
This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Brittany Carlin

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the last book in this Vampire Series. It is also the fifth book. It would be beneficial to read them in order as there is not much context in this book, for the previous installments. I typically do not choose paranormal or vampire books to read, but I decided to give this series a shot! The artwork on the cover immediately drew me in. Plus a rockstar female leads the show.

Rowena continues her badass actions in essentially deciding the fate of the empire. I was greatly impressed with this author’s ability to continue on with so much excitement in this series. Unexpected twist at the end, and so much sadness knowing this was the true end of this series.

If you like danger, excitement, and things a little weird – this series will keep you busy for a while!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State #5) by Alexander Charalambides-Review by Amanda Kimble

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

This Night Has Ended: A Dark Supernatural Fantasy (Vampire State #5) by Alexander Charalambides

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. This is also the first book I’ve read in the Vampire State Series. This Night Has Ended is the fifth book in the Vampire State Series. This book will have you hanging on to every word.

Rowena is a human who is turning into a vampire thanks to her boyfriend. Rowena stands up for humans and others don’t like that. Now they’re in danger and she wants to protect them. The quote I chose for Rowena is: “Shut up, let’s go up to my office, people are less likely to see us and we can watch the street for Quintus.”

Vincenzo is a vampire and is sticking by Rowena’s side. He is helping her with what she wants to do. The studio is somewhere they can stay safe while they figure out their next move. The quote I chose for Vincenzo is: “We’re mapping the city, assigning scarcity and danger levels based on first hand reports, telling people where to stay away from or go to, that kind of thing, take this, find them on the map, red pin for dangerous, green pin for safe, black pin for places we still aren’t sure about.”

Highly recommended for Dystopian Romance lovers.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Kirsten Berkebile

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had my attention from the start. I honestly say that I am not normally into Vampire Books but this one has me on my toes. I really wish that I could have read Book 1 first, but alas I started on book 5 again. Either way, I will be reading and getting caught with the other books from this series. I feel like I could relate to Rowena more than anything, but I also understand Vincenzo’s character as well and can relate to him as well.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Lauren West

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So I am starting this series a bit lost because I am starting at book 5. This was truly a great story and a fun read, but I need the back story as well. The concept of vampires and humans is quite common but this story takes it to a fun and new level.
Rowena is an amazing character who I found to be a bit complex but she really sticks with you. The story as a whole has danger, romance, action, twists and turns, and a plot that kept you going until the end. I will for surely be going back to book 1, but I still recommend book 5 as well.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Erin Wolf

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story picks up and runs full throttle. There is so much going on. The characters have been constantly evolving and they are just trying to do what is right for everyone. At its base, this is a story about social injustice set in a dystopian setting. Really, you have two different things going on at the same time — trying to survive in what this world has become, and trying to get everyone to live together peacefully, while getting the word out as to what is really happening. Then there is the evolution of Rowena herself. There is so much build up as to what will happen on all of these accounts. There are many surprises along the way, too. I never saw what was coming next and could not put the book down.

The previous books should be read first since there really is no back story given to lead us into the current book. But the story is quite interesting and the characters are unique and complex. You should try this series.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So at first I couldn’t get into it because I hadn’t read other books but then I finally caught on. Rowena treats everybody equally regardless of species human or vampire or other being. Rowena and Vincenzo have a deep relationship even though Luka is in love with her. Rowena ends up heartbroken because of Luka’s incident with Vincenzo. I would love to say what comes next for Rowena.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Tina Vega

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A paranormal series that will turn upside down whatever ideas you had about vampires. It’s a page turner for sure! Great world building and great characters that you grow to love. One of the things I really loved about this story was the originality. Yes, give us a different spin we haven’t read before. Please keep writing great stories like this one!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Night Has Ended is Book 5 in the Vampire State Series. Rowena’s fate is hanging in the balance as she struggles to keep a dark secret to herself. She finds herself often doubled over in pain and battling frequent seizures as her transformation continues. Rowena cannot let the pain slow her down because the Empire is in chaos and the fate of the human population of Sanguinia is precarious at best. Sanguinia is in desperate need of a new Emperor and Rowena has a plan, but will anyone listen to her or go along with her plan?

The story was well written, the characters were relatable and the world of Sanguinia was described so vividly that I felt as though I was there. I loved the character of Rowena and found her strength and courage in the pursuit of her plan to be admirable. She never allowed anyone or anything to get in her way or stop her from pursuing her plan. I found the character of Vincenzo to be smart, determined and it was obvious that he loved Rowena and would do anything for her. Luka was a character that you love to hate. He is bloodthirsty and angry at the world for how his life has turned out. Luka chooses to lash out at everyone and is determined to kill anyone he feels is responsible for his bad fortune. Although you can understand his pain and empathize with him, his behavior as a result seems unforgivable. This story put a new spin on the battle between vampires and humans. It is full of action, danger, politics, violence, suspense, and secrets. It leads to a conclusion that takes a twist the reader does not see coming. This book is a must read for anyone that loves a good vampire story!

View all my reviews@TaraJohnsonBarnes

This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Susan Ratchford

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This Night Has Ended: A dark Supernatural Fantasy (Vampire State book 5)
By: Alexander Charalambides
Review by: Susan Ratchford
5 Stars

In this last installment of the Vampire State series Rowena continues to go through her transformation. Her body is wracked with pain, betraying her at every turn, and her humanity is teetering on an edge, all the while the empire is ripe with discontent and malice. Rowena’s fate and the fate of all of Sanguinia’s human population rests on one crucial election, it is Rowena’s final test.
This was a beautifully written end of the series and I can not wait to binge read the rest of the books! Alexander Charalambides brings a wonderfully creative new take on the Paranormal/Vampire story with a unique portrayal of vampires and their politics. It was engaging and powerful with dynamic characters like Rowena and Vincenzo who you can’t help but like. This book had me reading as fast as I could just to find out what would happen to them. The detail he put into this series gives it a sense of realism that anyone at any age can enjoy. This series has everything you could ever want with vampires, action, danger, and politics. Definitely worth it!!!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Candida Hopper

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fifth and final book in this series and I’m sad it has to come to an end. I found this story to be original which made it that much more exciting to read. This story is full of danger, vampires, twists and turns, politics, and great characters. Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down, I kept turning the pages needing to know what was going to happen next. This book took me on an unexpected journey. The author did an exceptional job writing a great series and keeping me on the edge of my seat. Rowena has been through so much but she stays strong throughout. I can’t wait to read what the author gives us next. I recommend this book.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Engaging, dynamic, intriguing, captivating and enthralling! Book five, the last in this series, really makes the final moments for this story come alive. I was entranced and caught in the throes of the action. I love Rowena’s final push and thoroughly enjoyed the dark romanticism and unique portrayal of vampires. Read these in order to get the most out of them!!! I will be re-reading them one weekend when I have time to binge!!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Carrie Reed

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 stars!

WOW! I’m speechless, at first I couldn’t really get into the story but not long into the book I was hooked and invested. LUKAS! I did not see that coming from him, and I couldn’t read fast enough to see what would become of Rowena and Vincenzo. The ending had me a little upset, of course it’s only because it wasn’t the ending I wanted, but it was perfect anyways. I feel like there could be and might be more of an adventure for Rowena to come and I look forward to seeing if this author will expand more. This is not your average vampire story, and that is what makes it all the more perfect. While there was so much evil against them to take over the position of emperor with no good intentions, Rowena, Vincenzo and their friends were looking to make their world peaceful, equal and kind. Definite recommendation!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Cindy Rushin

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so good. It was a fitting end for the series. Rowena’s journey had so many different paths it could have taken but I really like the path the author chose. I love the fact that at the end the reader finds that Rowena and Vincenzo do get a happy ending, although not in the way the reader might have anticipated. This author developed a dynamic world and story, I look forward to reading more from her.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Stephanie Robb

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This Night Has Ended by Alexander Chardambides is book 5 in the Vampire State. In my opinion the best way to read this series is in the numerical order of release so you get the most enjoyment out of the series. The series in my opinion is YA and aimed at 14-18 year olds.
“As Rowena’s dread transformation continues, the empire is plunged into chaos. Can Rowena retain her humanity even when her body betrays her.”
Rowena is a strong character and you cannot help but admire her strength and tenacity. the characters and worldbuilding throughout the whole series has been breathtaking. I really enjoyed this alternative look at vampires and how it shakes up the stereotypes. I would highly recommend this series for fantasy and dystopian lovers.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Barbara Bohls

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First thing first, this is the 5th book in the series and if you haven’t read the others in the series; you will be a little lost. I am not saying that you can’t read this one and figure things out but it would be easier to understand if you read the whole series. This book reads beautifully. The words that are written seem to jump off the pages. This book has a little something for everyone. It has action, vampires, humans, danger, adventure, a huge political tone, tension, romance, and dystopia. You will be hooked after the first chapter. This book will take you on so many twists and turns that you won’t want to stop reading. This book is not your typical vampire book either, which was a huge surprise to me. I felt while reading this that I haven’t read anything quite like it before. It was a rush to be able to not know what was going to happen. After having read certain genres of books, I almost feel like at times I can somewhat predict what is going to happen or I have a few ideas as to what might happen. Well, whatever I thought was going to happen didn’t. It was amazing and such a fresh look into a concept that I hadn’t even dreamed of with paranormal writing. The growth of the characters throughout the book is sensational. Rowena one of the main characters goes through some difficult revelations but comes out better on the other side. I highly recommend this book to anyone. Especially, if you are looking for a different perspective in paranormal stories.

Reviewed by @bbohls

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Amy Brennan

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whoa! Although this author’s ability to have his words jump off the page so that you feel that you are living and breathing this crazy ride through Sanguinia, I would adore a cinematic version of this tale. The descriptiveness, the world in which they reside, and not to mention the tension that is built throughout this epic finale, is nothing to scoff at. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into, as I hadn’t read the series when I picked this novel up, but I did read the first installment to get a feel for the author’s writing and the characters, and was blown away. Even having missed a lot between the first and fifth novels, I couldn’t put it down, and will certainly be reading the remainder of the series so that I can be fully immersed in the struggles that Rowena, Vincenzo, Luka, and all the supporting characters. I very much look forward to connecting more with Rowena, along with the others, and experiencing her ups and downs throughout the series very soon.

I, as I’m sure is the case with many readers, always figure that things will be end amicably between vampires and humans within the written world adventures that we choose to embark on, but that’s only because we’ve been led to believe as much. This author has taken that idea away completely and allowed for us to see the struggles between different species, so to speak, and wove an intricate tale that hasn’t been done before. This was a whirlwind read, that will make you dizzy by the end, but so worth it. I can’t wait to read and review the rest of his novels and will recommend to others for sure!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Tausha Treadway

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides. This is an amazing Paranormal/Supernatural read. This is the 5th installment in the Vampire State series and its amazing. I really think you should read each book to totally understand this book. Its the story of Rowena who is in the for a major fight. There is a war going on and Rowena is trying to bring peace to both. When some people don’t want peace its hard to help it along! Where vampires and humans are thrown together all kinds of craziness will happen. Rowena is fighting an infection as well that is making her a Pale vampire. She is terrified that her boyfriend Vincenzo will not approve and she will lose him forever. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat and keep you up until you are finished!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides- Review by Darla Yocom

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a beautifully written book wrapping up this incredible series. The author should be very proud of this body of work.

The main character, Rowena, is a bad-ass and continues to embark on quite an adventure in book number five (5). She has a dilemma that will impact the empire and its future, as well as her own. Heavy is the burden of those who have power and responsibility.

I’m a huge fan of anything Paranormal/Supernatural, especially the vampire world, so this series was definitely a great fit for me but I do not think you need to be a fan of this genre to appreciate the brilliance created by this author.

I feel this book is binge-worthy, as is this series due to the intelligent way it was written. Between the impeccable world building and thriving character arcs, the ending plot design delivers a satisfying conclusion to finalize the completed series.

The gorgeous book cover caught my eye so had I not known of this series prior to reading this book, I would have been intrigued from the get go.

This was a quick read and kept my attention from start to finish. I am so thankful to have had the pleasure to read this series. I cannot wait to find another title from this author so I can launch into another breathtaking reading journey.

5 out of 5 stars!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Stephanie Nicole

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The final installment to this amazing dystopian vanpire sereis.Let me just start by saying that if you haven’t read the rest of this series, you need to find them and binge read them all immediately. This author created a world betond our imaginations and thrust us straight into it in the very beginning.The storyline was amaing, the characters were good fantastic, and the front cover is breathtaking.But i will say that this book shocked me plenty of times in the middle,with an ongoing war, and plenty of action nake sure you go grab this today.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Angela Hayes

This Night Has Ended
by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


This Night Has Ended is the fifth and final instalment in the Vampire State series by Alexander Charalambides. This series has been one heck of an adventure, that’s for sure. From the first book, and every new instalment since, each addition to the series just got better and better- keeping me hooked and anticipating what would happen next. As I have mentioned before, this series takes vampire lore and really shakes it up- producing a very original and intriguing vampire tale.
We have learned so much and gone through so much with Rowena over the course of the series, but there is no resting just yet. Rowena’s biggest challenge lies ahead, and she will need to dig deep if she is to endure. Her secret is weighing heavily on her shoulders, as does her sense of responsibility. She is determined to see things through, no matter the cost or consequence. What happens made for an exciting read.
There is so much going on, and the story took me on quite an unexpected journey. There were moments where the tension was quite palpable. So needless to say that I read most of the story with bated breath. This final instalment was so much more than I had anticipated. With vampires, action, adventure, danger, drama, surprising developments, politics, challenges, secrets, the paranormal, romance, discord, tension, and a bit of a dark dystopian feel- which made for quite an exciting read.
I am impressed with the way Mr. Charalambides ended his series, if not a little sad to see it all come to the end. Now I will be eagerly waiting to see what he has in store for us next.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Alexander Charalambides!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Kerry Baker

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a brilliant conclusion to an exiting series. Each book in this series has got better and better and I always couldn’t wait to read the next.
This book is just as good as those before it. It is exciting, fast paced and I found myself really engaging with the story. It is one of those books i seemed to read so fast while also trying to savour it, knowing it was the last one. I thought the author really did the series justice with this book. It is such a fantastic story and I enjoy each and every page of it.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Kerry Carr

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the final book in this series and wow what a series this has been. I have loved every second of it. If you love a story about vampires, humans, love and the war between them then this definately for you.

In this book we are at the stage of a full blown war between the humans and vampires. Rowena is fighting the battle of her life to try and bring peace to both sides of this war however things aren’t that easy and with some people not wanting peace it makes the job even more difficult.

Add to this the fight she is undergoing for her own life. After being infected she is fighting the process of turning into a pale (vampire) mainly because she doesn’t know how her love Vincenzo will take this news. Will he stand by her or will he turn away from her.
Rowena is now in for the fight of her life. Will she succeed in doing the right thing or will corrupt people finally destroy the place that was supposed to be a haven for vampires and humans alike.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Jenni Bishop

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fifth book in the Vampire State series and unfortunately the last book in this intriguing series. Each book just gets better and better. Alexander does not give us a story about traditional vampires. No, his dark paranormal fantasy portrayal of them is unique and original. It is a thrilling dystopian series with a romantic twist. Being fast paced and full of action keeps you completely engaged. The plot and world building are multi layered and complex and steeped in politics.
The dynamics shift in this book as we see Rowena keeping a dark secret as she teeters on the edge of darkness that may just destroy her, her humanity and everything they have fought for.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Lucy Machard

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author does not disappoint, yall. His attention to detail makes you feel like you’re living in the Sanguina with the characters. I loved this book, and I’m going to have to re-binge the series, because holy smokes, these books are that good. The ending is so peaceful and beautiful. Definitely recommend!!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Lorrene Huisman

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a story that was well worth a read! I do love vampire stories, and I love ones that come from authors that create a world that is beyond my imagination. That is exactly what this author created and did. I was mesmerized and blown away through out my reading, freaking amazing good read!

Vampires and humans are thrown together really in a epic finale in this book. I honestly did not expect so many twists and turns that I was shown and experienced. It was a remarkable book, and a lot happens, some good, and some bad, and well I need not say more. I was on the edge of my seat through out my reading, I will say some parts I was caught off guard, the ending is for sure something that shocked me and I honestly did not see coming. Which made this book more of what it was, and was fantastic in that sense! I really loved how a action could define something through out this book, it was such a good read and I highly enjoyed it. I am very glad I got to enjoy this book for all it was! I truly loved the writing!

This is for sure a must read author, must read series, and must read book! I can not get enough out of this experience. I loved it so much! Highly recommend this book! A must read for sure!

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Bobbi Wagner

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this story. This is an author that I have loved reading from the first book I picked up by him. I enjoyed his writing style as well as his attention to details that give his stories a realistic feel. I enjoy being pulled into his stories from the start and kept engaged to the end. This book is no different. It is the fifth and final book in this series. I highly suggest reading the previous books in this series to help your enhancement of this series. The characters are relatable, strong, creative and supportive to each other. They have great world building and had me coming back for more. A story of vampires, humans and a face of a final test. You don’t want to miss what happens in this book. This is fast paced and easy to read. An entertaining story where one person could make all the difference. I enjoyed the growth of the characters and the plot throughout. There are some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and neither will you. This is a great story by a great author that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Shelly Kittell

This Night Has EndedThis Night Has Ended by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The final book of the series, Rowena is fighting for her life. Sanguina is crumbling around her. Her Emperor has died. She is fighting an infection that is turning her into a Pale. She hasn’t told Vincenzo about this. She risks losing him. She is battling conspiracy theories. Life has basically turned to crap. Can she save Sanguina? Can she right the wrongs? I found the story pretty interesting. I came into the series at book 5 so I did miss a bit of the back story. I will suggest you start at the beginning of the series. I will going back and reading from book 1. Rowena is pretty badass. Though she keeps secrets, she’s trying to protect her friends and her people. She faces some uphill battle. I am glad that she has Vincenzo by her side for most of this. She has some very hard decisions. I found it well-written. The use of the emperor’s in the different eras was epic. This gave a classic feel to a modern world. It was very dytopian because it was out of place but oddly, not. The characters felt very classic also with the mixture of modern, such as the guy yelling at Rowena as he came into the studio. The ending gave it a beautiful closure. Oddly enough, it fit within the story. This story would reach out to lovers of several types of stories. I recommend it to mystery lovers and fantasy/scifi lovers.

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This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides

🧪 🥼 🔬 📖 🧑‍🔬 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🧑‍🔬 📖 🔬 🥼 🧪
This Night Has Ended (Vampire State Book 5) by Alexander Charalambides
Genre – Fantasy, Dystopian
Page Count – 244
Cover Designer – Marina Charalambides
Rowena’s life is in ruins. Sanguinia is collapsing as blood banks run dry, violence sweeps the streets, and now, the death of the emperor, Dominus. Vincenzo is the only thing she has left, but as her infection and transformation into a Pale worsens, how long can Rowena hide the truth from him? As she risks losing the love of her life, Rowena has to grapple with an ancient conspiracy, the schemes of ethereal creatures, and the wrath of a former lover. Can she save Sanguinia, or will she let it all burn?


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Alexander Charalambides loves telling stories and always has. He was born in England, and studied writing he gained a degree in Literature and Creative Writing and now lives in the mountains of New Hampshire with his family and two dogs. In his spare time Alexander enjoys martial arts, a select few video games and role playing games, especially when he is the DM/GM. He recently started growing vegetables.

Author Interview with Alexander Charalambides