
The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Julie Johnson

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great little novella featuring muses, something that isn’t written about much in the paranormal world, at least from what I’ve found.

Bianca is attending the Brightling Academy for Muses to learn how to fine-tune her powers. One day she returns to find a boy at the school. Because Bianca is struggling in her “Poise and Charm” class, her instructor assigns her the duty of showing Sebastian around the school. Mystery, drama, action, and a clean romance makes this book a very enjoyable read.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Shannen Kern

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I would have a lesser experience due to my mistake of reading this book second, but I actually thought it was incredible that way! This author has quickly made her way to the top of my watch list because the way she writes is captivating. It only took a few pages for me to lose track of time and dive into the magical world right alongside our Muse, Bianca. I found the length of the story to be sublime as the author did an amazing job crafting a marvelous storyline as well as developing the characters to perfection. Just like A Song of Salt and Secrets, this includes a unique take on folklore that I hadn’t experienced anywhere else. I’ve already started searching out other books by this author because I cannot sing her praises enough. This was an incredible YA/Paranormal read, and I highly recommend picking it up and diving straight in!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Jennifer Reimer

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This YA fantasy book was amazing and very incredible to read. This was filled with so many twists and turns I didn’t know if it was going to twist or turn, which is what kept me reading till the end. It had a whole lot of drama, love, danger, uncertainty, adventure and so much more. When I boy comes to an almost all girls school it really causes a stir. Bianca is then assigned to help him get settled in, and well one thing turns to another, and they become good friends. But then a big issue starts to happen so will Sebastian come to help Biance and save the well of imagination. But will he really do it or is there something else going on. The character in this book is so well-written, that I also felt like I was watching it. The story was well paced and kept in a straight line but also grabbed me and kept me reading. This was a very incredible read, highly recommend.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Santana Hicks

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bianca Harper is a legacy at Brightling Academy due to her family lineage. Being a muse, there is a certain standard to follow. When she finds out she is flunking Poise and Charm class and close to not graduating, she is willing to do anything to pass. The Headmistress tells Bianca that if she takes the new student, Sebastian, under her wing, it would count as extra credit.

Sebastian is the only male in the entire school. He is loving the attention he is getting from all the girls. Bianca is immediately annoyed and thinks he is a jerk.

When bad things start happening around the town, mostly targeting the arts that the muses are trained to protect, Bianca and Sebastian team up to figure out who and why would someone do this. Bianca’s best friend is suspicious of Sebastian. All of the trouble started when he first arrived at the school but Bianca is getting blinded by her potential feelings for him. There is an unfulfilled prophecy of the destruction of the ‘Well of Imagination’. All signs point to someone trying to speed up that prophecy. It’s up to Bianca to stop the prophecy from happening while also trying to keep up with her classes.

This was a fast paced filled with action. The premise of a school full of muses was unique and I really enjoyed that aspect. Bianca is a take action now, deal with consequences later kind of girl but she was also calm and caring. I could see myself befriending her if I went to her school.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Callie Luna

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The School of Nine was a perfect Novella for any YA reader. Bianca is a Muse in training that is attending Brightling Academy. She trips in Poise class one day to be met with Sebastian, the first male to attend the academy in decades, since Muses are typically female. Once Bianca and Sebastian realize that the signs are appearing signaling the end of the Muses power, they must do everything they to find a way to stop it from happening. I loved the premise of the story with a school full of muses to bring inspiration to ordinary human artists. They bring good things into the world and make the world a better place. The love interest is wholesome. Amanda Marin does an amazing job giving significant detail to the world even with a short number of pages. I look forward to reading A Song of Salt and Secrets next.

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The School of Nine by Amanda Marin reviewed by Crystal Jimmo

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this first book we have the story of the Muses. Mainly Bianca and Sebastian. Bianca is close to flunking out of Brightling Academy. She offers to help Sebastian settle in at her school. Bianca is your sweet kind of girl. She has a lot of power but doesn’t quite know it. She has a lot of self-doubt but by the end of the novella, she has beautifully transformed into a butterfly who knows her worth. I really enjoyed this book! I will be adding it to my daughter’s library when she gets a little bit older. I think she will absolutely love this book!

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Amber Howard

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The School of Nine by Amanda Marin is a part of the Mythic Academy collection but can be read as a stand alone novella. This story follows Bianca as she embarks on a journey of self discovery, acceptance, and sacrifice. As graduation nears she is tasked with showing the new kid ( Sebastian) the ropes. She soon finds out that every one has secrets and that her gift may be just what’s needed to save them all. With the help of The nine she just might.

I really enjoyed this one. The characters are well developed, the plot is super engaging and there isn’t a lull. Right from the start you can tell there’s something about Bianca that is powerful and I don’t mean her actual powers. Although she doubts herself she has a strength that many wouldn’t have in her situation.

This is a story for young adults but can be enjoyable by anyone who likes fantasy stories. Its wholesome. Doesn’t take long to read. The story feels complete and I am not left with a million questions which is quite refreshing. I also noticed that both stories in this series have mythical references. I love mythology and am always intrigued by the way they are incorporated. 5 ⭐️ from me.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Whisper Hymer

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The School of Nine by Amanda Marin is the first book of the Mythic Academy Collection. If follows Bianca Harper – muse-in-training and descendent of Clio – as she works to save the future of Muses and Imagination. Together with Kash and Sebastian, they navigate school and disaster. This was a quick read and very original. Can’t say I’ve ever ran across a book about muses. Enjoy!

Reviewed by @WhisperHymer

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Whisper Hymer

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The School of Nine by Amanda Marin is the first book of the Mythic Academy Collection. If follows Bianca Harper – muse-in-training and descendent of Clio – as she works to save the future of Muses and Imagination. Together with Kash and Sebastian, they navigate school and disaster. This was a quick read and very original. Can’t say I’ve ever ran across a book about muses. Enjoy!

Reviewed by @WhisperHymer

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection Book #1) by Amanda Marin – Review by

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


The School of Nine is the first book in The Mythic Academy Collection series by Amanda Marin. This is a captivating YA fantasy with a magical academy/finishing school setting, Muses, sinister foes, drama, danger, high stakes, agendas, prophecy, legends/myths, good vs evil, family, duty/responsibility, friendship, journey of discovery, self-discovery, action, adventure, secrets, and a touch of sweet (clean) romance.
This isn’t the first book that I have read by Ms. Marin, and having loved her previous books, I was excited to start on a new series from her. I loved the premise, the whole ‘Mystic Academy’ aspect had me hooked before I’d even read a word. But then the first few pages certainly ‘sealed the deal’ for me.
Bianca Harper is a Muse who can trace her heritage back to one of the original nine Muses, and with that legacy comes the heavy weight of responsibility. She feels the weight of expectations on her shoulders – and she really isn’t sure she has what it takes to live up to those high expectations. She and her fellow classmates at Brightling Academy are learning everything a good Muse must know in order to ‘inspire’ all the artistic, musical, and creative ideas, which in turn then spreads goodwill and hope throughout all of humanity. But strange things have started happening, with an ancient prophecy coming to pass, and someone seems all too eager to speed those things along… And on top of that, Bianca and her friends discover that the well of creativity is running dry. Now they must find a way to help replenish the well, to stop the prophecy from completing, before it’s all too late. The very fate of humanity is riding on outcome. Add in a new male student- the first ‘male’ muse in decades, tension, suspense, dramatic developments, and a touch of romance- and the story takes a captivating turn.
Well worth the read- looking forward to Book #2!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Amanda Marin!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Kerry Baker

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a well written and interesting fantasy story that is about a school for muses. This isn’t something I have seen as a subject matter for a book before so it caught my attention right from the start. For me, this book was all about the characters. I connected with them instantly and wanted to know more about them and their story.
Overall, this is quite a short story and I think it would have definitely benefited from being a longer book. However, that did not detract from my enjoyment of the story and it definitely has me looking forward to book two. I cannot wait to see what is to come next.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Jenni Bishop

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars
With a unique and intriguing storyline, The School of Nine is a YA paranormal fantasy romance tale with clever world building.
With characters that are interesting and well-developed you will fall in love with them. I really like the premise and the mythos of muses in training along with prophecies and the chosen one.
The School of Nine is set in a magical world of Brightling Academy – a prestigious school for female Muses. So, when Sebastian turns up imagine everyone’s surprise but not everything is as it seems.
Bianca has her reservations about this newcomer but there is more to him than she first thought.
With tension, intrigue, frustration, drama, turmoil, danger, action, adventure, there is something for YA lovers of magic.
Will Bianca be able to rely on help to stop the trouble before them? To find out you will need to grab a copy of this book.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The School of Nine by Amanda Marin – Review by Shelly Kittell

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really cool story. I loved how it was about Muses-in-training. There was a mystery to be solved. The urban and paranormal mixed into the writing quite nicely. I enjoyed the writing and the characters. I find that when you have characters who are deceitful, that tends to catch and keep my attention. It’s a wonderful short read with lots of drama and action. A quick, fast-paced read.

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