
Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Angela Plate, May 2023

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Definitely not to my taste. However, this book was well written and unique. Its a part of a series but a standalone as well which is what I like. I’m looking forward to seeing what this author offers in the future.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Michaela Massie

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mike Stamos and Dane Clark are in love and happy in their little Florida home, enjoying their relationship and their lives with each other. But what happens when Dane tells Mike that he wants to add a woman to the mix? This is a great story showing examples off how relationships can be both beautiful and complicated as Dane and Mike work through trying to add more peolple to their relationship while keeping themselves both happy and comfortable. I highly suggest taking some time to read this beautiful little slice of life. I promise it’s worth every moment, and has something in it for everyone.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Tonya Merritt

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just an ahead warning, there is a constant stream of sex. If you are into that, this is the book for you. If not I’d stop before you get too far in. I’m pretty open minded so it didn’t bother me. I do wish there was more story but I believe the details in the encounters are well written. The two men are looking for a woman to join their relationship and it tells you of their path to find the one.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Amanda Gonzalez

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After seven years as a happy and successful couple, partner Dane decides something’s missing. When Dane proposes adding a third to the mix, things start to change. The two men find two different women they feel would be the perfect third to their duo… The book was relatively short with plenty of erotic encounters along the way. Though this book is part of a collection, you can read it as a standalone and not miss out on any information from previous books.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by April McCoy

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was definitely way out of my norm but was an interesting and good read! I have never read a book by the author before so this was a showstopper situation. She writes quite a tale and the MC’s were divine! I adored them and really rooted for them through this very complex though seemingly possible scenario! The story flowed and had me biting my nails a time or too but I just really liked the dynamic and seeing the characters grow and the drama unfold! A great read for a lot of spice in your life!

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Christine Baranek

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: A.R. Hadley

This book is the third in the author’s series, The Physical Collection. This is the first book in this series that I read and it definitely stands alone. Mike and Dane are in a relationship. Their relationship is open and Dane suggests that they find a female to add to their relationship. As they look for a woman to add to their relationship the story gets really interesting. I was really pulled into the book and felt that the author does a good job showing the complexities of relationships. Mike and Dane were really interesting characters with a lot of depth to them. I found their whole story interesting and enjoyable. I definitely recommend this as it was a nice easy read that I did not want to put down.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Shelly Kittell

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting tale of romance. A poly romance is usually quite interesting to read because it has many different angles to view it from. This one had a few but I had a little bit of hard time wrapping my head around it. I did find the writing to be interesting. The author writes in such a way as to grab your attention and you do want to continue because you are vested. Watching Dane and Mike go about getting what they wanted and adding to make their family was an adventure, to say the least. The characters are well-written. You can feel their emotion. The plot runs fairly smooth. It’s a good story for those into this genre.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection Series Book #3) by A.R. Hadley – Review by

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


Fireflies: An Erotic Poly MMF Novel is the third book in The Physical Collection series by A.R. Hadley. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Hadley, so I really wasn’t sure of what I could expect from her storytelling. But the Title and cover intrigued me enough to want to find out.
This is a MMF polyamorous relationship story- a bit of a character piece whose characters are portrayed, warts and all. Even though I can see that Ms. Hadley put a lot of time, effort, heart, and soul into developing her characters, I really struggled to connect with Mike and Dane. They frustrated me no end, right from the beginning…… Their 7-year relationship had its ups and downs, but Dane felt like something was missing and wanted to bring a female into their mix and perhaps ‘settle down’ and start a family- if they can find the right woman. And so the ‘adventures begin.
The story definitely sizzles off the pages in parts, and the characters play believable parts- but as I mentioned I just couldn’t connect with them and because of that I didn’t invest in them and the outcome of their story the way I would have liked.
But perhaps this was just me having an ‘off’ reading day, so don’t let me put you off grabbing a copy and making up your own mind.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, A.R. Hadley!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Jenni Bishop

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley

4.5 stars
Fireflies is exactly what its title infers a provocative erotic poly MMF tale. It is a part of The Physical Collection which is a series of sexy evocative standalones. It is a twisty and beautiful story of love but not in the conventional sense for some.
A.R. Hadley is a new author to be but if this book is any indication of her writing, then I will certainly be seeking out more of her work. Her narrative is simplistic in its telling but absolutely enticing and engrossing.
It is a sensually erotic tale and I love that it has some dark and gritty elements that gives just that little bit more. There are complicated entanglements, lots of steam, emotions, drama and passion.
Dane and Mike’s relationship is not perfect, but it works for them until now. They have depth, imperfections and flaws. They have desires, wants and needs. Is their relationship strong enough to allow others in?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Darla Yocom

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the third book in the author’s series, The Physical Collection. While this is my first read by this author I have to say I do not think you will have any problems following along if you read the titles out of order.

Mike and Dane are in an open relationship together. They have been with each other for years and love one another. This book begins with Dane suggesting they search for the addition of a woman to join their relationship that will eventually grow into a full time polyamorist relationship and family.

Like any relationship, there are complications, mixed emotions, and drama. Overall, the magnitude of the characters dynamics together are fiercely HOT!

I think the author does a great job describing the complexity of different personalities and desires clashing and meshing together. I wish more details had been shared regarding the females within the story, as I was left wanting to know more about what made them tick.

I enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read the other titles in this collection.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Kerry Baker

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fireflies is an detailed and Erotic story that is very well written. The exploration of the differing relationships in this book were well crafted. They were complex and interesting and I couldn’t wait to see how they would develop further. Each character added so much to the story and made it even better to read.
I really enjoyed that the characters were “older” as well. Most books put the main characters at a younger age and it was nice to see this done differently. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and this author is one I always enjoy.

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Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this romance story. This is an author that I have enjoyed reading and this book is no different. I found this book to be well written and hard to put down. This is a story where a crowd is taken to another level. What happens when Mike and Dane have two women enter their relationship is something you don’t want to miss. I enjoyed how they pulled me into their world from the start. They are relatable and supportive of each other. They bring the story to another level. I enjoyed watching their growth as well as chemistry throughout the story. This is a fast paced, hard to put down story that kept me coming back for more. This is a great story where the characters truly made the story for me. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley

♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley
Genre – MMF, Erotica
Page Count – 235
Cover Designer – Chameleon Media Productions, LLC
Three’s company, but is four a crowd?
Mike and Dane are a bisexual couple living the good life in a tucked-away Florida beach town.
But things start to shift when Dane announces he’d like to add a third to their seven-year relationship. A woman.
What ensues is a journey neither man expected. And after a few rather interesting hookups, two women enter the picture, forever changing the course of their lives.
Will the men get everything they’ve always wanted? Or will their polyamorous relationship prove to be more than they can abide?
Fireflies is a 45,000-word novel. Part of The Physical Collection: a series of sexy standalones by A.R. Hadley.


A.R. Hadley writes imperfectly perfect sentences by the light of her iPhone.

She loves the ocean.


Her children.

And Cary Grant.

She annoys those darling little children by quoting lines from Back to the Future, but despite her knowledge of eighties and nineties pop culture, she was actually meant to live alongside the Lost Generation after the Great War and write a mediocre novel while drinking absinthe with Hemingway. Instead, find her sipping unsweet tea near a beautiful garden as she weaves fictional tales of love and connection amid reality.


~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ PREORDER ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley

♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ PREORDER ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley
Genre – MMF, Erotica
Page Count – 235
Cover Designer – Chameleon Media Productions, LLC
Three’s company, but is four a crowd?
Mike and Dane are a bisexual couple living the good life in a tucked-away Florida beach town.
But things start to shift when Dane announces he’d like to add a third to their seven-year relationship. A woman.
What ensues is a journey neither man expected. And after a few rather interesting hookups, two women enter the picture, forever changing the course of their lives.
Will the men get everything they’ve always wanted? Or will their polyamorous relationship prove to be more than they can abide?
Fireflies is a 45,000-word novel. Part of The Physical Collection: a series of sexy standalones by A.R. Hadley.