
Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Heather Bass

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have read a couple of books from these authors and they have me hooked. This is the second book to the Finnerty and Liccione mystery series. You can read this as a stand-alone but there was another case that got these two together first. This book has you at the edge of your seat until the very end. I can’t wait to see what is next for these two brilliant authors.

Marnie and Louise find themselves teaming up again. They are assigned a very violent death. When they start the case they feel like something is not right. Marnie and Louise go straight to the wife of Josh Baker. She tells them Josh was in a Health Clinic trying to better himself. Marnie and Louise start to get some questions answered and they are not liking where this case is going. Is this case going to get solved or will it become way to dangerous?

Review by @heatherbass
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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Amanda Gray

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series. While the protagonists stay the same, the story is delightfully different. The beautiful female friendship is at the core of the story, as Marnie and Louise find themselves embroiled in yet another strange death mystery. The authors do a great job reeling you in to a modern day story with commentary on current day issues. This story has the VA hospital as it’s back drop, it shines a light on our need to do better for Veterans trying to return to everyday life. A really good story that draws you in from start to finish.

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Amanda Gray

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Perfect vacation read! It’s an action packed turner. Enduring female friendships that prove, when we work together we get sh*t done!! An all too real story with climate change and big business at odds with each other. Slight political commentary that should serve as a warning as we dive into election season.

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Break Bone Fever ( A Finnerty & Liccione Mystery Series) by Review by Karole Petty

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Was a very good first book in a new series. The characters were interesting and developed, quirks and all. Makes me want to visit Galveston. Had all the classic murder mystery vibes. Can not wait to see what book 2 has in store.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Karole Petty

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow!! There was a lot to unpack in this one! This is the second book in the Finnerty & Liccione Mystery Series and I must say I am hooked on this series. Complex issues and layered characters is what you will find in this book and series. I would recommend to anyone that likes mysteries, thrillers, and suspense.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venter, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Kay Stritesky

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Breaking Apart was a good read but not what I expected.
The characters were well developed and even not having read the first book I could still follow the story. I guess it fell flat for me because I had a preconceived idea of what I was going to read.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Kayla Octaviano

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Woah! Crazier than the first one! Twists and turns, emotional roller coasters, and love for characters you meet as you go.

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Kayla Octaviano

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Crazy fun to read! If you love doctor shows and crime shows, this is the perfect mix of a book for you! I love both and loved reading this story! It keeps you on edge until the very end.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Santana Hicks

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After the chaos that ensued in the first book of the series, Louise and Marnie both decided they needed a career change. They both decided to care for veterans. On Marnies first day at her new job, she parks beside a truck and has blood all over it. Jumping into doctor mode, she breaks the window to find a young man, named Josh, dead. The clues all point to Josh taking his own life.

Louise is coming to Denver for a course during the summer and will be staying with Marnie. All Louise wants is to do her course and decompress after the horrible events that happened last year. Marnie has another plan. After talking to the widow of Josh, Marnie thinks that there might be more to the story.

With not much to go on, Marnie still thinks that maybe Josh’s death was potentially murder. Marnie and Louise will once again have to band together with their knowledge and figure out the cause of death of this young veteran while juggling everyday life.

This book, in my opinion, was much better than the first one in the series. It was more fast paced and you got to know more about Louise and Marnie. There were less background characters making this book a lot easier to follow and stay engaged.

This book hit close to home. My husband is a young veteran and although he never served in war, he saw and heard a lot he shouldn’t have. When he was discharged, he was really depressed and had PTSD. He started drinking heavily, spending all his money. He admitted that he was planning on ending it once the money was gone. At the time we were close friends and not dating yet but it was still very painful to watch him go down that destructive path. Luckily he got some help and is doing a lot better today.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book to be very engaging and it kept me guessing until the end. This is book 2 in a series and I did not read book 1 first, but I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything by not reading book 1. I enjoyed the military aspect as a veteran myself, so that just added to the intrigue. Lots of characters with many layers to the story. This was a complex story line and at times was a bit confusing to follow, but overall it was a great book and I enjoyed it. I have some family that spent many years in the Denver area so that also added an extra layer of enjoyment to this book. Well done to both authors, they were well researched and did a great job with this story.

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Santana Hicks

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Louise is just finishing up her shift at the emergency department at the hospital when the body of one of her dearest friends shows up DOA. Gennifer Drake washed up on shore and was found in the early morning. Louise is instantly devastated and knows she will have to call their other close friend Marnie.

Marnie, still getting over the death of her husband, takes the news of Gens death weirdly okay. She feels like she has to investigate her death and hops on a plane to Texas to help Louise solve this case. Both girls suspect foul play. The question is why? Could it be because Gen was transgender or could it have something to do with her research pertaining to health concerns caused by mosquitoes and global warming?

They team up with Chris, a news reporter (and Marnies potential new love interest) and a detective by the name of Iliana Sudhan to get to the bottom of this mystery. With multiple motives and suspects, they have a hard time narrowing it down. As time goes on, a target is drawn on them next. They will have to figure it out soon before someone else gets hurt.

I really enjoyed the 2 main characters, Louise is calm, sweet and intelligent. Marnie is also intelligent but she is more sassy and excitable comparatively. They balanced each other out nicely. My only issue with the book is the amount of people being introduced. There were a lot of different characters’ background stories plus their families background stories and in my opinion it was unnecessary. It made the book drag on in some places making it hard to keep engaged and to keep track of who’s who.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Breaking Apart is book 2 of 2 in a series written by an author duo, Wanda and Mary Rae, they are uniquely knowledgeable/equipped to write in a genre such as this. Medical Thriller/Murder Mystery is kind of a new genre for me that I don’t usually pick up, but the premise of this book is what really pulled me into it. We start this book off with a veteran suicide, or was it really? PTSD, veteran suicide, addiction, etc, can all be triggering subject matter to some people, but nevertheless is a very real issue. I felt like the authors handled it very well and went on to write a gripping novel. I enjoyed this much more than I thought. Im interested in reading more novels written by this duo.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Jessie Hopkins

I can’t say enough about this book. I read it as a standalone but will be going back and reading the first one while I eagerly await the next to come out.

Marnie & Louise make an amazing team. Their friendship and support of one another both personally and professionally shows what true friendship is. The conversations they have between the two of them are real and caring while also sometimes being the tough conversations that close friends have.
The mystery of the investigation with its twists and turns kept me interested the whole way through.

The background regarding the VA and bringing real life concerns and challenges that surround the VA as well as veterans and suicide rates is a very real problem across the US that needs to be brought to light and talked about more often. We can not make change unless we are educated and looking for ways to truly help.

I truly enjoyed and definitely recommend this book.

Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A gripping murder mystery which had me hooked from start to finish. Emergency medicine physician Dr. Louise Finnerty and Dr. Marnie Liccione a paediatrician team up to investigate the death of their friend. Dr. Gennifer Drake’s body washed up on a beach on Galveston Island and the pair soon discover that Gen was researching a deadly new form of dengue fever. This mosquito borne illness, known as Break Bone Fever was threatening the United States, so Louise and Marnie must discover the truth about Gen’s murder whilst facing a coming epidemic. Wondering if Gen’s transgender status was a factor in her murder, and with the help of an unconventional police detective and an editor, they learn there may be a connection to Q-Anon conspiracists. Meanwhile lies are being propagated by a cabal inside the Environmental Protection Agency putting lives at risk. This is a fast paced story with an action packed storyline and plenty of plot twists. The main characters, Louise and Marnie are both likeable and relatable and they work well together. I look forward to the physicians teaming up again soon in the next book in this new series.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Breaking Apart is the Second Book in the Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Book Series. It is a fast-paced medical crime thriller full of action, suspense, murder, mystery, intrigue, secrets, and drama. The story centers around the characters of Marnie and Louise who are doctors at the Colorado VA Behavioral Health Clinic. Marnie has just begun running a trial at the clinic to help veterans suffering from PTSD. On her first day she discovers a young veteran by the name of Josh who appears to have committed suicide. As she delves deeper into his death, she learns that there may be something more sinister behind it and that it may not have been suicide at all. The story is told from multiple points of view so that you can get a better understanding of the other characters, and their perspectives and situations as well. As Marnie and Louise work to uncover what happened to Josh, they discover that there is an undercover network of prescription scams which puts the lives of the doctors in danger. I love the medical aspect of this book and how the authors tell the real and raw story about PTSD the veterans suffer as they try to reintegrate into society after serving. The characters are complex, real, raw, and it is easy to become invested in their lives and their stories. The authors have done an amazing job of writing about such a sensitive topic and the struggles and trauma that veterans go through.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A gripping medical murder mystery which kept me hooked throughout. Physicians Dr. Marnie Liccione and Dr. Louise Finnerty have teamed up again, this time to investigate whether the violent death of a patient whilst at a Colorado VA Behavioral Health clinic was suicide or murder. The pair must discover if young veteran Josh Baker is another victim of the suicide epidemic or if he was murdered. As Marnie and Louise investigate in order to give Josh’s widow some answers, they uncover a prescription drug diversion scheme with a link to those involved in the illegal sale of the deadly opiate krokodil. Getting closer to the truth surrounding Josh’s death puts both their lives in danger. This is a fast paced story with plenty of twists and turns which kept me guessing as to the outcome. Marnie and Louise are once again a great team, and both the characters and the setting of a VA Behavioral Health Clinic came to life through the descriptive narrative. I thought the issues raised in this story regarding PTSD were dealt with honestly and sensitively. I look forward to the physicians next investigation!

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Crystal Brehant

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book number two in this series and we have another murder mystery for Dr Liccione and Dr Finnerty. This time, a young veteran dies by suicide and his wife believes something else is up. The doctors must figure out if there really is something evil at play or if there are rampant suicides happening. They once again, get involved in something people don’t want them involved in and it becomes dangerous. This was another hit for me. I love how descriptive the authors are. I hope they continue this series.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Kerry Carr

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Finnerty and Liccione Mystery series. While the books can be read as a stand alone I do recommend reading them in order to get a better grip of the characters and their pasts.
This is a medical murder mystery with twists and turns that keep you guessing with every turn of the page. I never knew what was coming and I was surprised as the story unravelled.
The author does a great job of handling subjects such as PTSD and addiction in the story in a way that is informative and respectful. Allowing the reader an insight into what that is really like for the people suffering.
When a young veteran is found dead in his car in the garage of the VA Behavioral Health clinic the question becoming was it murder or suicide?
When Dr. Marnie Liccione and Dr. Louise Finnerty join forces again to get to the truth they start to uncover things which could have dangerous consequences for them both. With a dangerous drug doing the rounds and drug ring operating could this be the cause of the deaths/suicides of so many veterans? And can they get to the bottom of this before another life is lost?
With danger, threats, and race against time this is a fast paced story that I couldn’t stop reading

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Crystal Brehant

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book number one in the medical mystery series. I thought it was very well written and interesting. In this story, two Doctors must figure out how their doctor friend was murdered. Their friend, Dr Gen, was investigating an illness that started from mosquitos. It turns out, she was into something that people didn’t want her to be in. Her friends, must be careful as they try to figure out who did it. I love that this was written by real life doctors. The details and descriptions are top notch.

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Breaking Apart by Wanda Venters, M.D. and Mary Rae, M.D. – Review by Brittany Shugart

Breaking Apart by Wanda Venters, M.D. and Mary Rae, M.D.

3 Stars

The start of the book was a bit confusing. It did get easier to understand  as the characters were explained and their general lives were expanded on. It was a very complex medical thriller. It was a very gripping “who-done-it” while they determined if it was murder or suicide.

Just knowing what the veterans go through as they are reintegrated into society after serving and the various levels of PTSD is gut-wrenching. I felt like it gave the audience real-world explanation of what military personnel go through.

Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Tabitha Montero



Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Finn Cunningham

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Breaking Apart is book two in the Finnerty and Liccione Series by the powerful duo Wanda Venters and Mary Rae. I dove right into this immediately after finishing book one, and finished this one almost entirely in one sitting. This one can be read as a stand-alone, however be warned, it does contain spoilers for book one if you haven’t read it yet. I adored the way these two authors are not afraid to write about the harsher, real topics that most authors don’t. I have definitely fallen in love with this authors and cannot wait to see what else they have in store for us!

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Finn Cunningham

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Break Bone Fever is the first book in the Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series by Mary Rae and Wanda Venters. This is the first medical murder mystery I have ever read, and it was an amazing introduction to the genre! This is definitely one of those gripping reads that will snatch your attention and refuse to let it go! I love the suspense in this book, and was constantly making theories as I read! Definitely looking forward to book two and finding more work from these authors!

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Julie Johnson

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another great medical mystery author!

I love that this is written by a doctor who uses correct terminologies and has a first hand knowledge of how the medical field works. You will feel like you’re part of the story as you read about Marnie and Louise and their quest to find out what happened to their friend and colleague Gen.

Prepare to read this one in one or two settings because you won’t be able to put it down!

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love a good medical thriller and this one did not disappoint!

Marnie finds one of her clients, a veteran, while on her shift. It’s not immediately clear if this is the result of a suicide or something more sinister. Marnie and her co-workers are conducting trials on PTSD with the veterans and now have growing concerns for the rest of the clients.

This is very well done and is the second book in the series. I strongly recommend reading them both but make sure you set aside ample time because you won’t want to put this down!

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Trisha Cargile

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Breaking Apart” by Wanda Venters and Mary Rae delivers a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense as Dr. Marnie Liccione and Dr. Louise Finnerty delve into the mysterious death of a young veteran at a Colorado VA Behavioral Health clinic. The authors expertly craft a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, questioning whether the death was a suicide or murder. Through the eyes of Josh Baker’s widow, the emotional turmoil and quest for justice are palpable, propelling Marnie and Louise deeper into a web of deception and danger. As they uncover a prescription drug diversion scheme intertwined with the illegal sale of a deadly opiate, the stakes skyrocket, putting their own lives in jeopardy. “Breaking Apart” is a riveting mystery that not only keeps readers guessing until the very end but also explores profound themes of loss, resilience, and the quest for truth and justice. This book sheds light on a real life issue that stains many Americans, and I personally found that a strong part of this read.

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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD

Breaking Apart is the second book in the Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series . This is a Medical Mystery/ Crime that is hard to put down once you get into it. I’m going to be honest I had a hard time getting into it at first there is a whole lot going on. But once I did I had a hard time putting it down. I had to know what was going to happen next. This is packed with action , drama , mystery, suspense and so much more. It also touches on serious topics of PTSD and addiction. This story took me on quite the emotional rollercoaster ride but man it was worth it in the end. I don’t want to give anything away.i highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens. I’m looking forward to reading more from this Author.

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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Break Bone Fever</a> by <a href=””>Mary Rae</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Drs Liccione and Finnerty have lost a dear friend, Dr. Gennifer Drake. She was found deceased on a beach in Galveston Island, TX. They decide to investigate her murder themselves and uncover that she had been researching a new form of a mosquito born illness. They also find that this may be tied to a QAnon conspiracy. But who is behind her demise? Will the doctors be able to find who is responsible before it’s too late? I enjoyed this book and found it hard to put down.
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Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Breaking Apart</a> by <a href=””>Wanda J. Venters</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
In this story the widow of veteran Josh Baker is seeking answers to her husband’s untimely passing. She is unsure if it was self inflicted or was it homicide? Drs Liccione and Finnerty are prepared to investogate and help Mrs. Baker get spme answers so that she can properly grieve. Will they be able to help her get the closer she so desperatley needs or will the bad guys stop them from finding the truth? Peppered throughout the story are things that are happening to our vets in the real world such as PTSD and addiction. Writing about things that are happening outside of this fictional world makes the book so much more relatable. It helps us to better understand what these men and women deal with daily. I’m glad I took a chance on this medical mystery as it is something outside of what I would normally read.
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Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The co-authors of this murder-mystery are MDs, so it only makes sense that it is so well-written that I had white knuckles gripping it while my eyes soaked it in. The main characters are Dr. Louise Finnerty and Dr. Marnie Liccione, an emergency medicine physician and pediatrician respectively. These lead female characters are strong, well-rounded, intelligent, and pretty awesome. In this first installment, when their friend dies, Finnerty and Liccione set out to figure out just how it happened. This story involves intriguing conspiracies and is very relevant to the things we face in real-life these days. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to get lost in a good, gripping, interesting read that also makes you think.

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