
The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Stephanie nicole

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first saw the cover of this book I knew right away that I wanted to read it. While this is the first book of the series I think it’s going to be a fantastic fun series to read. The main character is fun, quirky, and friendly. I absolutely loved that the author included the main character’s dog, and while this was not a traditional cozy mystery it was still a great one. There are plenty of twists and turns that make this not only an interesting read, but a fast read as well. So if your looking for your next amazing read, then make sure to pick this one up today.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Rayne East

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very descriptive cozy mystery
This intriguing cozy mystery is a fun read. Lots of imaginative suspense and delicious muffins. The story draws you straight in and I really liked the eccentricities of the characters. A good quick read.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Sara Grantham

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery Series, and it was a very cozy novel. All about new beginnings and starting over with a murderous twist! It was an easy read and had a whole host of interesting characters that kept me intrigued. I will definitely be following along with the series to see where Delilah ends up next.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Faith Jackson

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was easy to follow and intriguing to say the least. I was excited about the murder mystery itself but the further you read, the more you get caught up in the lives of the characters, how the business is going and Snowflake Valley itself. This is not only a cozy mystery but very entertaining and fun!

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Whisper Hymer

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Muffin Shop Murder by Holly Tierney is the first in her new Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery Series. It follows baker Delilah as she opens a bakery in Snowflake Valley, Idaho. Within the first few pages we are introduced to Delilahs’ down-to-earth, bubbly personality. Soon after the intrigue begins as mysterious letters, late-night visitors, and odd occurrences begin. The story is a nice and light read, however, I had imagined a murder mystery when I picked it up so I was surprised when there was no murder in the first few chapters. That being said, it is a good mystery with some interesting twists.

Reviewed by @whisperhymer

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Tanya Wall, February 2023

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a cute story, not the best ever, but good enough! It was a quick read with a good ending. I did enjoy the characters – they were fun. I wish that the book had totally drawn me in – it almost did, but just not quite. Delilah drove me bonkers! Even thought it isn’t a 4 star read for me, it might be for you.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by April McCoy

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney

What is better than murder, mystery, and a character like Delilah. I just can’t with this book, so wholesome and easy to read. I enjoyed this cozy mystery in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate and it was perfect. Great storyline and characters!!!

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney- Review by Heather Knalls

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Delilah has moved to Snowflake Valley to open her bakery and live the life she imagined. Unfortunately things do not go exactly as planned for Delilah. Upon moving to Snowflake Valley she meets Nile a reporter for the local paper and his girlfriend,Elinor, who hopes to become instant friends. Crazy things are happening in Snowflake Valley and no one really sees them, but they all revolve around things that happened at the bakery prior to her moving there. Delilah is beginning to regret her move but she’s not going to stop until she finds out why these things are happening.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Toni Sellers

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very cute, fast easy read. Fantastic quirky characters and a fun mystery. We meet Delilah Crumbworhty and she is new to Snowflake Valley, where she opens a muffin shop in a place that was once a bakery. This is where the mystery begins. Few twists and turns, all in all a great book. I will definitely read the next.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Christine Baranek

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Muffin Shop Murder
By: Holly Tierney

This was the sweetest mystery book I’ve read lately. It truly has a small town feel and just the most wonderful characters. Delilah is such a fun character, I enjoyed how she handled the various predicaments that we thrown her way. I also loved Nile and Elinor, I thought Elinor was laugh out loud funny. I really enjoyed the small town feel of Snowflake Valley. This was definitely a cozy mystery. I loved it so much! This is my first Holly Tierney Book but it definitely won’t be my last!

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Kay Stritesky

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this story!! It was cute, fun and easy to read. I was engaged throughout the entire book and I couldn’t put it down. I loved every part of it and look forward to more by this author!

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Trish Ann

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a nice story and a quick read. I thought the ending of the story was good but found myself a little disengaged throughout the book. I did not care for some of the characters in the story but that is just my personal preference. I did love the dog though. Anytime animals are infused in the story adds something for sure. Delilah was ok for me.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney- Review by Erin DeRoma

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a fun cozy mystery. This is the first in the series, and I just couldn’t put it down. It is a great start to a series, and I can’t wait to read more. There were fantastic characters and so many mini stories within the main story. It was very easy to read and follow along because the characters and storyline were well written. I truly can’t wait to read what’s next in this series.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworth Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Karen Pearman

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a wonderful cozy little mystery surrounding a muffin shop written by a new author to me. Not sure what to expect I picked this book because of the cover. It did not disappoint. I found it to contain great drama and suspense but also the typical older town gossips that had me laughing aloud. The author did an excellent job keeping me captivated and intrigued in this mystery. Her description is perfect. She does not leave a detail out. You can imagine every little aspect of the town and the townspeople. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to reading the next installment in this story.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney-Review by Tausha Treadway

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery BY Holly Tierney. This is such a fun read. Its a cozy mystery and I love this author. This is the story of Delilah who has moved to Snowflake Valley to open a bakery. Thinking that she is moving to a nice quiet, quaint neighborhood she soon finds out that its not so nice. She finds out that a young girl actually died in the bakery before she bought it. She finds out that the people who owned it before tried to cut corners to save the bakery and then a horrible accident ending up sealing their fate and they had to close. She starts to meet all kinds of nice, maybe a little odd people and thinks she might fit in. Then things begin to happen. She has to try and solve a few mysteries along the way and she loves that. This is a cute cozy mystery with a town full of neat things and people. I can’t wait to read more!

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The Muffin Shop Murder by Holly Tierney – Review by Kerry Baker

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a quick and enjoyable mystery story that is also quite light hearted and fun. It was an easy book to get into and is the kind of book that you read in one sitting. It was great to get caught up I the story the author was telling and the characters on the page. I wanted to see how things would place out and if the main character would figure it out.
This is a relatively new author to me but so far I can definitely say I am a fan of her work. This book was thoroughly enjoyable and clearly the start of what will be a fun new series.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable and engaging cozy mystery drama which had me hooked from page one. The small town feel of Snowflake Valley, the setting of this novel, was brought vividly to life by the descriptive narrative, along with the quirky and intriguing characters who live there. The McArdles own the best bakery in town, but then rumours start that to save money they have been cutting corners. A tragic accident at the bakery seals their fate and the bakery has to close. The quaint old bakeshop doors are not closed for long as Delilah Crumbworthy takes over the bakery. As soon as she starts work she’s swamped by customers, new friends and some menacing happenings. It’s not long until along with running her new business on Main Street, and trying to make friends, that she’s having to solve a mystery or two. This is an entertaining read, and I fell in love with the main character, Delilah and am pleased that this is the first book in a new series. The storyline kept me happily turning the pages and the mystery element definitely kept me guessing.

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The Muffin Shop Murder by Holly Tierney- Review by Jennifer Allen

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Join Delilah “Mitzy” Crumbworthy as she moves to Snowflake Valley to start a new adventure opening a bakery shop, specifically muffins.  Delilah is overwhelmed with opening her store, meeting all the townsfolk, and discovering secrets buried deep within the town.  I really enjoyed the characters and getting to know them on a personal level along with Delilah. I was especially drawn to Elinor. The story pulls you right in and each chapter keeps you reading well past your bedtime.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Sheri Schrader

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery is the first book in The Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery Series. This is a cozy mystery set in the small town of Snowflake Valley. Delilah is new to town and has always dreamed of moving to Snowflake Valley, a picturesque small town. When she opens her muffin shop, she hears stories about the bakery that used to be where her shop is located. Are the rumors true?
Delilah is smart and savvy with a heart of gold. She wants to fit in and make a place for herself in her new community. So, with her new friend and employee, she discovers the story of the previous business and some other odd happenings centered around her new shop.
I enjoyed this light read. It read quickly and filled a cold afternoon. There are a lot of quirky characters in this small town, and it will be interesting to see how they become more involved in future books. I’m glad I picked this book up and will keep an eye out for more from this author.

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney – Review by Trista Priest

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I adored this book. I have read many steamy books lately, and this was the perfect palette cleanser I didn’t know I needed. This was my first book to read by the authors and when I finished I immediately went and looked for more. It is a small-town mystery with a strong female lead, gossipy old ladies, and what turns out to be good friends. Definitely recommend this one to others.

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