
Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor – Review by Tamisha Janay

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This one was good, y’all! From page one, I was hooked. It tells the story of a seemingly ordinary girl who grew up believing that the Zayeds were something to be feared – which really hits home in today’s reality. The men that she meets are so sweet and caring, only further proving that you can’t always believe what others tell you. It’s best to go with your gut and see for yourself. I was definitely feeling a smurf vibe – as I’ve seen a few reviews that may me feel not so alone in that – but it was a welcome adult change to the memory. I’m looking forward to reading book two and finding out more about the Zayed, Lillie, and what is next for them.

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Reviews by @tamishajanay

An Unexpected Bonding (The Unexpected Trilogy Book 1) by Lilly Rayman – Review by Tamisha Janay

An Unexpected BondingAn Unexpected Bonding by Lilly Rayman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I went into this book worried that I would be put off because of the constant jump in POV. Instead, I found it intriguing. It was nice to be able to get the perspective of everyone in each important moment. There is background and history that needs to come from certain characters and it comes at just the right times. I enjoyed the Egyptian history as well as the present day Texas spirit. Vampires, wolves, and fairies – OH MY! The separate stories going on while the main story was happening and the jump back and forth from past to present day left me on the edge of my seat. I finished this book a bit too fast and am excited for the continuation of this series. Because of this, I am a huge fan of Lilly Rayman and will be reading as much from her as possible from this point forward!

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Reviews by @tamishajanay

Apocalypse NOPE!! (Queerpocalypse) by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Tamisha Janay

Apocalypse NOPE!!Apocalypse NOPE!! by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a wonderful read and would be perfect for anyone who enjoys light humor and YA categories. All of the chapters were written well. Ivy-Jean is extremely relatable, pessimistic, views herself as an outcast, and is downright odd. Once she opened that piece of mail, her life changed forever. The Four Horsepeople are undeniably, for me, the best characters in this book. I found it easy to place them in the positions that they were given. They were thrown into a human high school and seemed to fit in rather perfectly, all things considered. I assumed that there was a bigger shock coming with the clues that were given in the text, but it did not come. It could, however, leave room for a part two that shows us more about how Ivy-Jean came to be. If that’s the case, sign me up!

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The Luminara Series: Box Set – Volume 1 (Lussuria – L’amore – Lucca’s Lust) by SJ Molloy – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Luminara Series: Box Set Volume 1: Lussuria - L'amore -Lucca's LustThe Luminara Series: Box Set Volume 1: Lussuria – L’amore -Lucca’s Lust by S.J. Molloy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

TRIGGER WARNING. This series has content that is not suitable for people dealing with certain traumas.
SJ Molloy is an extremely talented author, and her descriptive writing truly makes you feel as though you can see the characters come to life. This series is not what I expected, however. I will admit that I was a bit put off that the relationship between the two MCs developed as quickly as it did because it seemed unrealistic. Someone who dealt with the level of abuse that Lexi did would likely not put her faith and trust into someone so quickly. I was, however, enamored with the love story itself – even if I wish it had been more of a slow-burn. The first book was a bit rushed in my opinion as far as the timeline goes, but the second book seemed to make up for some of that. It was slower going and allowed a deeper delve into the families and friends that surround both Lexi and Lucca. The third book, written in the POV of Lucca, was a welcome change of pace. It was interesting to see things unravel from his perspective and to shine a bit of light (wink) on things that did not make sense from Lexi’s POV. All in all, it was a good read and I am glad to have been introduced to this writer.

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Revelations (Separate Worlds Book 1) by Izzibella Beau – Review by Tamisha Janay

Revelations: When Separate Worlds Collide Book OneRevelations: When Separate Worlds Collide Book One by Izzibella Beau
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the start of a wonderful YA series! The MC’s come to life on every page and keep you hooked for the duration of the book – for me it was easy to hear their voices and see them standing before me like a movie. Any YA fan who has a love for a great story will not be able to put this down by the end of the first chapter. Zach and Emily give you the heartwarming storyline, whereas Jacob and the others give you the necessary drama to make everything realistic and have it all come together. Nothing and no one in this town is what it seems to be. The ENDING!! I cannot wait for the next installment of this series. I will be waiting (im)patiently on the edge of my seat until it comes out. Do yourself a favor – read this book, get hooked – and read everything else by this author. It’s truly a treat. Revelations: When Separate Worlds Collide Book One


Reviewed by @tamishajanay

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