a gift and others a curse, the reader is led through multiple tiers of struggle, betrayal, romance, sense of duty, and longing for acceptance. The journey for each began in a part of the world where their “kind” is far from accepted. With abilities that must be hidden or face extreme prejudice and belittling circumstances, the reader is taken along the journey of found family and development of powers to quite literally, save the world they know.

The author draws deep both historical and religious contexts to portray a story that truly draws out the horrors of what human beings are capable of. The blanket of fantasy adds a foggy glass through which the reader is able to view the world, but the pinpricks of realism draw all the nearer with each new revelation. A captivating read deems you into a hold that the pages fly by, and the world comes alive around you.

All the characters, despite their numerous backgrounds and stories, all merge together in a singular plot for their survival against genocide. A reader can do little more than root for each new POV that is splayed across the pages, their emotions sometimes in stark contrast to one another. It is oftentimes that I found myself loving one character through a viewpoint, and then hating them upon a switch. It just proves the talent that the author portrays.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Personally I have never read something by this author before, but this was an interesting read for my first time. This book was full of so many wonderful things, and was overall a great story. While the story and the plot were both fantastic, I did find myself getting lost a couple of times because of all of the different characters and their abilities. But overall it is a well thought out book, with plenty of action, great characters, and more. So if your looking for a complex but interesting read pick this one up today.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Jenni Bishop

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

This is the first book in this exciting new fantasy series. It is full of danger, tension, action and adventure. The story premise is interesting. There are a lot of unique characters with different powers and a lot of information was given for their back stories. Unfortunately, it felt a bit too bogged down with that information and I had to back track and reread bits to try to keep it straight in my mind. It was set in the beautiful country of Ireland which made it easy to imagine.

The Unhidden are now faced with not only dealing with a world in war and chaos but they struggle having to learn what they have become and their new abilities and powers.

I am intrigued to see where Rowan takes us next.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Angela Hayes

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


Taming of the Few is the first book in the Guardians of Phae series by Rowan Dillon (Christy Nicholas). The author has woven a fantastic world in which to set this creative story. It is an urban fantasy with tension, drama, ‘superheros’, adventure, danger, banter, a mysteriousness, and more.
While I loved the premise of this new book/series, as well as some of the details and developments- I felt that the story did ‘lag’ in places, and at times got really bogged down by character introductions and ‘information dumps’. There are quite a lot of characters who get introduced- which was a lot to keep track of times. Being the first book in the series, I guess the author was trying to lay the ‘foundations’ to the rest of the series here in the first book- so I am hoping that the rest of the series will flow better and not be weighed down by so many characters and infodumps, as I really am intrigued to see where we go from here.
Love the cover!

Thank you, Rowan Dillon.


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I first saw this book I was intrigued. It pulled me in with its pretty Cover and interesting Synopsis and the authors writing was really good so i couldnt put it down. It was a fantasy Thriller that kept me on my toes with this huge world that this author build for us. I am looking forward to more by this author in the future!
Happy Reading!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Rachel Moss

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great read! It was enthralling, well written, and also difficult to read in some spots, in regard to prejudices. I was very surprised going into this one, because I honestly just didn’t expect it to be this good. I haven’t read anything from this author before so I wasn’t sure what to expect but this sure wasn’t it. I’m VERY appreciative of the pronunciation guide in this book, as some of the words are extremely difficult to pronounce. But overall this was an amazing read and I can’t wait for the sequel!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Vanessa Watts

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by this author so I came into it not knowing what to expect! Overall, this is a pretty good book but definitely easy to lose the storyline at times because there are so many characters with differing abilities!

We start out meeting Anna who has just been relieved of her teaching position and attacked by an angry mob all because of her growing abilities which she had no control over. After being attacked by an angry mob she flees to Ireland which is touted as a safe haven for the unhidden. There we meet Max who is also an unhidden, war veteran. As the unhidden flock to Ireland they are catalogs based on the unhidden ability they possess. Some have strong abilities like controlling water or air while others are more mundane like changing eye color. While attempting to learn the extent of their abilities the Phae are threatened by an extremist group determined to eliminate the unhidden from the world. From just learning a little more about their abilities now Anna and Max and a team of 4 other unhidden must come together to protect the one place that has given them sanctuary. Can their team of untrained unhidden people defend a country where sanctuary is given? Or will it be too much for these newbies and fall to the extremists?

This book takes an immense amount of concentration to keep all the characters straight along with their abilities. This book does not lack in action though and it does pull you in from the start. It was a well thought out book and the author does a beautiful job describing the scene and players so your mind can draw the image in your head. If you like fantasy this is definitely a good read and I look forward to diving into the second book to continue my discovery of the unhidden and their abilities!

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Karen Pearman

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was excited to pick up this story after hearing friends rave about it. And honestly, I’m so glad that I did. It was a thrilling fantasy with everything you can possibly imagine in between. The author did a fantastic job with her world descriptions. She had me believing I was there. I loved the history that she delved into. I thought it really brought the story to life. I loved all the characters she has in the book. I’m always a fan of a large diverse cast of characters that must work and support one another. This was perfect. I can’t wait to pick up the second book in this series. I highly recommend that you read this story.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Ashley Hasting

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series is about people who end up with gifts and are called the unhidden. During this time, humans worry and are retaliating over this. Most of the unhidden have Irish heritage and would up there to be safe and protected. That’s where the PHAE come in. They try and help train them with their gifts. The people they highlight in this series to help overcome the problems ahead. It was a really good read and can’t wait to continue on!

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