
Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author which I enjoyed and look forward to seeing what is next for her. I enjoyed reading this suspenseful story. This is a story that has twists and turns that had me sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what will happen next. A story of revenge and stakes that could destroy. The characters pulled me into the story and brought life to the story. They made the story realistic and added so much to the story. They are relatable and made the story for me. This is a fast paced story that is engaging and hard to put down. I enjoyed watching the growth of the plot throughout which made the story easy and entertaining to read. I really enjoyed reading this suspenseful story. I highly recommend this book.

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Review  by @bjwagner

Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Kerry Carr

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great read. I really loved Jacklyn character. Even after everything she is going through when push comes to shove her fighting spirit and strength really come out as she fights for her freedom and her sanity. I really didn’t like Dusty’s character, I felt like he was always just looking out for himself and what he could get. His sister on the other hand i do believe she was doing what she thought would help her mother and was conned by Dusty just as much as Jacklyn was.

Jacklyn Stone is going through a traumatic time. After losing her husband suddenly and uncovering secrets he kept from her it’s no wonder she’s a bit all over the place and struggling with things. She needs time to grieve and to make sense of everything she is finding out.
However her children don’t see that and think she need medical intervention. Especially Dusty. He has power of attorney over his mum and decides he knows best. And that is to put her into a mental instution.
Packaging it up as a retreat to give his mum some peace and time to recover they persuade Jacklyn to to to Shore Lodge.
What happens next is Jacklyn’s fight to escape a institution she doesn’t belong in while trying to keep her sanity and come to terms with the deception and her sons part in it.
Can Jacklyn fight her way out and escape a place which wants to keep her stuck and “mentally impaired”. Does she really need to be at Shore Lodge after all?

It’s a gripping read that you won’t be able to put down.

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Tonya Merritt

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From the very beginning, Susan pulls you into the story and you are in the setting of it all. The vivid image of loss is shown throughout the story. Jackyln is, as the kids these days say ‘a baddie’, and it shows from chapter one to chapter 56. Susan writes a witty, yet suspenseful tale of the ultimate betrayal. I would definitely recommend this book and even read it several more times.

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram

📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~
Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram
Genre – Thriller, Women’s Fiction
Page Count – 294
Cover Designer – Best Page Forward

Her grief threatened to swallow her whole. When a seed of betrayal plants a devastating truth, will blood prove thicker than vengeance?

Jacklyn Stone is struggling to stay strong. Left bewildered by her husband’s death, the devastated widow feels her usually competent management over her garden shop sliding into chaos. So when her son and daughter suggest a brief vacation to help speed up her healing, she heads to the remote retreat… only to realize she can’t check out.

With her skin crawling as the so-called getaway reveals its true nature as a psychiatric facility, Jacklyn fights to establish her mental stability. But with her child determined to leave her locked in the gilded cage, she fears the tightly sealed grounds will be the permanent backdrop to her golden years.

Can she reclaim her home before it’s forever destroyed?

Shore Lodge is a pulse-pounding psychological thriller. If you like heroines with grit, tense stakes, and shocking treachery, then you’ll love Susan Specht Oram’s relentless revenge. Read Shore Lodge for a five-star sleepover with insanity today!


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram

Susan Specht Oram is writing mysteries, thrillers and suspense novels. The book Shore Lodge was loosely inspired by her experiences working in a locked psychiatric unit of an upscale nursing home. Her essays were published in Mothering Magazine, Twins Magazine and Utne Reader. She’s written brief business books and humorous books from a rescue dog’s point of view. Susan grew up near Detroit, Michigan and lives in a windy part of the Pacific Northwest with her trumpet-playing husband and their rescue dog.

Author Interview with Susan Specht Oram