
Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kristin Boutelle

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First off, this book cannot be read as a standalone novel, I would recommend reading Wicked Games prior to reading this one. There is a rollercoaster of emotions and plot twists, it’s hard to keep up with what’s going on. The author does well in keeping all the characters in the prior novels in each story. The main characters, Winter and Shane, have shown emotional growth in the story, from how they were acting in the past to now. I like how the author incorporates events from the other novels in the series to this one to keep it all flowing as it should be. All the characters are very relatable with what’s going on. This series is a very good read and suspenseful.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kerry Carr

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow just wow. I have loved this series from the first book and knowing this was the last one made me torn. I was desperate to read it to find out what happens but also I didn’t want it to end.

This is book 8 of the Hidden Valley Elite Series and the second part of Winter and Shane’s story. In this story we finally learn the truth about what happened to Winter’s sister all those years ago and trust me you will not believe the twist.
And we are back with Winter and Shane as they are struggling with past demons and trying to forgive the past so that they can move forward.
This is a very emotional story as we uncover the demons that plague not only Winter but Shane as well. They are 2 damaged souls that need that special someone to help them heal.

I read this book in one sitting even though I tried not to. A part of me feels sad that I have now finished my adventure with the 4 Hidden Valley Elite boys. I have watched them grow, mature, overcome obstacles, find love and also find peace. They all feel like family.
It has been a long time since I have been completely captivated by a series and the characters within it.
If you haven’t read this series yet then you need to. You definately won’t regret letting this family into your heart.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kay Stritesky

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am invested in this series. You don’t come this far and give up right!? With that being said I do enjoy these books but at times the series feels a little forced. I do enjoy most of the books having the same characters so you receive updates on prior focuses! Overall good read WITH AN ENDING YOU DID NOT SEE COMING! The ending really redeemed the parts of the book that had me wishing I could just end my relationship with a series I am so invested in.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this entire series of the elites. Each book was better than the last. Most of the same characters are seen in many of the books so it’s good to get updates.
Shane and Winter have such a past. They knew eachother as kids. Both are completely different people now. Is there a chance they can work out their issues from their childhood?
There’s a lot of action and suspense in this book. Who was there the day Winter and her sister were pushed into the water? Was it Winter’s mom? Was it a friend? Wow just wow. Never saw that ending coming. What a great ending to an amazing series. I hope this author continues writing amazing books like this series.

Review by @xchellex

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Helen Dawkins

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 8th book, but the 2nd book in Shane’s duet. I have said this before and I will say it again from the roof tops, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this entire series. I am NOT ready to say goodbye. Every single character in the entire series is super relatable, and even their experiences are as well. You do not need to read the other 6 books, but I highly do recommend that you do as that they are all wonderful in their own unique ways and it also heightens the experience for the rest of the books in the series, including this one. This book definitely is an amazing way to end the duet, and the series as a whole.

Now, on to this book specifically.
I adore Shane, he has always been one of the characters I just CRAVE to know more about. Winter also captured my heart immediately. There is plenty of chemistry, angst, drama GALORE, love as well as hate, revelations, family, and of course just the right amount of some mystery!

This is not a lovey-dovey type of romance it is a bully romance; I repeat A BULLY romance.  Please check the trigger warnings if you have any.

Throughout the book, Winter and Shane seem to be both not necessarily “stuck in the past”, but most definitely dealing with trauma that happened in the past. For Shane, it is his father, who wanted nothing to do with the boys (him and his brother) for years, until recently. But now, it seems the reoccurring theme with his dad is – MONEY. Winter’s sister, Summer, was supposedly drowned by her mother. Winter’s mind has been blocked and she’s begun to wonder if there is more to what really happened. That is until recently she has been remembering more and more about what happened to her.

Winter is almost abducted, and everything just gets M-E-S-S-Y! While Shane is dealing with his greedy Grandfather who wants Shane to pay a steep price for money assistance. Money that his father is asking from him, putting him in a horrible position in order to get the money.

The two finally come together, to help figure out who has targeted her and why?

This book, and the first part of the duet, will have you falling in love with both of their stories. The character development is amazing. The plots themselves are outstanding and not typical. This is a series that I will continue to reread over and over again. The characters will always live rent free in my brain! The book and the series are highly addictive, and you won’t want to wait a minute until you have read it to completion!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book #8) by Isla Vaughn – Review by

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


Wicked Ends is Book #8 (but the 10th instalment) in the Hidden Valley Elite series by Isla Vaughn. Not going to lie – this was a bit of a bittersweet read for me as I really needed to know how Shane and Winter’s story turned out – but I also knew that this was not only the conclusion to their story, but to the series too……and I’m not ready to say goodbye! But what a great way to round out the series!
Gah, this series has been one heck of a ride, and I’ve loved every minute! Each instalment just seemed to get better and better as we went along. It is incredibly hard to choose a favourite out of them all. But I really wish there were more to come still….
As with the other books in the series, this is a New Adult, enemies-to-lovers “bully” romance with plenty of chemistry, sizzle, angsty drama, love, hate, passion, emotion, tension, intrigue, suspense, revelations, family dynamics, and a little mystery.
As we previously discovered- The ‘Elites’ are brothers Cole and Damon and their cousins, twin brothers Phoenix and Shane. Each of the elites get their own book/s – and this one (Book #8) is the engrossing conclusion to Shane and Winter’s story. And OMG Ms. Vaughn has made them jump through hoops to find their HEA- or do they? I’m not going to tell.
Again, as with the other instalments, this is not a light and fluffy read- as there is a lot of darker content, which I won’t go into because I don’t want to spoil anything for you. But highly suggest checking the content warnings before diving in, because there are some disturbing/unsettling details contained in the book/series. So keep that in mind, especially if you have any triggers.
Yes- I was expecting it, and Ms. Vaughn certainly delivered- but pretty sure she enjoyed toying with my anxiety and playing with my emotions the whole way through the book and series! And I would happily turn around and do it all over again.
I am excited to see what Ms. Vaughn might do next!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Isla Vaughn!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Wicked Ends</a> by <a href=””>Isla Vaughn</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Winter and Shane have a long and painful history. They used each other for different reasons, but now one must ask the other for help as well as forgiveness. Will forgiveness be given? Winter is running from someone and the only person she feels safe with is Shane. Will he be able to prtect her? All of these books have been amazing from start to finish. I recommend reading them from the beginning so that you can get a feel as well as a better understanding for the characters. Sometimes their decisions don’t make sense but if you have the background information it all falls into place beautifully.
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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Aranza

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite) by Isla Vaughn
4 stars out of 5 stars

Another great story from this author. This was definitely the ending I was hoping for. Shane and Winter story was one of my favorites of the series. Highly recommend all the books in the series since the author definitely knows what she’s doing when writing. The best part is that this book just like the previous ones is short enough that you will never struggle if you don’t like long stories. This is a must read.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by M Policicchio

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I know I have said this before in my reviews of this series, but it is one of the best series I have ever read. The characters are realistic, diverse, likable, smart, funny and bad. One of the overriding themes throughout the series, especially between the boys is family. They would do anything for those they care about and as each finds their special one, the circle gets a little bigger.

In the conclusion of the series, Winter and Shane are each chasing ghosts. Winter remembers more of what happened to her sister and Shane is being haunted not only by his father but a fling that won’t let him go. Things get more complicated with an almost abduction of Winter. Shane faces more pressure from his father for money. Shane’s grandfather wants to help but his assistance comes at a price, sometimes too steep to pay.

When the truth is finally revealed about what happened to Winter and her sister on that horrible day, Shane and Winter are linked more than they ever knew. One thing is for sure, they will be forever linked.

The Bonus Epilogue nearly had me in tears. It was beautiful and amazing. It was a nearly perfect ending to the series. The only way it would have been more perfect would have been to set up the next generation. But that is just me being greedy because I don’t want to let these characters go. I felt such a loss at the end of this book that I had to blindly watch TV for the rest of the night. I wasn’t emotionally ready to say goodbye. I needed time before moving on.

To the author: Thank you for these characters. Thank you for these stories. I look forward to your next book, the next series, the next whatever you do because you have found a permanent spot on my TBR list and my shelf!!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Beverly Finnie

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wicked Ends was the perfect ending to this essentially 10 book series. This was the final duet and probably the wildest. I love this author and everything I’ve read she’s written. This series is a slight guilty pleasure because it’s more garnered towards a younger generation, but that doesn’t mean everyone can’t enjoy it.
We pick up where we left off in Shane and Winter’s story.
Winter knows.
Winter has also been kidnapped.
Shane gets held as a suspect.
Shane thinks Winter may have done it on purpose.
Despite all that he decides to help her. He’s pulled to her and can’t imagine anything happening to her.
Someone’s after Winter the matter is can Shane keep her safe.
These two both come from some screwed up backgrounds. Shane’s life having more love and acknowledgment vs Winter’s family.
The roller coaster is coming to an end, but not without some sharp twists and turns before the finish.
It’s one of those books I read in one sitting. And I’m sad now since it’s all over. At some point I will go back and reread all of them in succession. All the duets slightly overlapped so one is revisiting previous stories at some point during book one of the next duet.
Time for you to dig in and finish this duet and series!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Pure Perfection!!! Wicked Ends is Book 8 of the Hidden Valley Elite series and I loved every book and not only wrapping up the story of Winter and Shane but also the series in itself. I cannot say enough that this is a must read series. While I am sad this series has completed, I am looking forward to what this author has in store in the future. The feels I get….the angst, romance, secrets, danger, connections I did not see coming with twists and turns……I loved it all.

Danger is lurking at every corner and you do not know who to trust……Winter is in danger and does not even know it. Shane wants to make her pay for a past that is hard for him to get over. When Winter is in trouble, Shane needs to be there for her at all costs. What Shane needs to do is overcome his past, be honest with the people he loves the most…Secrets are revealed with cold hard truths. Will Shane and Winter be able to overcome their pasts and how dark they were?

I do not want to give any spoilers away…I could talk about this book and series forever…. if you like dark, college bully romance…do yourself a favor and read this series in order…

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Ayla Phipps

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The more wicked the brighter the ending. It was such a bittersweet moment when I started page one. I have been in love with this series since the very beginning with Cruel Start and now it has come to an end. One of the best things about this entire series is that a guaranteed happily ever after at the end of each duet. As always, the phenomenal Isla Vaughn perfectly continues the story in one breath.
Winter is missing, Shane the one and only suspect. Only it’s not that black and white. Someone has framed Shane, but no one can figure out who or why. More importantly why are they targeting Winter and determined to label her a murderer. This semester was supposed to be good, to reconnect and remember the life she left behind when her sister died, and her mom went to jail but being back in the place where it all began started something she couldn’t imagine was hiding in her memories. We build walls in our minds for a reason and Winter’s walls crack and crumble with each new threat, the feeling of someone watching her even in her room asleep. The only person that makes her feel safe is also the person that got close to her with lies even if the only lie was his name. Shane confronts his pain and when Winter apologizes, he feels sincerity and worries for her when she comes asking for help in defending herself. Everything seems to be against him this year, first Phoenix’s accident, Joe coming back into his life, Luke Green and now Winter and the wickedness that he once thought was inside her.
Who has a target for Winter? Will Shane overcome the accusations? How will the truth affect their relationship? The author’s world has been my favorite place this past year and honestly, I already feel lost finishing this incredible series. Each couple in a way builds on the story of the next and the previous. Knowing they each found their way through the Savage, Brutal, Cruel, and Wicked truths to find their match and their safe place is beyond amazing. The greatest part the five-year jump at the very end and the love, and happiness that surrounded them all.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a series that I have enjoyed reading from the start. They are full of romance and spicy characters. This is book eight of the series which I highly suggest reading the previous books in this series as they are just as great as this one. It will help your enhancement of this author’s writing skills that are great. Her attention to details makes her stories and characters pop off the pages. This book is no different. A fast paced, engaging story that had me turning pages fast to the end. The characters are connectable and had me coming back for more. I enjoyed what they added to the story and their growth is great. I enjoyed watching their chemistry grow which made the story easy to read. This is an entertaining story that you don’t want to miss. I highly recommend this book and the rest of this series.

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Review by @bjwagner

Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Stephanie Runyon

<img src="Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wicked Games is the final book in the Hidden Valley Elite series. Featuring Winter and Shane, the book picks up from the time Winter was kidnapped and Shane was taken into an interrogation room. Winter wakes and finds the door to the room she is being held captive in was unlocked. She sees that she is at the place she dreads the most. McMillan Lake was the place where her sister, Summer, had been drowned, presumably by her mother. However, since her mind blocked so much of her memory, she had begun to think there was more to what had happened. Winter makes it to Estelle’s apartment. The elderly lady had known her family when she was younger. Meanwhile, Shane’s attorney has managed to get him released. Winter arrives at the police station after calling from Estelle’s apartment. She finds a note in her mailbox: “I hope you got the message. Next time, it won’t be so easy to break free.” When the police don’t seem to take her seriously, Winter goes to Shane to ask for his help and apologize for how she had bullied him as a child. Who and why was someone targeting her?

Isla Vaughn never disappoints and this entire series was amazing with its characters. Each book had steamy romance scenes while featuring the individual personalities that were unique to each one. Shane and Winter both progress and heal from past trauma. With the unpredictable plot, there is never a dull moment to be found. This book easily earned a 5 star rating. I look forward to reading more of Vaughn’s books.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Megan Pesek

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shane and Winter have a lengthy history, and as they start to put the pieces together everything falls apart. Shane is willing to leave their storied history in the past, but it will take time to convince his family. Winter’s past will come back to haunt her yet again, which will subsequently haunt Shane and bring skeletons from his family closet. Winter and Shane will need each other, but they’ll have to learn to trust each other first. I have been hooked on the characters, suspense, and storylines from the very beginning of that series. No part of me wanted this series to end, but it was the perfect twisted and happily ever after ending I craved!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wicked Ends is Book Eight in the Hidden Valley Elite Series. It is a dark college, enemies to lovers’ story full of loss, angst, passion, romance, revenge, dark secrets, toxic families, and uncertainty. This book wraps up Shane and Winter’s saga. Winter was at a dark place in her childhood, and it caused her to lash out at others. Shane was one of the unfortunate victims of Winter’s bullying during childhood. Her mistreatment of him caused him to consider ending his own life. When Winter resurfaces in Shane’s life years later all his hurt, anger, and resentment towards Winter resurfaces. He decides to exact revenge which puts them both on a path that simultaneously pulls them apart while also drawing them together. They do not trust each other but do not know who else to trust either. A complicated situation to say the least. Winter has changed her life around and is attempting to move forward. Shane is dealing with both past and current trauma. Both are trying to overcome their dark pasts and have a brighter future. Both have a hard time trusting. Both feel the attraction to the other, but can they put past hurts and resentments behind them? Can they have a future together? When Winter receives threatening notes and the danger to her life escalates Shane is the only one, she feels safe with. A tension filled ride full of twists and turns as secrets are revealed and we find out how entangled Shane and Winter’s lives have been through the years. Winter and Shane really developed and grew throughout this book, and we learn that deep down Shane is a nice guy with a heart of gold. Bittersweet to see this series ending and I am hoping the author has more books in store for us!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Michelle Troyer

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved this series from the beginning! Hate to see it come to an end, but it does have a happy ending. Highly recommend this series!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Melissa Saxton

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author took us on one heck of a journey ending with Shane and Winters story who never disappointed. This is not a stand alone book you must have the entire series.
Winter and Shane hook up at the end of the last book and this one starts with Winter drugged and back at the lake where her sister drowned. Shane was set up for the kidnapping and is questioned but ultimately cleared. Winter is left shaken and scared and asks Shane to protect her and be with her until they can get to the bottom of who is harassing her, leaving her notes, and now kidnapped her. Why are they doing this, how are they connected and what happened the day Summer died?

Such a great ending to a series I’m so sorry to see go!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Shannen Kern

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am so sad to see this series end as it has been one of my very favorites for the entire year. It is a phenomenal end though and all good things must end, right? I do not always read series in order, but this is definitely one I would take note of and start from the beginning. There is too much that would be missed and would probably lead to a lot of confusion. This book focuses on Shane and Winter, and it picks up right where the previous book ended, which I love! We finally get resolution that had been built-up in Wicked Games though it is not just a smooth ride by any means. I also enjoyed the fact that we got to catch up with the other couples from different books in the series. I highly recommend this entire series with the only one bad note…you will definitely have a book/series hangover!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Jenni Bishop

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isla does it again and again. This time it is with the delectably dark Wicked Ends. Wicked Ends is the explosive second book in this duet, but it is the eighth book in a series. Am I addicted. Yes I am!
This is one series that I have not been able to stay away from. I am sad to see the series end, but I have enjoyed the Hidden Valley Elite boys. I wonder if the wicked and darkness of these boys will carry over into a new series with them being older. Mmmmmmm food for thought Isla.
Shane may be one of the Elite but underneath it all he has a heart of gold. He is being pulled from pillar to post and it is that that could lead him further down the path of darkness.
Winter has had a life of darkness and one she thought she left behind. Together they could be toxic but apart they aren’t whole.
There is a lot of back and forth between these characters and some surprisingly shocking twisty turns that you don’t want to miss.
Revenge is a bittersweet thing!

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Barbara Bohls

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If I could give more than 5 stars, I would. This is an amazing ending to the duet and the entire series. It picks up right where Wicked Games ended. I would not start the series with this book. I think that is a given but I am just saying it. All of the books should be read in order in this series to really grasp onto the characters and their struggles. This book gave me some twists and turn from previous books that I didn’t see coming. It is what kept me on the edge of my seat reading this book. I loved seeing the other characters of the series in this book. I love the secrets that were revealed and it made me fall even more in love with this series. This book has the mystery, the steam, the amazing character development, closure, and suspense that make it a page turner. I couldn’t put the book down. I got mad at anyone who dare try to talk to me while I was reading. It is that good!!!! This series will be one that I will continue to reread, probably every year. I feel that with this book it almost makes you want to reread the whole series just to see if you can pick up on any hints throughout the other books that you missed the first time. This book is highly addictive and into it knowing you aren’t going to get much done but reading.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Shelly Kittell

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A bittersweet time, the end has come to this series. We pick up where Wicked Games left of with Shane and Winter. These two have already been through so much. Much of this book is spent dealing with and resolving the issues from their past. Many of the mysteries are solved. I do believe that these two turned into my favorite couple for resilience and strength. The battles they went through. The gang was in this story also: Cole, Damon, Phoenix, Riley, Skylar and Aspen. Mom and Grandad. Even Uncle Lucas had some issues resolved. The book will tie things up. I recommend you read this series in order. It really isn’t meant to be a standalone. It is one of the best darn series I’ve read. My favorite for the year.

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