
The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Angelina Frazzini

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is book four of the series but can be read as a standalone. I read it before reading any of the others and didn’t feel like I was lost at all. This book does have some darker elements that may be triggering.

Renee experienced incredible trauma now that she’s free, and trying to readjust, it’s not as easy as she would like. No matter what though, Declan, her brother’s best friend, is by her side. At one time, she had hopes of a relationship with Declan but she’s sure that thought has vanished. She’s broken and doesn’t want to bring Declan down with her. Declan will do whatever it takes to protect Renee. He’s had feelings for her for so long and he knows she feels unloveable. He has desires but as long as he’s in Renee’s life, he’s happy and will squash all desires if that means he can stay. What happens when Renee’s past comes knocking?

I enjoyed this book. What an emotional roller coaster. Renee and Declan really connected. Declan is the strong alpha protector and I loved reading about him taking care of Renee. Definitely recommend this book!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by April McCoy

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I missed the first 3 books in the series and I’m unsure if I missed vital info or if they act as standalone novels but dang! An excellent read for sure! Renee was just such a well rounded MC and she had to be my favourite. If I’m honest, how can you go wrong with a little forbidden love. The ending was the cherry on top! A really great read!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Robin Rankin

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Protector: A Billionaire Brother’s Best Friend Romance (The Freemasons Book 4)

She saved the best story for last. This is hands down my favorite of the series. Watching Renee recover from the unimaginable with so much determination even when the little voice would bring up the past was amazing and emotional for me.

Declan is exactly who Renee needed to help her recover. He was so aware of her any time they were together, his feelings for her were obvious.

So much happens in this book starting with Renee coming home, her discovering who she is now and so much more.

I enjoyed each of these amazing men and their stories as well as the women who won their hearts.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Tia Martel

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Renee Cadmon was rescued from a horror that’s impossible for her to explain. After being kidnapped and tortured for three years, she’s back and taking steps to reclaim her life for herself. Declan Burkhard is not only her brother’s best friend, but someone Renee has had feelings for for as long as she can remember. Now there’s no way he’d want anything to do with her broken self, but what is his reason for staying so close?

Declan knows that Renee is worthy of the world. Before she was kidnapped he was fighting with his feelings to determine if he should try for more than friendship, now that she’s home he knows she’s all there is for him. He’s willing to sit back and wait for her even if it takes forever, and while he waits he’s going to be there to protect her while she maneuvers life back home. He’s happy sitting on the sidelines if that’s all she needs.

With the returning threat of the man who kidnapped Renee, Declan must do whatever it takes to keep her safe and show her she’s not alone.

Book four did not disappoint! Every book I read with the Fab Four has me wanting a man who can protect and serve like these four do. This fourth installment is a best friend’s little sister trope and I am so here for it.

Plenty of trigger warnings as there are mentions of Sexual Assault, violence, and kidnapping, but if you love a story about a man willing to wait for the woman he loves this is a good one.

I highly recommend reading all four in order as there are mentions in each book that build on each other to get you through to this one. However, it’s not entirely necessary to read them all to read this one.

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The Protector (The Freemasons #4) by Nicole Flockton-Review by Amanda Kimble

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Protector: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (The Freemasons #4) by Nicole Flockton

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. The author knows how to keep readers coming back. The Protector is the fourth book in The Freemasons Series. I absolutely loved Renee and Delcan.

Renee has been gone for three years. Being taken, held captive, and being forced to do things she normally wouldn’t. Once rescued she finds that everything has changed. She isn’t the same person anymore. She also wants more with Declan, but she is scared that she’s broken. The quote I chose for Renee is: “I’m tired of everyone looking at me like I’m about to break. Looking at me with pity. I know what I went through. I lived it. I don’t need their pity. I don’t need them to feel sorry for me because I got taken. I want them to look at me and see me.”

Declan is best friends with Jude and stays at a cottage near Renee when she’s rescued. He doesn’t want to leave her behind. He wants to be more than friends, but isn’t sure she’s ready. Can he protect her like he said he would? The quote I chose for Declan is: “Look at me, Ren. You did nothing wrong. You’re recovering from a traumatic event. There are always going to be things that will trigger what happened today. But I know you’ll work through those things. It’s going to take time.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Christine Baranek

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Protector
By: Nicole Flockton

This is the fourth book in the Freemason’s series and it delivers on what Nicole Flockton built with the previous three books. This book can definitely be read by itself (as a standalone), however, I truly recommend reading all of this series. If for no other reason than to see what the series is about and get to experience these truly wonderful characters.
This book comes with a trigger warning and it definitely should not be ignored.
Renee is one of the strongest characters I have ever read. She has been through so much in her life and she never imagined that she would find love. She was abducted and forced to work in a sex trafficking ring. Her brother is Jude and Jude’s best friend is Declan. When Renee goes missing from the rehab facility she is at Declan will stop at nothing to get her back. But before she does he has to decide if she was taken or if she has chosen to leave.
This book does a great job tying together the other books in the series. I absolutely loved this and recommend it!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Torey Foster

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Protector is a story about a girl who is trying to recover and reclaim her identity after being kidnapped and made to do terrible things for three years. Just because she was rescued does not mean the battle is over. Not only does she still have to escape her fear, she also has to learn who she is now, and even harder, she has to love herself again, despite the things she was forced to do. She is not the girl she was before no matter how bad some people may want her back. But with Declan’s help, maybe she can start to face her fears and become a stronger version, and just maybe she can find her self worth and see the amazing person that Declan sees in her.
I really enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. The characters are well developed and relatable. You can understand Renee’s fears and triggers and this story helps you understand what a victim might experience after going through such a horrible thing. I really like how respectful Declan is as he tries to help. He is clearly not perfect, and he makes mistakes, which makes this more realistic. He does everything he can to help and protect her, but there is no guide book to tell him the right things to do and say.
This is an emotional story that is very well told. I would definitely recommend it.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Jerricka Brown

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was amazing. It is part of a series by a great standalone read. This book was well written and an attention grabber. The author’s attention to detail grips you and doesn’t let go. I felt myself wanting more with each page turn. I highly recommend it.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Kerry Carr

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in The Freemasons series. I loved this just as much if not more than the previous books in the series. I do highly recommend reading the books in order so that you understand all the characters and their stories which have lead them to where they are now. The author does an amazing job of capturing the characters and I loved Declan who is so protective and caring towards Renee while at the same time being powerful and strong when it comes to protecting her.
Renee herself is very damaged because of the trauma she has gone through. My heart broke for her as she struggles with returning to normal life but I was equally amazing by her strength and courage to trust and love again.

Renee has finally been saved and rescued from the people who kidnapped her. Now she has the hard task of getting through the trauma and returning to her free life. But this is no easy task but she hopes she can get there with the help of her family and Declan. Renee has always had feels for Declan but now she knows he would never want her. Who would want someone so damaged and broken?

Declan is so thankfully to have Renee back safe. After fearing he had lost her forever he he grateful she has been found and will stop at nothing to help her recover. Even if that means denying his feelings and wants towards her and just focusing on helping her recover. He wants to do anything it takes to stay in her life and doesn’t want to scare her away.

Declans main goal is to protect her from any harm happening to her again. So when the people who kidnapped and harmed her before come back Declan is determined to make them disappear for good.

Can Declan protect Renee? Will he ever be honest with her about his feelings towards her or will Renee carry on thinking she is damaged and that no one will love her?

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in this series which is just as great as the first three. This is an author that I have enjoyed reading from the first book I picked up by her. I enjoy her writing skills as well as her attention to details that make her stories come to life. This is one of my favorite yet in this series. This is a well written story about Declan and his bestfriends sister, Renee. Will Declan be able to keep her safe when the person who abducted her returns? I enjoyed reading this suspenseful romance story. It is fast paced and hard to put down. A story that has characters that will pop off the pages and into your heart. They have great growth and chemistry from the start. They pull you into their story which makes the story easy to read. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Review by @bjwagner

The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Bethany Leigh Rucker

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Renee was just rescued after being kidnapped, and being held hostage for 3 years. Declan and her have had feelings for eachother in the past, but things changed now that she has returned. Declan doesn’t care if he ever gets to be with the woman he loves, he is just happy that she has returned. Renee believes that no one will want anything to do with her now that she is ‘ruined’, including Declan. Will Renee be able to return to a new normal life? Will Declan be the Protector that she needs?

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another enjoyable novel in this series about a group of Freemasons, and this story focuses on Declan Burkhard and Renee Cadmon, in this brother’s best friend romance. Renee was kidnapped and her innocence was stolen when she was sold to the highest bidder. Having been rescued from that horror, she has been trying to reclaim her life but it’s harder than she imagined. Her brother’s best friend Declan has been her rock, but strictly as a friend, although before she was taken she had hoped they could become more. Renee doesn’t think that Declan would be interested in her “broken and tainted soul”. However, Declan has always had feelings for Renee, he just didn’t act on them because she’s his best friends sister, and then she was taken.

Declan knows that she doesn’t think she’s “worthy of being loved”, but he wants to show her that’s not true. Declan is just happy to be apart of her life as she gets used to her freedom and will do anything to protect her, even if it means burying his desires. Renee is put in danger yet again when the person who orchestrated her abduction returns, but Declan is determined to eliminate the threat for good. I felt completely immersed in this story and engaged with the characters, as the descriptive narrative brings both the setting and characters vividly to life. The storyline does deal with some unsettling themes, but does so sensitively and in context with the story. I was hooked from start to finish and was kept happily turning the pages late into the night!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Kerry Baker

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is easily my favourite one in the series so far. I loved everything about it – the story, the characters. It has some deep topics that are addressed, which could be triggers for some people. It’s makes the book that much more complex and really pulled me into the story.
I thought the author handled the story well. She has a great way of tackling rough topics while creating an enjoyable story. I loved this book and cannot wait to read more from this author.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 4th, and final (sob sob) book ina fantastic series that I will definitely read over again. One thing I’d like to add is that, in my humble opinion, the author saved the best till last. This is definitely my favourite book in the series.
This one totally tugged at my heartstrings and dragged me through so many emotions. Declan and Renee’s story is heart-breaking yet joyous at the same time. Just knowing what Renee has gone through in the past and how it must be so hard for her to adjust to her new life makes her one of the strongest female characters that I’ve read. And what can I say about Declan? Well, he’s just perfect for her. His, love and compassion shine through and totally melt your heart.
I loved reading Declan and Renee’s story, It was difficult to read in parts but all worth the angst in the end. I also loved getting glimpses into the other 3 couples lives and seeing how their relationships are progressing.
This is a great book and I’d definitely recommend it, (and the three books that come before it).

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Although I didn’t read the other books in this series, The Protector is easy to read as a standalone and gives us a bit of insight into the former books couplings. The subject matter may be a bit triggering to some readers, but it was well written and not graphic details. The character of Renee is so heartbreaking and stronger than she is willing to allow herself to feel. Declan is her rock and the only one she wants to open up to full heartedly. This story takes us into a form of intimacy that stems from trauma and helping each other heal in the most horrible of circumstances. I really liked the pairing of Declan and Renee and how they both had to conquer a relationship built first on trust and lack of physical touch.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Darian Donaldson

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I liked this book. It was well-written and made me care about the characters. Renee had a lot to overcome and the patience and love that Declan showed for her were so perfect. I enjoyed going on this journey with them! I had not read any of the previous books, but I think I may go back and read them

Review by @darianamee21

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Cindy Mayberry

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Renee Cadmon is recovering from being taken and sold. After she is rescued she finds she is better off not leaving her room. Before she was taken she had a crush on her brother’s best friend, Declan. Now she feels he wants nothing to do with her, because of what she went through. Declan has always liked Renee, while she wants nothing to do with him. He still stays close by and makes sure Renee knows she is safe and protected. Declan also meets her for lunch, because he would do just about anything to stay close to Renee. That is all I will say about this fast paced and emotional story. This author has always impressed me with ner stories. This one did not disappoint. The author writes clearly and sends you through her book. I love her characters as they feel like friends I would love to hang out with. Their story is extremely believable, as well as heart wrenching. Have the tissue handy as you will need it. Also throwing your tablet is not a good Idea.


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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Brittany Porter

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If I could go back, I would have read these in order, but only because I would love to have had more of those dark and intense details of her time in captivity. Now I’m just determined to go back and read more about the characters stories. However, Renee and Declan’s story can certainly be read as standalone. I love the realness of this author’s writing and her ability to create frustratingly authentic characters. Is Declan the perfect protector? Not really, but that’s HIM. He does everything in his power to keep Renee safe though, even if he is human and makes some mistakes. Does Renee react how I think I would react to healing from such a trauma? No, but she was authentic and believable and true to her own character. Sometimes readers forget that authors don’t always create the story, but the characters do, and these characters wrote a beautiful one. Great read!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Kristan Anderson

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Protector by Nicole Flockton is book four in the Freemasons series. Throughout all three of the other books, we’ve gotten a glimpse of what happened to Renee. In this story, we get to see how she takes back her life. Declan has always stayed away although Renee has always been in his mind. But now he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, to protect her, to love her. This book was definitely a little hard to read, just in the sense of topics. I do think it was handled well and written well. The story between Renee and Declan was much more relaxed due to the nature of what she went through. Renee believes she’s not loveable after the horrible things that happened and Declan doesn’t want to push her but also has a hard time. I really loved this whole series and seeing each of the men get their girl.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Beverly Finnie

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Protector is a very good addition to the Freemasons series. It wasn’t my favorite of the four books but I still thoroughly enjoy it. Some very dark themes that are hard to review objectively. When one has gone through those things, who is one to sympathize or judge. Yes this is a work of fiction but the ptsd the main female character goes through is very real in today’s world. It’s scary to know young kids, men and women are taken every day from their families into the same life Renee was forced to live in this book.
This author is a favorite of mine for a reason, she writes her characters so well. The development and growth becomes a wonderful experience for the reader. You become invested in these characters and you don’t want their stories to end.
Declan and Renee have a long way to go. She’s broken and relearning how to live her life as the person she is now. He loves her so unconditionally he would do anything for her, even if it sacrifices his happiness. It’s as long as she’s happy. He doesn’t want to push her but just to be there for her.
Do Declan and Renee get to explore what was between them before she was taken?
How does she cope being back in the real world?
Like I’ve stated before the themes are dark but the love and romance throughout is absolutely beautiful.


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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Michelle Austin

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a 5 star read. I’m really enjoying this series and the author. I got pulled in right from the start. Renee has had a tough early life. Declan is her brother’s best friend. These two have an attraction that continues to grow between them. I loved how sweet Declan was to Renee along with being protective. My emotions were all over the place. It was great seeing characters from the previous books. If you’re looking for a great read that pulls you in, 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Protector is book 4 in this series and I very highly recommend reading all the books in order to get to know each character….and this story of Declan and Renee… heart….their story took me on a roller coaster of emotion.

Renee is finally home after being rescued as she abducted and taken to far away from Perth. The aftermath of her abduction has Renee on edge and fearful and the one comfort she has is being near Declan, who is her brother, Jude’s, best friend. Renee has so much healing and trauma to overcome, Declan is protective and patient and trying to be there for Renee in her recovery. Will Jude and Renee get the happily ever after they both deserve even when the person who set up the abduction of Renee returns? Definitely read and find out….

This story of Declan and Renee had so much….Danger, intrigue and some truly tender moments that I just loved….I love how the author intertwined each character in the book and this series of The Freemason was truly fabulous…so well done!!!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Stephanie Nicole

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All I can say about this series is wow, and book four really blew me away. I just discovered this author in the last year and she is quickly becoming one of my favorites. This story is Renee and Declan’s story and while it is a slow burn it is definitely well worth it. The character development is simply amazing, the plot is fascinating, and the way that the story unfolds is just simply amazing. This is the fourth installment in this amazing series and I simply can’t wait for more. So whether you’re looking for a new series to read or just a new book, then simply pick up this one today.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The Protector (The Freemasons #4)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The Protector</a> by <a href=””>Nicole Flockton</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
This is a good book that touches on and talks about a heavy topic. Renee has been kidnapped by someone who deals in sex trafficking. When she returns she starts going through therapy to try and move on, but she of course has set backs from things that trigger those memories she hopes to forget. Her brothers best friend, Declan, was once one of her closest friends and they are once again working toward that close friendship, possibly more. Though Declan still has feelings for Renee he decides not to act on them in order for her to heal. When Renee goes missing again while at a wedding they can’t help but fear the worst. Was she kidnapped again? Or did she leave of her own accord? Will they get a happily ever after or is Renee too scarred from her past to be truly loved and happy?
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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Chelsea Foster

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so full of love and so good. Renee is rehabilitating and the patience and love that Declan shows her is everything. There is a plot twist. Renee is more confident and stronger than ever after she’s had to endure what life has thrown at her. Following this series, I have fallen in love with the characters and their lives. These men and the women that they have at their sides are worth falling in love with. I love them all but Declan has a special place in my heart with Renee due to her story and how she overcame it with his help.

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Carlie Del Gallo

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series has fast become one of my favorites to read! I could not get enough of these books and could not put it down once I got ahold of it! This book revolves around Renee, who was kidnapped by terrible people and was able to finally be found and Declan who is a part of the freemasons who has always had a crush on her. I really loved their interaction with one another and the way that their story was written. Renee has a lot of real emotions that people feel when in these situations. It was super refreshing to read this and know that the author has such class writing the story like she did. Now that Renee is back, will she let herself finally fall for Declan or will her emotions and feelings stand in the way of her finally having happiness? I could not get enough of this book!! I cannot wait to buy these books for my sister and our friends to read them!!!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Lorrene Huisman

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been loving this book series since book 1. As much as I am sad to see the finale of the books happen, I loved how the author created these books and brought them to life, and gave the perfect ending!

This one in particular in the series really got at my heart strings i must say! Declan was a character impossible not to love, he was a good man with a good heart. Renee I related to a lot as well. She went thru stuff and did not seem worthy in her opinion to the most special in her life. When her past comes back to haunt her, she finds comfort in Declan’s arms. Their moments were sweet, full of steam, and you really truly felt the feelings and emotions between them! I was very happy with how this book went. The book series was stellar from book 1 all the way through this one, the finale. Perfect series which I absolutely loved!

I could never get enough of this author or series. The series, this book installment, and author are a high recommendation from me! It was bitter sweet to reach the end of the series, but the journey was by far unforgettable. Definitely a must read for sure. I highly suggest reading all the books in this series!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Michelle Mulvey

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jude’s sister, Renee was abducted and was held in a sex tracking ring for 3 years. She was pretty much the first person people saw when they walked in, much like a greeter. She definitely did have to participate in actions but not as much as others I do not think. Jude’s best friend Declan and Renee were close before she was abducted and both had feeling for one another but were afraid to act on them. Now that Renee has been rescued, Declan stays on sight in the place Renee is placed to help her cope. She has therapy there, and slowly starts to have lunch with Declan. Declan is the only person Renee feels absolutely comfortable with. She does have setbacks and the person she calls first is always Declan. They both care a great deal
About eachother but Renee has alot of triggers and issues when it comes to people near her or
Touching her. Everything seems to be going at a great pace as Declan and Renee get back to how close they were before she was abducted until Dominic’s wedding. At a moment during the wedding, Renee, Declan and Jude’s fears come barreling into reality when Renee goes missing again. Was she taken, is she in the bathroom, or did she just leave without telling anyone? I thought this series was so good and I loved the plot that all the books worked around. I hope to read more by this author soon. Each book was great to read but I recommend reading them in order to get the full effect.

review by @xchellex

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book 4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Jules Herbert

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a conclusion to this fantastic series!! So creatively written with such wonderful characters that you just can’t help taking them into your heart. This book explores Renee and Declan whose bond is undeniable but they have so much to work through as Renee tries to build a life again after being rescued. The author created such truly amazing characters whose strength is just indescribable! Renee is just such an amazing woman whose inner strength, even if at first she can’t see it, is inspiring. I highly recommend you reading this as soon as you can!! Don’t stop at one book read the whole series!!

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The Protector (The Freemasons Book #4) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Angela Hayes

The Protector (The Freemasons #4)The Protector by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


The Protector is the fourth and final book in The Freemasons series by Nicole Flockton. I have absolutely loved reading this series and meeting our sexy Freemasons. And this book certainly finishes the series off on a high note. It was a bit of a bitter-sweet read for me as I wasn’t ready to say goodbye, but at the same time I couldn’t help but devour the book to find out what happens. I didn’t need sleep, I needed answers lol…
As with the rest of the series, this is a fantastic contemporary romantic suspense, with plenty of emotion, chemistry, angst, steam, danger, intrigue, action, suspense, sweet and tender moments, heart-warming scenes, recovery, redemption, hope, and healing. It has a ‘brothers-best-friend/best-friends-sister element which was the perfect way to end the series.
After everything that Renee has been thorough, and the Freemasons in finding/rescuing her, she considers herself broken and ‘tainted goods’ unworthy of being loved. Declan’s protective nature comes to the fore, and he’s determined to do whatever it takes to protect her. What happens when the past comes back and threatens to destroy her life, again. Can Declan protect her and keep her safe? Will these two get their chance for their own HEA, or will the past prove too difficult to overcome? This is definitely worth the read to find out….
I highly recommend reading the previous three books before starting on this one, as even though each book focuses on its own particular couple, there are overlapping/common elements, recurring characters, as well as each book contributing to painting a bigger picture… So having all that previous information on board will definitely enhance your reading experience of this book and give you a greater appreciation of the series, as a whole.
Now I really can’t wait to see what Ms. Flockton brings us next.
Happy Reading!

Thank, you, Nicole Flockton!



Reviewed by @angelahayes

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