
Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Sheri Schrader

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story (The Crown of Stones)Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story is the prequel to the The Crown of Stones trilogy. This is a full-length story focusing on the anti-hero Ian Troy. I was excited to grab this book because there was a lot of backstory to what had molded Ian into the man he was in the trilogy. Stepping back into the realms of Mirra’kelan the reader learns about their war for peace. Queen Aylagar, sends him on covert missions deep into enemy territory. All Ian wants is to prove his worth to his people. Will he come out of the trenches alive?
The author brought me back into the world of Ian Troy. I enjoyed getting this new look into Ian Troy. I might have to go back and read the trilogy to see how any opinions I had before have changed. This can be read and enjoyed as an introduction to the Crown of Stones. I look forward to reading what this author releases next.

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oo i was happy when I say a new book from this author was out, I grabbed it right up. I’ve enjoyed this whole series and I enjoy this authors writing style and i know whenever I pick up one of their books I know I’m going to like it. This one is no different. This is a orgin story so you’re getting a look at this cool fantasy world before starting book one. I am glad I picked this one up and I am looking forward to more by this author in future!
Happy Reading!

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Shelly Kittell

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an amazing prequel. This is the prequel to The Crown of Stones trilogy. It’s an amazing story of magic and fantasy. It’s a well-written tale of one man’s navigation. I found the story was one that I couldn’t put down. I was hooked right from the start. These characters are ones that draw you in. They each have their own unique personalities. Somehow, they all meshed together as they had to go on their mission.The writing is excellent. This author weaves a wonderful tale of magic and fantasy that takes you on an exciting tale through a land of war, and trouble. This is a story that you should give a read to.

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kristin Boutelle

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From the very first page, the book drew me in and I did not want to stop reading. There is a lot of action and competitiveness between characters. My favorite part is when a couple of the characters treat Troy differently than the norm based on his background and heritage. I love how the author always keeps the reader on their toes.

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jess Engel

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! What an amazing story and writing. Though this is a prequel to an existing series, it is the first I’ve read in the series and first by the author and I was blown away. I picked this up on a whim as it isn’t the genre I typically go for, but I now plan to read the rest of the series.

The writing style is engaging and the author does a wonderful job with both setting and character development. The author provides details, but doesn’t distract from the story so it all flows very well. There is plenty of action mixed with the story and character development that it keeps the reader turning the page.

I very much enjoyed Troy, the titular character. Of course, the author focuses on providing backstory, telling us more about his people and where he came from, as well as follows his development through the journey of the book. I also really enjoyed meeting the other characters, especially those who are on mission with him.

The introduction of those characters as well as the context for the different lands and understanding of the war they are fighting really made for a well-rounded story. I highly recommend this one!

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Baker

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin StoryTroy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I saw there was a new book in this series, I could not wait to start reading it. This whole series is one of my favourites and this book just adds to the excitement. I was drawn into the story immediately, swept away with the story with such ease. I loved getting a glimpse into this world before the start of the first book.
The characters perfectly match the fantasy world that has been created and I loved how they each added to the overall story. This author has an incredible talent of creating gripping and fantastic stories and this is just one example. I loved this book from start to finish and I would highly recommend it.

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story (The Crown of Stones Series Prequel) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Angela Hayes

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


War had raged in Mirra’kelan, on and off, since before I was born. These lands were soaked in blood. War is raging now. Endless days and nights of clashing swords and dying men. It troubled me how quickly their faces blurred. How easily we moved among the dead, tallying their numbers, relieving them of valuable supplies. So little time had passed since I was sent to join the queen’s command. Just over a year. I’ve changed so much since then. A year of being sprayed and splattered, of slogging through fields drenched in Rellan and Langorian remains. It feels like ten…


I’d been eager to wield blade and magic… to turn the tide for Rella and represent my people. I was the only Shinree magic user to ever be allowed into the Rellan army. There were healers, of course, but their lineage was prolific, their service common. Shinree soldiers were exceedingly rare. The magic of our line was too unsafe to be bred anything but sparingly. As far as I knew, in hundreds of years, no other but me had been allowed off the drug. Not since the elixir’s ability to suppress our magic was discovered, and the slave laws written. Certainly, none had been expertly trained in all aspects of soldiery, magical or otherwise. Long ago, I promised myself I wouldn’t squander the privilege. I would rise in the ranks faster than any other, regardless of race. I would be the queen’s right hand. With the help of my magic, Rella would one day be victorious. Langorians would weep at the sound of my name. My expectations died the day I reported for duty; my hopes crushed by the sound of her voice, as she cut me to the quick. “No spells in battle, Troy. Ever. Not without my direct order.” …. I had no choice but to acquiesce. It’s what my people did.


Troy is the prequel to, and the origins story of The Crown of Stone Series by C.L Schneider. Having loved The Crown of Stones trilogy, there was never any doubt that I would be snapping up a copy of this to find out how it all started.
Ian Troy is such a complex, dynamic, damaged, and somewhat enigmatic character (and more) in the trilogy- so this book was great as it allows us to be able to ‘go back’ and see what ‘shaped him’, the events that made him the man we met and followed through the series. We not only get his history, but that of the realms, and that of the magic/ magic lore as well- which builds on the what we already knew- filling in his history in a way that allows for a more ‘high-definition’ image and understanding.
As expected from Ms. Schneider, this is another intricately woven, and action-packed high fantasy- with originality, magic, adventure, intensity, superb world building, dramatic developments, intrigue, suspense, tension, and challenges. I love how original Ms. Schneider’s stories are, and how she cleverly crafts her world/s in such a way that it is entirely realistic and believable- so richly painted with attention to detail- and this story is testament to that- brimming with all the elements that bring her stories to ‘life’ and set them apart from most- the characters, magic lore, adventure, culture, backstories, history, and so much more.
This is a fantastic story/series- and I really recommend it to anyone who loves an epic, action-packed fantasy!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, C.L. Schneider!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jennifer Crain

Troy (The Crown of Stones)Troy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story is a captivating prequel that sets the stage for the Crown of Stones trilogy. The story follows Ian Troy, a young Shinree slave born with magical abilities, as he navigates the treacherous world of war, politics, and prejudice.

The author masterfully weaves a complex tale of intrigue, exploring themes of identity, power, and the struggle for recognition. Troy’s character is expertly crafted, with a rich backstory that slowly unfolds as he faces challenges and setbacks. His struggles to prove himself as more than just a “witch” are relatable and heart-wrenching, making it easy to become invested in his journey.

The world-building is impressive, with a deep history and mythology that adds depth to the story. The magical system is well-defined, and the author’s use of descriptive language brings the fantastical elements to life. The setting of Rella and the neighboring kingdoms is vividly portrayed andI felt immersed in a richly detailed world.

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Amber Howard

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin StoryTroy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C.L Schneider follows the early life of Ian Troy. We get to dive deeper into his life as a slave to Aylagar in the Rellan army. This version of Ian is so different than the one we know but some similarities still exist. This Ian is hopefully, he has something to prove and he believes his loyalty and actions will win him favor. He longs to be accepted and form friendly bonds. My heart aches for this Ian. Learning where Kya (his horse) came from was interesting. If you haven’t already read A Crown of Stones, I’d recommend you start with this story although it’s not necessary to the series. But knowing what lies in store for Troy kind of placed a shadow over this one. I think reading this prequel first will give you a different view.

I enjoy C.L. Schneider’s work. I’ve read every single story that has come out. So if you like this series definitely check out her other series Nite Fire, and her zombie novel Necrosis.

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jenni Bishop

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin StoryTroy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars
Troy is where it all began for Ian Troy and is the prequel to The Crown of Stones Trilogy. This trilogy is one of my fav’s. I had to snatch this book up straight away when I saw it.
I love a good high fantasy tale and CL does not fail to deliver. I love the darkness, the unique magic, the rawness and the grittiness of the world, time and setting of the story. It is a cleverly woven piece of work set 15 years before the trilogy starts from when Ian Troy was a young man and still learning who he is and what the world is about. What is a story without slavery, war, death, danger, battlefields, action, drama, and lots of suspense.
Ian a young man treated so badly just because of what he represents. In slavery to a horrible Queen who sends him om a death mission. Will he be their salvation, or will he lose himself?
If you love fantasy this is a must need read.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin StoryTroy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a series that I have enjoyed reading from the beginning. This is one of my favorites for sure. I enjoy this author’s writing skills and her attention to details that not only make the story pop but her characters as well. This book is no different. It is a well written story about Ian Troy and his magical honor to protect the kingdom. What will happen when he is sent to enemy territory? Will he prove once and for all that there is so much more to him than just his magic? I enjoyed this character and what he brought to the story. He is my favorite and had me turning pages fast to see what would happen to him next. I enjoyed watching the growth of the plot which made the story easy to read. This is a fast-paced, fantasy story that is hard to put down. This is one you don’t want to miss. I highly recommend this book as well as the other books in this series.

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Review by @bjwagner

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider

Cover Designer – Atra Luna Design

All he wanted was a fresh start. But you can’t run from what’s inside you.


Ian Troy sacrificed everything for peace. After centuries of conflict, the realms of Mirra’kelan are united. His magic is no longer needed. Free to choose his own path, Ian sets sail on a journey of exploration with his friend and ally, Jarryd Kane.

Months on the open sea, far from the shores of home, they arrive at an isolated chain of rocky islands shrouded in mystery—the Wandering Isles. Their inhabitants, rumored to produce spirits of an exceptional quality, have gone unseen for many years. Assuming the lands abandoned, Ian is unaware of what awaits them: a race of insidious beings unlike any he has encountered before.

Coerced into a nefarious trade by the elusive islanders, reality blurs, as Ian and Jarryd become unwitting subjects in a series of mind-bending trials. Past and future fears, resurrected and melded into their own private hells, force them to face an inescapable enemy—the darkest recesses of their own minds. The only way out is to complete the trade, but will their sanity survive the process?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider

C.L. Schneider is an award-winning author of immersive fantasy fiction, including The Crown of Stones Trilogy and the Nite Fire Series. While fantasy is her main focus, she also pens the occasional horror or apocalyptic tale. Born in a small Kansas town, Schneider resides in New York’s scenic Hudson Valley Region with her husband and two sons. To learn more about the worlds she creates, please visit her website or connect with C. L. Schneider on social media, where she is an active part of the indie author community.



〰️ ⭐️ 〰️ PREORDER 〰️ ⭐️ 〰️ Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider

Born of the Shinree, an enslaved fallen race, Ian Troy is magically bound to protect the kingdom of Rella. Since childhood, he trained to be their champion in a seemingly never-ending war. Called to the battlefield a brash young man of seventeen, Troy is anxious to show off his prowess with both magic and blade. He believes his role is vital to the realms of Mirra’kelan finally knowing peace.
Only, war is nothing like he thought.
After a year of being mistrusted and shunned for the blood in his veins – his magic restrained by an authoritarian queen – Troy has grudgingly learned his place. He follows orders and suffers their abuse in silence because the cost of insolence is a chain around his neck.
When Queen Aylagar handpicks him for a mission deep inside enemy territory, he thinks his time has come. Fate willing, he will prove to them all: Ian Troy is more than the “witch” they believe.
*Troy is a prequel to The Crown of Stones Trilogy.



〰️ ⭐️ 〰️ COVER REVEAL 〰️ ⭐️ 〰️ Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider

〰️ ⭐️ 〰️ COVER REVEAL 〰️ ⭐️ 〰️
Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
Buy Link – Coming Soon
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Fantasy Adventure
Page Count – TBD
Cover Designer – Atra Luna Design
Born of the Shinree, an enslaved fallen race, Ian Troy is magically bound to protect the kingdom of Rella. Since childhood, he trained to be their champion in a seemingly never-ending war. Called to the battlefield a brash young man of seventeen, Troy is anxious to show off his prowess with both magic and blade. He believes his role is vital to the realms of Mirra’kelan finally knowing peace.
Only, war is nothing like he thought.
After a year of being mistrusted and shunned simply for the blood in his veins—his magic restrained by an authoritarian queen—Troy has grudgingly learned his place. He follows orders and suffers their abuse in silence because the cost of insolence is a chain around his neck.
When Queen Aylagar handpicks him for a mission deep inside enemy territory, he thinks his time has come. Fate willing, he will prove to them all: Ian Troy is more than the “witch” they believe.
*Troy is a prequel story that takes place fifteen years before The Crown of Stones Trilogy.

Click here to view the Cover Reveal for Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider