
The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Carrie Cross

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“The Strategist: A Forced Proximity Romance (WaterFyre Rising)” by Nadia Han is a dynamic and engrossing romance novel that will keep readers glued to the book until the very end. Han’s compelling writing style is packed with action, romance, and unique twists that keep the book unpredictable and suspenseful.
The pacing of the book is spot-on, with a perfect balance of action scenes, emotional moments, and steamy romance that keep readers engaged every step of the way. The author’s vivid descriptions of the setting and atmosphere add an extra element of excitement, transporting readers straight into the world of the characters.
“The Strategist: A Forced Proximity Romance (WaterFyre Rising)” is a thrilling and captivating read that will leave readers hooked until the very end. With an engrossing plot, well-crafted characters, and a steamy romance, Nadia Han has crafted a must-read novel for fans of the genre.

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Crystal Jimmo

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First things first. The WaterFyre Rising series is absolutely amazing! I’ve read the first four and have been hooked since! I’ve always wanted to know more about Arrow and what happened to him since we get glimpses of him in the previous books. Needless to say I squealed for joy when I saw that he finally got his own book. Reading more about way he is the way he is just absolutely broke me. Getting to see him healing was a balm to my soul. Now, seeing him meet Vivian was an experience to read about. She is an absolute firecracker and has no problem throwing verbal punches when she needs to. I loved the back and forth between the two, and watching Vivian interact with the rest of the group was heartwarming. Now the most important question! The gamer in me needs to know, when do I get to play this amazing game they’ve been building?! It sounds so much fun!

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han. This is my favorite genre, romantic suspense and this book was every bit that. It’s the 5th book in the WaterFyre Rising series and can be read as a standalone but I always recommend reading them order to get the most out of the story. This is the story of Vivian who is a dentist and a martial arts teacher. Vivian has had a hard past and is ready for a happy life but with her past the way it was she is very closed off and doesn’t let many in her circle. When she meets Arrow, a retired Navy Seal, he is smitten and insists she goes out with him but she shoots him down. Arrow is not giving up though, he’s determined to get her go out with him. He goes so far as to buy the apartment block she lives in and plans to wear her down. Vivian finally starts to give in and they find out they are more alike than they thought. When Vivian tries to find a missing girl and Arrow has his own danger in the midst. This book will keep you turning pages late in the night to find out what happens!

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is wow! This is a romantic suspense with some kick-ass that will leave you in awe. Arrow and Vivian are two people that want to fight the attraction as they have different focus. They will eventually come together to rescue a little one in trouble. The action is palpable and the romance is great. I love this author’s writing. This is a fantastic series that often leaves me feeling that I’ve just been on a wild ride. These are some fantastic characters that will take you for a ride as they are on their mission. I can’t get enough of this series.

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by M Policicchio

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Vivian and Arrow’s story is one about love and reclaiming yourself after trauma. Vivian had one traumatic incident that changed her life while Arrow had lived his trauma for many years. When they found each other, it was intense and fast.

Vivian had moved to Providence to search for a young girl possibly taken by a memory Vivian didn’t want to remember. But Vivian not only had to face the memory but everything that went along with it to help save this girl. Arrow was willing to help but Vivian had to let him in.

As Arrow and Vivian grew closer, they were able to find the missing pieces of the puzzle to save the young girl. This also led to finding more people willing to help Arrow and his boys on their mission to destroy the international criminal organization, Trogyn. As Arrow and his boys continue to dismantle Trogyn, they face bigger and more powerful danger. As they gather allies, the battle doesn’t look as daunting.

Another stellar episode in the series! This one goes along all smooth and then BAM!!! Drama, intrigue, exploding teeth, and excitement. Hold onto your Kindle because you never know what is around the next corner!!

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Beverly Finnie

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love love love this series. I really thought it was going to end with book 5, The Strategist. So I can’t tell you how happy I am to find out there will be more! I’ve been hooked since book 1. These are books you could read as a standalone novel, but they work and flow so much better in succession. The Strategist is Arrow’s story. And being there were originally 5 friends creating the WaterFyre rising video there’s been more characters introduced to take the story further.
Arrow and Vivivan dance around one another. He wants her. She wants him but not enough to give him a chance. She’s been through some trauma’s in her life, which is why she keeps her heart closed off. However she’s on a mission to find her friend’s daughter who went missing 9 months ago. What she doesn’t realize is her mission is going to intersect Arrow and his friends’ journey to take down The Trogyn organization. Forcing them to work together. Working together works best when trust is involved. However with their rough childhoods one might not believe it’s possible.
Can they both let down their walls to trust one another?
Will Vivivan finally give into the feelings she has for Arrow?
Can two broken souls mend each other?
Just like all the other books in this series. There’s romance with a little action and adventure thrown in. Stubborn characters who care mightily for those in their circle. A group of friends do thick; they are hesitant about letting new members in. Yet they embrace everyone’s family as if it were their own.
I can’t wait for book 6. Till then I’m contemplating about starting the series over. It’s all worth it! If you haven’t started it, go back to book 1. And if you have what are you waiting for book 5 is out!!!

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Lisa Helmick

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What another wonderful book in this series! The story is very intricate! I love all the criss cross story lines and characters. I struggled to out this intriguing one down. While Arrow is great I really love Vivian. She is one strong, smart and a woman who takes no bull. Yes she has had a hard life but she has grown and changed from it. Her resilience is what all women aspire for. I really enjoyed her story. We meet some new characters and see older ones.

I thought this would be the last book but nope! So I look forward to the next!

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book #5) by Nadia Han – Review by Angela Hayes

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


The Strategist is the fifth book in the fantastic ‘WaterFyre Rising’ series by Nadia Han. I have been captivated by this series right from the beginning, since first devouring The Mastermind- and this book certainly lived up to expectation.
Ms. Han certainly knows how to weave an enticing story, the way she has deftly woven each book, focusing each instalment on its own particular ‘couple’, but also building a gripping, overarching storyline that wends its way through the series- building on what has come before, and instalment by instalment, painting a much bigger and more intriguing picture/story.
‘The Strategist’ is an engrossing contemporary romantic suspense with a former Navy SEAL, a bit of a billionaire romance element, intrigue, dramatic developments, danger, chemistry, sizzle, angst, tension, secrets, forced proximity, emotion, family, friendship, intensity, mystery, violence, action, the Triad, sinister enemies, agendas, evil bad guys, a powerful criminal organisation, trauma, pain, hope, healing, a dynamic & multilayered storyline, and superb characters (& more).
This is Arrow Holt and Vivian Vo’s story- whom we have both met in previous books, as Arrow has been an integral part of the Waterfyre family since the beginning, and Vivian is friends with the Waterfyre women. Vivian has huge secrets that have shaped who she is and the path her life has taken. She is haunted by the past and has trouble trusting, building a wall around her heart in the process. Arrow had pursued her in the past, but she had rejected him as her plans don’t include love and romance. But she is drawn to him, and running into him at a wine expo only fans the embers of attraction into flames.
Arrow has his own scars and memories that haunt him, but Vivian seems to have a way of soothing his demons- and Arrow wants more. He is a brilliant entrepreneur whose strategies have made him a formidable opponent- and extremely rich in the process…. He now uses his strategic mind to dismantle every wall that Vivian had built, and to devise a way to make her his. Add in a dangerous quest, agendas, intensity, sizzling chemistry, and searing passion- and their story becomes unputdownable- and one of the best of the series.
As mentioned, even though each book has its own couple and storyline, all the books combined help to build a much bigger picture, providing morsels of information on the other recurring characters, the backstories, overarching storyline, and all the intriguing Waterfyre details. The whole Waterfyre element is what really hooked me into the series in the first place, and that combined with the exciting storylines, help to make this series stand out from the crowd.
The story was a little slow to build momentum, to begin with – but as the story progressed, and after only a few chapters, the pace really picked up, the intrigue kicked in, and the story completely captured me and had me gripped tightly all the way till the end. I read the whole thing in one sitting, as I needed to know how everything would play out in the end.
I loved meeting the intriguing new characters who have joined the Waterfyre family and can’t wait to read their story (Coming in Book #6 – ‘The Protégé’ – which is set to be amazing!).
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Nadia Han!



Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve had my eye on this series for a while but have never taken the leap to read it until now. Why I started with book 5 I couldn’t tell you. I guess I’m just random like that. I realized that they can be read as standalone novels but by starting from the beginning you gain more from the series and have all your questions answered if you read the series in order. Arrow and Vivian are a power couple once they get together, but in the mean time they do surely take their time getting there. She’s an independent, fierce self defense teacher/dentist, and Arrow is a morally gray retired Navy seal who has an interest in wine. Their chemistry was great, the novel was intense, and meaningful. I’m so glad I gave this novel a chance. I am looking forward to going back to start this series from the beginning.

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
I can’t believe we are at book five in this series already. I have loved this series from the very first book and each book there after only gets better and better. This is my favourite story in the series although I have said that about the others. This is one series that you should get behind because it is great reading.
Each book can be read as a standalone, but I say make sure you start with The Mastermind which stars the first of the WaterFyre men to get his story told.
The Strategist is Arrow’s story and Nadia has woven a complex tale that I could not set aside I had to keep the pages turning because I couldn’t get enough of it and wanted to see how it all went. I love getting the inside thoughts of the characters instead of it being one sided and Nadia does this by writing in dual POV.
Arrow left the life of a Navy SEAL behind but that doesn’t mean he can leave behind painful memories that is until her but when danger comes calling can he help her? Or better yet does she need his help? Will her secrets keep them from what could truly be? Danger and dark secrets that may just destroy it all. What happens next makes for one intriguing and engrossing read.
As always, I look forward to seeing what Nadia gives us next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an author that I never hesitate to pick up. I enjoy their writing style that makes her characters pop and written with a lot of heart. This is the fifth book, it can be read as a standalone but I highly suggest reading the previous books as they are just as great as this one. This is a well written story that is not just full of romance but also suspense. Vivian is a dentist who has no time for romance. Arrow is a Navy Seal but has a past that seems to haunt him. How will one date, one night change everything for them both. Will they get a second chance at romance? I enjoyed how the characters pulled me into their world with ease. They are engaging characters that kept me turning pages to the end. They have great growth as well as chemistry throughout the story which made it easy to read. I found this book to be fast paced and entertaining. A hard to put down story that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Kerry Baker

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As the fifth book in the series, I could not wait to start reading this. As soon as I started reading, I loved the characters. I found them so engaging and I really wanted to know more about their story. I thought their connection was believable and easy to connect with. It was great watching it develop as the story went on.
This author has created a great series and each one is well written and interesting. I enjoyed the story presented in this book and thought it was a great fit for the characters. The storyline was well developed and I enjoyed the overall pace. This is a great series and great book that I would recommend.

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The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Romantic Suspense
Page Count – 418
She is the most beautiful target to land at the center of his heart.
Calculated and sinfully attractive, Arrow Holt is a former Navy SEAL full of strategies that make him a successful wine entrepreneur. But the wounds he carries still haunt him. When he sees scars worse than his own on a stunning woman, his closed heart breaks open.
Mysterious and exquisite, Vivian Vo is an efficient dentist with a hidden agenda and no time for romance even with a gorgeous man she’s drawn to. She believes he’s moved on after her rejection. But his determined plan eventually earns him a duel, a date, and her admission that he is her perfect match.
Her brilliant strategist.
Her relentless protector.
The savior to her soul.
As their romance intensifies, her deep ties to the triad threaten to destroy them and everyone they love.


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Author Interview with Nadia Han