
The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Donya Pedigo

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This second installment reunites us with Russell aka Rusty as Christmas fast approaches and he tries to find the perfect gift to give to his grandfather since he was so kind to give him the magical brass ring that makes any carousel come to life allowing him to live numerous adventures. Unfortunately for Rusty everything takes money so he needs to earn some.

Hoping the various animals on Santa’s Christmas Carousel can help him find a gift he begins saving money to ride it. As he rides the carousel he encounters different animals stories and different aspects of Christmas that they have witnessed. Still trying to find a gift for his grandfather each animals story draws him one step further into learning the true meaning of Christmas. Is Christmas really in a store bought gift or is it in the hearts and faith of men, women, and children everywhere?

K. L. Small has outdone herself with this magical Christmas tale that will resonate with so many readers. This story is a definite favorite of mine and I can not wait til my grandchild gets older to read it to them.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a wonderful continuation to The Brass Ring Series. I loved that this book picks up right around the time that we had left off in the first book of this series, not leaving us waiting any longer to hear more about Rusty and Grandpa. This book is such an amazing read, it has action, adventure, feel-good moments, and lessons to learn about the benefits of doing good deeds. I love the beautiful bond that is built within this series between a boy and his grandfather, and the joy that they get to share in their bonds over a mysterious brass ring. The tales that they both share from their experiences and the love that they develop are so magical all in themselves. I highly recommend this book series to anyone young or old, who enjoys a story that takes them to mythical times and places, where anything is possible, and choices made do not go unrewarded. The descriptions within the book are so detailed, that it’s easy to draw a picture within your mind as if you are the main character experiencing all of the magic around you. I love the illustrations as well; they are such a nice touch to bring the story to life. What a great book to read during this holiday season!
@Brandy Rymer

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Jennifer Reimer

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is all about the meaning of Christmas. Rusty is an incredible boy that wants to save money to buy Christmas presents for his family so is doing things like shoveling snow from his neighbor’s driveway. Rusty loved the carousel but it’s not open because its wintertime. So, finding a toy one that he can use, rusty goes on some amazing adventures and takes rides on every animal with a different message about Christmas. This book was very well written and made you feel like you were going on this adventure and rides along with rusty. The story has a wonderful feel and creates wonderful imagines and a story in your head. Its such a great story highly recommend.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Amber Howard

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great story! I loved it more than the first one. Rusty is such a great kid. His character is so relatable. He’s struggling with his grandpa having Alzheimer’s, his father losing his job and understanding the true meaning of Christmas. I think the author did an amazing job tying in the religious traditions of Christmas with the secular traditions of Christmas. It was well written. My adult self teared up at some of the adventures Rusty experienced. It was heartwarming, meaningful and a great reminder of what’s important. I cannot wait to read this to my little one. Oh and the glossary and explanations at the end is great for kids to understand topics they may not know about.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Shannen Kern

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this with my kids who are 8 and 11, and we all enjoyed it! We read the first book in the series together as well but this one held a special place in our hearts. It is obviously a perfect time of year to read it as we are moving into December now. Reading about Rusty wanting to buy a gift for Grandpa and the touching details he learns had us all quite teary-eyed. He gets to experience the true meaning of Christmas, and it is more valuable than anything that can be bought. I picked this up just to have something to read with my kiddos, but even as an adult I truly enjoyed the flow of the story and deeper meanings woven throughout as well. I highly recommend it and can’t wait to read the next in the series!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rusty, his grandpa and the rest of the household return and this time it is Christmas time, and everyone is thinking about presents and what to get for each other, but Rusty isn’t sure what he can get, but he knows it must be special.

One day, Rusty gets to go to the strip mall and when he gets there, he is super excited to see a Christmas themed carousel in the central area, so he immediately thinks of the adventures he had with his grandpa on one and heads straight over to see whether he can talk to the animals on this one as well and believe it or not, he can!

As his excitement grows, Rusty is determined to ride the carousel and find the perfect gifts for his family, but unfortunately, this carousel costs money, so as he starts completing jobs for his neighbours, he saves up his money for rides and gifts. As he rides the different animals, what adventures will Rusty go on this time and will he still find the time to work out what the perfect gift is, or will he ignore the lessons and miss out on the true meaning of Christmas altogether? This is yet another wonderful addition to this series of whimsical adventures and meaningful conversations.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series) by K. L. Small – Review by Emma Samways

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really liked this one, I’ve read the previous ones by this author and this one didn’t disappoint! It follows Rusty as he continues to share a room with Granddad who sadly has Alzheimers. Rusty is desperate to find out where Granddad found the magic brass ring he has but can’t get a straight answer out of him. Rusty does whatever he can to ride on the Christmas carousel in the shopping centre and goes on some epic adventures. Will he learn from his adventures where this mysterious magical brass ring came from? Read it and find out! Highly recommend this and anything this author writes, loved it!

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Kirsten Berkebile

This is the second book that I have read by K.L. Smalls and I absolutely loved it. Rusty’s grandpa gave him a brass ring that allows him to on an adventure every time he is on a carousel. He had enjoyed these adventures, so he wants to give his grandpa a gift in return  and Christmas is the best time for that, but with very little money Rusty isn’t sure what to get him, so he finds Santa’s Christmas Carousel at the local mall and hopefully he might come up with the best gift for his grandpa. This an amazing Christmas story and it tells a little bit about another journey that I won’t spoil. It’s a wonderful book and I am glad that I got a chance to read it.

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book that I have read by K.L. Smalls and I absolutely loved it. Rusty’s grandpa gave him a brass ring that allows him to on an adventure every time he is on a carousel. He had enjoyed these adventures, so he wants to give his grandpa a gift in return and Christmas is the best time for that, but with very little money Rusty isn’t sure what to get him, so he finds Santa’s Christmas Carousel at the local mall and hopefully he might come up with the best gift for his grandpa. This an amazing Christmas story and it tells a little bit about another journey that I won’t spoil. It’s a wonderful book and I am glad that I got a chance to read it.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Gillian Fawell

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Perfect for this time of year, this 2nd book in a series is a beautiful, cosy Christmas story! I read the previous book earlier this year and loved it so much, that this one was an auto read! I look forward to more from this author and to sharing these stories with my daughter!


Reviewed by @sparkinside

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Jennifer Ramos

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was very excited to see the second book for this series! On top of reading this next installment, there is a Christmas theme to the story that made me love it even more! I’ve read the first book and these stories remind me of Jumanji mixed with the Narnia series. So much fun and family centered! It is such a great read for older elementary and middle school children. Rusty, a 5th grader, has been given the special brass ring from his grandfather and he has been so utterly grateful that in the spirit of the holidays is seeking a gift to repay him for the ring. With limited funds for a very nice gift, he discovers Santa’s Christmas Carousel and ends up finding the true meaning of Christmas.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Nina Maes

Fantastic fun story! This is not a typical Christmas story, but it may become one of my favorites. I recommend to all readers, new and young at heart. This author does a great job of tapping into your imagination and you paint a beautiful picture of what Christmas really means. Fast paced and interesting that keeps you flipping pages.

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fantastic fun story! This is not a typical Christmas story, but it may become one of my favorites. I recommend to all readers, new and young at heart. This author does a great job of tapping into your imagination and you paint a beautiful picture of what Christmas really means. Fast paced and interesting that keeps you flipping pages.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Kerry Carr

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Brass Ring Series. This book is a magical adventure for children although as an adult I enjoyed reading it to my son as much as he enjoyed hearing it. This is a wonderful magical adventure with a Christmas feel to it. The author does an amazing job of writing a story that is fun and engaging and captivating while also explaining the true meaning for Christmas and introducing children to illness such as Alzheimer’s in a way that allows the children to understand and not be afraid.

We are back with Rusty and his Grandpa. Rusty wants to get his Grandpa a special gift for Christmas after his Grandpa gave him a magical ring in the first book which allowed him to go on adventures. Rusty wants to get his Grandpa a gift just as special in return but with money being tight how can he get his Grandpa the gift he truelly wants.
When he is shopping with his mum for Christmas gifts he spots a Christmas Carousel. Would the magical ring work on this on?
What follows is a magical adventure where Rusty learns the true meaning for Christmas and gift giving all with the help of the animals on the Christmas Carousel.
Will Rusty finally be able to find the perfect gift for his Grandpa?
This was a really magical festive read that was enjoyed by both myself and my son it captured both of us.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Christmas Carousel is Book 2 in The Brass Ring Series and I just loved this story so much. I smiled, I teared up and I just embraced the true meaning of Christmas in this story. While this is a story for ages 8-12 years of age, I highly recommend this story for young and young at heart.

Christmas is approaching and Rusty is trying to find the perfect gift for his grandpa since he gifted Rusty a brass ring that brought lots of adventures in Book 1. The local mall has a Christmas Carousel that Rusty is happy to continue his adventures, and each ride continues to learn the true meaning of Christmas. Will Rusty find the perfect gift for grandpa for Christmas to show him how much he loves him?

This is a truly wonderful story. I love the adventures of the Carousel and this story really tugged hard at my heartstrings. Fantastic!!! I cannot wait to see what comes next…….

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Nicole Thompson

A charming sequel, ’The Christmas Carousel” by K.L. Small continues the Enchanting Brass Ring fantasy series for middle-grade readers. Despite being a bit beyond the intended audience, the book’s universal appeal captures the spirit of youthful wonder that resides in us all.

Set during the festive season, the story reunites readers with Rusty and his magical brass ring, a gift from his Grandpa that transports him on fantastical journeys whenever he rides the park’s carousel. With winter closing the park ride, Rusty’s curiosity leads him to a kiddies’ Christmas carousel in the mall. Eager to experience each animal ride, he navigates the challenges of being just under the height limit. However, Rusty must balance his adventures with saving money for thoughtful gifts, especially for his Grandpa, whose mind tends to wander.

Between earning money by clearing neighbors’ driveways and exploring the carousel’s various animals, Rusty discovers different facets of Christmas. The narrative seamlessly weaves in historical tidbits, prompting Rusty to contemplate the true essence of the holiday. Young readers will be enthralled by Rusty’s diverse escapades, culminating in an extraordinary adventure atop a donkey.

While designed for young readers, “The Christmas Carousel” offers an engaging experience for parents reading to their little ones. Packed with action, endearing characters, and a thoroughly gratifying conclusion, the book delivers another captivating tale.

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Julie Johnson

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is such a sweet series that young readers can enjoy reading independently or having it read to them. Rusty’s grandpa gave him a brass ring awhile back that takes them on magical adventures when it is used while riding the carousel. This time, the carousel is the Christmas carousel in the mall as the one in the park is closed for the season. Rusty has his heart set on a specific gift for Grandpa but it’s a bit out of his price range. It’s during his carousel adventures that Rusty learns the best gift to give Grandpa.

This book does address elderly aging and Alzheimer’s. It would be a good way to introduce a young mind to this issue should it be something they should be exposed to.

This is the second book in a series and could be read as a standalone. However, you will miss out on a lot of adventures from the previous story, along with a much more detailed background.

I really enjoyed this story and look forward to reading about the Haunted Carousel coming in 2024!!

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Whisper Hymer

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small is the second book in the Brass Ring series. It follows now 11-year-old Russell thorough a special seasonal Christmas Carousel in the mall. The seven wooden animals he meets help him uncover the true meaning of Christmas.

While I enjoyed the first book, I have to say this one was far better. It touched my heart to read about some of the historical events and people of Christmas. Many of the topics covered would be good for a young adult reader entering middle school.

Reviewed by @WhisperHymer

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Mandy Ott

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Christmas Carousel by K. L. Small was just as exciting and adventurous as the first book in The Brass Ring Series! This carousel adventure finds Rusty getting ready for the holiday season several months after the ending of The Magic Carousel. Grandpa’s health has slowly declined and Rusty searches for the perfect gift for him. The Christmas Carousel is set up at the local mall and more exciting, magical things happen when Rusty begins to ride. This book is so heartfelt, sweet, and touches, again, on some tough topics such as Alzheimer’s Disease. It also explores the true meaning of the Christmas season. The same realistic, believable characters return in this book and I found myself connecting with Rusty and his family as if they were my own. Such a wonderful, quick read by K. L. Small!

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small. This is such an imaginative read for young kids. Its the 2nd book in The Brass Ring Series and it was so good. Its the continuing story of Rusty and his magic ring his grandpa gave him. The only problem is the Carousel is shut down for the winter. While at the mall with his mom he finds a Christmas Carousel and decides to ride all the different animals. The problem is the Carousel costs money and he doesn’t have any. He takes o the job of shoveling snow to earn money so that he can ride the Christmas Carousel and buy his families gifts. Each animal he rides teaches him something new about the meaning of Christmas. He learns how to budget his money so that he can do both things, ride the carousel and buy his family gifts. Such a good educational read that would make a great gift.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was thrilled to get to read the second book in this series as I was entirely charmed by the first book, and the second one did not disappoint. The author transports us to a world where magic is real as long as you believe and have a brass ring. Rusty discovers the mini carousal in the mall has secrets for him to explore, but he is also looking for Christmas gifts for his family, especially his beloved grandfather. Trying to balance the need to earn and save money, while also spending money at the carousal, Rusty begins to learn some important lessons. The author did an amazing job of bringing magic into the real world and creating stories that are not only fun, but carry wonderful messages for both children and adults. It’s a fairly easy read and I was engrossed until the last page. I can’t wait to see what new adventures Rusty and his grandfather find in the future!

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Kimberly Filer

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

K.L. Small has done it again with another fantastic story. The second book in the Brass Ring Series takes place right before Christmas. The outdoor Carousel is closed for the season and Rusty misses the the Carousel so badly. His grandfather is forgetting more and more and Rusty is so sad. One day when Rusty goes holiday shopping with his mother, he encounters a Christmas Carousel in the mall. Will the magic work on these carousel animals or is the magic reserved just for horses? Join Rusty on a wonderful set of adventures as he travels back in time to learn the true meaning of Christmas.

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Christmas Carousel is book Two in The Brass Ring Series. It is a kids book that delivers a powerful message about the true meaning of Christmas. Rusty is back with the magic ring his grandpa gave him but the magic carousel in the park is shut down for winter. He finds a small Christmas themed carousel in the mall and decides to ride each of the different animals. To be able to afford each ride Rusty shovels snow in his neighbor’s driveways. He wants to go on adventures on the Christmas carousel while also saving money to buy his family gifts. During each of his rides he learns about the true meaning of Christmas and receives the powerful message that Christmas is about love. The character of Rusty is well written, and I love the special bond that he has with his grandfather. The author does a great job of creating vivid, magical scenes that fully immerse you into the story alongside the characters. I am a huge fan of this wonderful series and believe it delivers an important message for readers of all ages. I highly recommend this book!

View all my reviews@tarab

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Paula Sayers

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this addition to the Brass Ring series. Rusty wants to buy a Christmas present for his grandfather but does not have enough money. Rusty goes on some great adventures with the brass ring his grandpa gave him. Maybe Rusty will learn the true meaning of Christmas.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book #2) by K. L. Small – Review by Angela Hayes

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


The Christmas Carousel is the second book in The Brass Ring Series by K.L. Small. It is a wonderful children’s chapter book that weaves a wonderful fantasy adventure full of action, carousel horses/animals, a brass ring, magic, the Christmas spirit/the true meaning of Christmas, imagination, drama, and learning.
As with the first book, this second instalment is a captivating fantasy where we follow along with Rusty and Grandpa as the story comes alive before our eyes.
It’s a great addition to the series and another fun read from this talented author. A story for the young- as well as the young at heart to enjoy.
Looking forward to ‘The Haunted Carousel (Book #3).
Happy Reading…

Thank you K.L. Small!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Jennifer Crain

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Christmas Carousel by KL Small is a heartwarming holiday read for children. The story follows Rusty, a young boy who wants to buy his grandfather a special present to show his gratitude. Rusty’s grandfather gave him a magic brass ring that transports him on time-traveling adventures every time he takes a ride on a carousel.

The plot is centered around Rusty’s desire to buy his grandfather a gift for Christmas, with Rusty learning the lesson that the best gifts are not necessarily the ones that cost a lot of money. The inclusion of talking animals on Santa’s Christmas Carousel adds a magical dimension to the story that will appeal to children.

KL Small’s writing style is straightforward and engaging, and the illustrations by
Brandon Dorman are delightful. The book would be an excellent addition to any family’s holiday book collection, and it would make a fun and festive read-aloud for parents to share with their children.

Overall, Christmas Carousel is a charming and heartwarming holiday story that teaches young readers the value of the gift of time and thoughtfulness. I would recommend it to parents and caregivers looking for a wholesome and entertaining book for their children.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rusty is on his next adventure with the magic ring his grandpa gave him. I love this series. It’s not only a fun story but also educational. I love how the author gives a lesson about the true meaning of Christmas. We all need that. This is such a fun series. I love the whole carousel animal twist to it. That was my favorite part of theme parks. Reading these stories brings back some nostalgia. The drawings are really cool to look at as you read. I added the first book to our family library and we’ll be adding this one. This is a must have book for the holidays. Click that button. You won’t sorry with this purchase.

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Christmas Carousel is the second captivating book in The Brass Ring series. It is a Christmas adventure story for tweens between 8 – 12 years old. This children’s book is a fun fantasy adventure. Even though it is a children’s book it will capture those of any age.
K.L.’s narrative and Brandon Dorman’s captivating illustrations help to bring the story to life.
We met Rusty and his crazy old Grandpa in the first book The Magic Carousel where Rusty received a magical brass ring.
In this book with the help of the Christmas Carousel, Rusty sets out on another magical adventure. It is not just a story but an educational lesson as well. K.L.’s stories are imaginative, original and action-packed.
Follow along as Rusty learns the true meaning of Christmas.
This magical adventure fantasy book is a great gift to give for Christmas so share the love.
What new adventure is next for Rusty?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small

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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small
Genre – Kids, Family
Page Count – 186
Cover Designer – Brandon Dorman

Adventures on the Christmas Carousel!

Grandpa gave Rusty the magic brass ring that turns every carousel ride into an exciting time travel adventure. With Christmas fast approaching, Rusty wants to buy Grandpa a special present to say thanks. But he doesn’t have much money.

The solution to Rusty’s problem could lie in Santa’s Christmas Carousel. Its animals can talk, and they all say he must ride the carousel. But that takes money too.

Rusty is about to learn a big lesson about gift-giving and the real meaning of Christmas.

This is the second book in The Brass Ring Series.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small

  1. L. Small is the author of fantasy stories for the young and the young at heart, including A Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale, the Brass Ring fantasy novels for young readers, and the Strand trilogy for young adults. She was born in Queens, New York, the oldest of nine children.

She was an avid reader as a child, and her father often told her “to get your nose out of that book and go outside.” While she did go outside, she never lost her love of reading, especially horse stories and fantasy novels. Some of her treasured possessions are several much-loved books by Marguerite Henry. She has taken one of the books, Five O’clock Charlie, into classrooms for the Great American Teach-In and shared the story with children, along with the letter she received from Ms. Henry in response to her fan letter to the author.

She attended Binghamton University, starting as a Creative Writing major. After earning a master’s degree from Syracuse University, she spent her professional career in the electric utility business in a variety of roles, ranging from environmental work, community relations, communication, and change management.

Her childhood dream was to own a horse and be an author. She is living her dream in Brooksville, Florida, with her husband, Rick, on a ranch called Carousel Acres. They own two horses: an off-the-track Thoroughbred named Rory and an American mustang called Skylark. They share the barn with three cats named after the Golden Girls: Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose. A fourth cat, Stan, has decided to join the barn crew.

Author Interview with K.L. Small



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The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small
Genre – Kids, Family
Page Count – 186
Cover Designer – Brandon Dorman

Adventures on the Christmas Carousel!

Grandpa gave Rusty the magic brass ring that turns every carousel ride into an exciting time travel adventure. With Christmas fast approaching, Rusty wants to buy Grandpa a special present to say thanks. But he doesn’t have much money.

The solution to Rusty’s problem could lie in Santa’s Christmas Carousel. Its animals can talk, and they all say he must ride the carousel. But that takes money too.

Rusty is about to learn a big lesson about gift-giving and the real meaning of Christmas.

This is the second book in The Brass Ring Series.