
Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Amanda Swindle

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read Will You Pretend Marry Me as my first read for this author, not realizing it was part of a series, and it can easily be read as a standalone. The story itself gave me some Hannah Montana vibes, with the secret identity singer situation but it is defintely more than just that. The main character lives a double life; as Abigail, she is a normal, run of the mill girl, absolutely normal. Abigail struggles with self identity, and wonders if anyone will ever accept her… As Kaia she is an international popstar; confident and outgoing. After finishing up a long 6 month world tour, Kaia is just over it all. The fake persona, the wigs and makeup, the whole gig has just drained her. Realizing she needs an escape, and a break, she heads to Maine for a few months to be a student teacher as herself, Abigail. Enter Everett Reynolds, VP and teacher at the school she is working at. The initial encounters between Abigail and Everett are interesting, and not at all a “love at first sight” encounter, as some sass and banter are the center of their conversations. Everett also has some secrets of his own as well…he is secretly working for the government. Now something has come up that could ruin Kaia’s reputation, so she goes to Everett for help…Will he fake marry her?? Will these two people with very different lifestyles, and secrets to hide, be able to surpass and overcome everything to have an actual relationship? Will Abigail opt to be Kaia, or remain herself?

Reviewed by @zoltrixes

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by M Policicchio

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abigail needs one semester of student teaching to receive her teaching certificate/degree. There is only one problem. Abigail has an alter-ego as Pop Superstar Kaia. Kaia can’t just student teach. It would be a disaster. Abigail has it all figured out. A small Maine town. A secret deal with the principal to protect her identity. It was a good plan.

When Everett, the science teacher/vice-principal, finds out the deal that his principal made, Everett is livid. This can’t be happening. What is worse is that he wasn’t even supposed to find out but when Abigail’s scheduled mentor gets put on bedrest, Everett is brought into the loop because he is her new mentor.

There are sparks…like serious chemical reactions going on between Abigail and Everett. As each struggles with their pasts, the present, and ghosts, they build an unexpected friendship. When Abigail asks Everett’s help for a crazy plan to help a long-time friend, Everett goes along with it because it is Abigail. But it couldn’t be just that easy. Hijinks and mayhem ensue.

Abigail and Everett dive into their fake relationship without thinking about the consequences. When it blows up, hearts are left broken and battered. Can Abigail and Everett see what really matters?

This wonderful story has it all, humor, great banter, amazing character, and the right amount of steam. Super read!!

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Will You Pretend Marry Me” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Will You Pretend Marry Me</a> by <a href=””>Christi Barth</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Abigail Dilworth is your normal and average everyday girl. However, she also is a huge pop star that goes by the stage name of Kaia. She has just come off of a world tour and intends on finishing her teaching degree. She will be going incognito at a high school in Maine, but after that she doesn’t know which career path she wants to continue. Everett Reynolds is the vice-principal at this school, and he also has a job working for the EPA. Nobody else knows about his second career and much like Abigail, or Kaia, as she is known, he does not want anybody to know. Things could get a little hairy when Abigail asks him to become her alter ego, the pop stars fake fiancé. Will he take her up on this offer? They got off to a rocky start when they met in a bakery, but as they continued to work together closely the lines started to blur. This was a fun book to read and the characters were enjoyable. Their interactions seemed genuine and were relatible in some instances. Although this was the first book that I have read by this author, I do look forward to looking for more of her published works.
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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Robin Rankin

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me

I knew I was going to enjoy this book from pretty early on. As a sucker for for both a hot intelligent man and delicious pastries I found myself attached to Everett and his love of scones almost instantly.

Abigail/Kaia made me think of Hannah Montana as an adult. Rockstar with her real life identity a secret to the public, but I liked Abigail more than Miley (no offense to the Miley Cyrus fans) but that may be an age thing.

There were so many moments I enjoyed, but I think my favorites both happened early. The talk Everett and Abigail had in her classroom after a rough day touched me, but not sure why. The other one was in the coffee and the previously mentioned scone. Still smiling thinking about it.

I was surprised to learn that I had not read anything by Ms. Barth before this book, but now that I know what I can expect I will be reading her books again in the future.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so good and I can’t wait for more to come out!! This contemporary romance is about Abigail (aka Mega-pop star Kaia) and Everett. Abigail has lived a double life and not many know her secret. She has a secret identity. She is pop start Kaia but also ordinary Abigail who’s trying to finish her teaching degree. Her latest tour is over and everything is in place for her to student teach in a small Maine high school in Swan Cove. Everett is vice principal, teacher, and he also has a secret career! He’s an analyst for the EPA in his spare time. He doesn’t have much of a personal life. He has friends, but he’s not looking for anything more. At first the two don’t like each other. They get started out on the wrong foot and they argue a lot. They want each other, but they need to stay away from each other. When a friend of Kaia needs help she has to enlist Everett’s help. What can go wrong with a fake engagement?? Loads apparently. Their worlds are about to collide and turn upside down. So good you have to give this one a read!! Trust me, you won’t be disappointed with this cute romance.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Jennie M Bechtel

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Overall, I liked this book. I thought it was a long read for a romance novel. At first, it was a slow, sometimes confusing read. Then, about halfway through, I got really invested in the story and couldn’t put the book down. I’m glad I stuck with it. I really like the character Kaia/Abagail. I felt sympathetic to her. I can’t imagine going through what Abagail endured as a child, or the lack of privacy and safety that Kaia encountered. I was confused by Everett’s story line. I think the author was trying to give him a secret double-life with the EPA job so he could be like Kaia/Abagail. I felt the story would have been just as good without that plot twist, though. I fell in love with the people of Swan Cove. What a gift to have such a great group of friends. I read this book stand-alone, but now I want to read the previous books in the Swan Cove series.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Shannen Kern

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first book by this author, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to have been completely absorbed as soon as I started reading! It’s quite an adventure and I found myself giggling at quite a few scenarios that came to light. Abigail is a marvelous female character that felt incredibly relatable, and Everett was a cautious but swoon worthy book boyfriend. While the cover looks lighthearted and fun, don’t let it fool you because there are some great spicy scenes within these pages! This author has me hooked with one book, and I can’t wait to see what else she has in store. I highly recommend picking this up if you enjoy romance books with a touch of witty banter and steam. You won’t regret it!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Erin DeRoma

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a fun entertaining rom com.
I appreciated the wild ride it took me on, there were certainly mini plot twists throughout the book , that kept me engaged from beginning to end. Although the main characters were well written and the many side characters were entertaining there were quite a bit to keep track of, and for me took the ease of reading away just a tad. Overall a fun witty read.
A perfect book to escape reality for a little while.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Andrea Lopez Salazar

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me-By Christi Barth
5 stars

Absolutely loved this and thought it was such a cute story. Gave me Hannah Montana vibes but for adults!
Kaia a famous popstar hangs up her wig and all her fame to finish her teaching certification as a Music Teacher in a small-town Swan Cove as her real identity Abigal Dilworth. Aside from her best friend and Personal Assistant nobody really knows her true identity. The Principal and Vice Principal Everett Reynolds have to know to let her teach there and they signed a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) to keep it a secret.
During her time there the Main music teacher went on Maternity leave, Abigail also has multiple run ins with, which doesn’t always turn out the best and they seem to have feelings, but both feel they shouldn’t.

Her Friend Zara who she owes everything to for helping her get her first singing gig in the beginning uses Kaia’s wig and vehicle to go check out rehab places and suddenly Kaia has to make a return and even needs the help Everett of as her fake fiancé to save her reputation and career. She is torn between both lives and needs to make a choice soon.

I got the feeling that as Abigail she just wanted to belong somewhere and have friends. She seems to be making them and enjoying it knowing her time might be short as she doesn’t know if she will ever return to her life as Kaia or stay Abigail the Music Teacher.

I don’t want to spoil the rest but this is an absolute must read especially if you loved Hannah Montana (I had 2 girls who loved her, so we know who she is). Great Enemies to lovers

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Amanda Swindle

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read Will You Pretend Marry Me as my first read for this author, not realizing it was part of a series, and it can easily be read as a standalone. The story itself gave me some Hannah Montana vibes, with the secret identity singer situation but it is defintely more than just that. The main character lives a double life; as Abigail, she is a normal, run of the mill girl, absolutely normal. Abigail struggles with self identity, and wonders if anyone will ever accept her… As Kaia she is an international popstar; confident and outgoing. After finishing up a long 6 month world tour, Kaia is just over it all. The fake persona, the wigs and makeup, the whole gig has just drained her. Realizing she needs an escape, and a break, she heads to Maine for a few months to be a student teacher as herself, Abigail. Enter Everett Reynolds, VP and teacher at the school she is working at. The initial encounters between Abigail and Everett are interesting, and not at all a “love at first sight” encounter, as some sass and banter are the center of their conversations. Everett also has some secrets of his own as well…he is secretly working for the government. Now something has come up that could ruin Kaia’s reputation, so she goes to Everett for help…Will he fake marry her?? Will these two people with very different lifestyles, and secrets to hide, be able to surpass and overcome everything to have an actual relationship? Will Abigail opt to be Kaia, or remain herself?

Reviewed by @zoltrixes
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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Kerry Carr

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great contemporary romance. This is a enemies to lovers romance with a fake relationship element. The author does a great job of making the character likeable and the story was unique in the way that both parties were hiding double life’s.

After completing her tour Kaia decided she wants to take a break and get her teaching degree. Removing all the glitz and glamour she transforms into Abigail a quiet girl looking to complete her course.
Things should have been simple until she meets the vice principle Everett.
Everett knows about Abigail’s alter ego but he has a double life of his own that he is trying to keep secret.
When Kaia comes to him asking for his help Everett is reluctant to get involved. But what happens when faking a relationship and feelings crosses the line and those feelings could possible be something real.
Can they be together once their double lives are revealed? And where is the line between pretend and real and what happens when they both cross that line?
I really enjoyed this story. I was able to lose myself in the characters stories and was gripped seeing how their story would unfold.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Candida Hopper

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a fun quick read. Kaia is a superstar with a ton of adoring fans but none of them know who she truly is. She has worked hard to become as successful as she is. After a grueling schedule on tour she has decided to be her true self, Abigail Dilwort and do her semester of student teaching to get her teachers license. She has a lot of insecurities about being herself due to her childhood. Everett is the AP and science teacher at the school she will be teaching at, they don’t make the best first impression of each other when they meet. Kaia finds herself in a bind due to a friend and that’s when the fake fiancé comes into play. This story is full of drama, romance, friends, family, lessons, and great characters. This is the first book I have read by this author and I’m glad I took the chance. I enjoyed reading this book. I recommend this book.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I looked at this cover and read the blurb I already fell in love 🤣❣️📚what can I say I’m a sucker for a good cover because it’s almost guaranteed that what’s in between is going to be brilliant !

Abigail is a pop star but at heart she’s a teacher and after her latest world tour she gets the opportunity to go “ under cover “ and complete her teaching degree , she’s a student teacher at a high school and just as she thinks she can breath a little easier she meets her vice principal and he’s a little rough around the edges but oh so easy on the eyes and while I get where he’s coming from , to a degree I can’t help but feel sorry for Abigail , I mean hello give the girl a break …..

Everett has his hands full trying to be chemistry teacher , look after his sister , his “ secret job” and be vice principal ( I’d also be a little flustered 😉) but things are getting a little more intense for him because he now has to deal with Abigail aka Kaia and she ruffles his feathers but like I said he could cut her some slack …. Also he’s got a chip on his shoulder thanks to an ex girlfriend and between us I could just kick her on the shins for being so unkind but you know what it’s her loss !

Anyhoo these 2 have a love hate relationship if you like but then fate intervenes “ Kaia” needs a love interest thanks to some sly slithering snake who I shall not mention , she doesn’t need airtime with her nasty intentions 🙈😡anyway Everett agrees to be the fake fiancé ( wicked giggle and rubbing of hands ) and then things get interesting and I found myself laughing , crying , getting frustrated and feeling disgusted and disillusioned by people but good will always overcome especially when cheering the right team 🥰

My heart really hurt for Abigail because on stage she oozes confidence as Kaia but take away that mask she can play behind and you have a girl that just wants to be , she wants to fit in , she want’s acceptance like the rest of us and it makes her human and I think more often than not that’s the case in real life isn’t it !? As for Everett , you’re a honey but let things go my friend … an enjoyable and fun read and it’s one is like to share with my teacher friends 🥰📚

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Amy Sprau

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this book as a stand alone, and did not realize it was part of a series. You could absolutely read this on its own, although it made me so curious and wanting to grab the previous titles to get those stories! This was an amazing read and I loved the story line and chemistry between Everett and Abigail. The story is focused in a school setting with a relationship between the Vice Principal, Everett, and a new teacher, Abigail. The story line was believable and hit close to home because I work in a school. There is fun spice, and banter, but the story itself is just one you don’t want to end. I especially loved the relationship between all the other characters in the book too.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Julie Johnson

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really fun read! I’ve not read this author before but I’ll be looking for more of her work.

There are double lives and secrets abounding in this rom-com. It was like peeping through the lives of Kaia/Abigail and Everett. Their relationship is a love-hate right from the start but can they continue to deny their true feelings?

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Audrie Harrington

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun idea for a book! Kaia is a mega pop star, big enough to have only one name and is finishing a world tour. Her real name is Abigail and she has just finished up her degree and needs to complete student teaching in order to finally become a teacher. Her team sets her up to student teach in a small town in Maine but when she gets there she learns that her mentor is on bed rest and she will have to jump into teaching. Everett is the nerdy science teacher and part time vice principal of the school. He and the principal are the only ones that know that she is also Kaia. Abigail and Everett don’t like each other. His fiancé broke their engagement to follow money and so he doesn’t trust Kaia/Abigail. Abigail is so used to calling all the shots around her and always being in control. Then they start to learn that they have more in common than they think, both have secret jobs (his working for the EPA) and they both grew up around foster kids (his parents fostered and she was a foster kid). I loved both main characters and all the friends that surround them. I read in the acknowledgments that this is the third book in the series so now I need to go back and read the first two!!

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Ayla Phipps

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just when she thought she could take a break. My oh my. Gotta say, Christi Barth has quickly earned her place on my favorite authors of the year list with this one. This is the first book I have read by this interesting talented author. No joke the back and forth with Abigail and Everett made this book fly by so much more than I thought possible. Dual perspective Abigail/Kaia and Everett.
Kaia is a world pop star coming off a six-month world tour. Kaia was her escape from her real life, a way to reinvent herself without anything permanent. Wigs, platform boots, curvy padding added to her undergarments. From day one she was thinking about the day when she was just herself again. Abigail Dilworth, the girl that no one wanted. Not her parents, foster parents, no one. Until she found teachers that took her under their wing and pushed her into the light to embrace her talents and not hide them. Now she has a five-month sabbatical to get her student teacher hours to get her certificate. Then she will deal with the biggest decision of her life. To continue life as only Abigail the teacher or continue to be popstar Kaia. Everett Reynolds is the AP Chemistry teacher and vice principal of Swan Cove High, who secretly has a government job with the EPA. The moment they first meet it is sass and comebacks that keep him fired up and not in a fun way. He’s not happy and when he sees her the next day at school, and who she is the back and forth honestly gets better. When she reveals her secrets at least part of them and then asks for a favor he must decide what to do but the next favor is even more. He’s just a coastal town teacher, he never wanted to be in the limelight on the arm of a popstar.
Can Abigail survive the five months? What will happen when friends become enemies? When enemies become lovers? This world is based in a small town in America with a twist. The author is open about her inspirations behind this story and while it is obvious it’s more mature in many ways while holding on to the classic nostalgia. I would definitely get in line to watch a movie based off this movie just to see it all come to life for real and not just in my head. That banter stays with you, and I admit I threw a few of the really good lines at my husband while reading. His face was priceless. Thank you, Christi Barth.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Tausha Treadway

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth. This is such a fun contemporary romance. This is the story of Abigail who has always felt like a nobody. Her parents didn’t even want her. While in high school in Maine she finds herself with a secret identity as a famous very talented singer, Kaia. She is beginning to think she might be able to be somebody and just be a normal teacher. She decides to go with teaching and when she meets the principal Everett she decides she may have made the wrong choice. They instantly dislike each other. Everett struggles enough with his job as Principal/teacher to deal with a prima donna pop star. The more they work together, the more feelings get involved. Everett doesn’t really want a relationship because he knows they only end in heartbreak. He sure doesn’t want one with a pop star that he has to hide her identity. Will they be able to see past the “stuff” and make a relationship work or will Abigail be overlooked once again?

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Jules Herbert

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I had so much fun reading this book. Everett and Abigail are such great fun to read about with beautiful hearts these characters draw you in and keep you turning page after page. They are in many ways very different and truly put the saying opposites attract to the test but in their hearts is where they truly connect. I loved the small town setting, the storyline and of course the wonderful characters. I didn’t realise until after I had read this book that it is part of a series and given how much I obviously loved this book, you can tell having not read the other books definitely did not hinder my reading experience. I will be finding the rest of the series though for sure and reading those now.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great story. I loved the double identity for Kaia/Abigail. I especially enjoyed her wanting to just have a normal life as a music teacher. As a teacher myself, that was a cute element. I liked the character and role that Everett played and the way the two main characters developed throughout the story, especially when unexpected obstacles came up. True to the rom com story line, but a nice lighthearted read. Very enjoyable!

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Deborah Joseph

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth is part of the Swan Cove trilogy but can be read as a stand-alone.

Enemies to lovers
Fake bf
Secret identities
Oh my!

Kaia is a big pop star. For 10 years she has worked hard to gain the success she has, and also thanks her fans for it too. But then she decides she wants a career change and is going back to her legal name, Abigail Dilwort, to become a teacher in a small town.

Everett Reynolds is the VP, and AP chemistry teacher, at the school Abigail contracts to work at. But just like Abigail, he has secrets as well and secretly works for the state, not wanting anyone to know.

While on hiatus from being a pop star, something happens that puts Kaia’s reputation at risk. To try and fix it she asks Everett to fake marry her.

Not going to lie… this book feels like an adult version of Hannah Montana. If you enjoyed the show then you will enjoy this book. There is more drama, of course, but there is humor, romance, and life lessons.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Kay Stritesky

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me
2.5 Stars

I really wanted to like this book. I went in having high hopes and the book from start to finish fell flat.

Kaia/Abigail wants the best of both worlds but at times it is not clear where we are at and who we are dealing with. Things really seemed muddled.

Everett is the vice principal/science teacher/hidden EPA man. He goes along with schemes and tries to be the best version of himself, but does he?!?

At no point did I feel any of the emotions in this story nor did I think there was any passion between the characters.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Amber Howard

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn’t realize this as a part of a trilogy until after I read it and saw so in the acknowledgments…so naturally I have to go back and read the other two books. However this worked as a stand alone novel as well. Swan Cove sounds like the perfect small town. Although everyone knows your business they are all supportive and helpful. I love Kaia and Everett. They compliment each other beautifully. Their friends and family are wonderful people and everyone is lucky to have each other. It’s definitely a feel good story. Although there were a few bumps in the road they got to where they needed to be at the end.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Lisa Helmick

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this from the beginning! That scone stealing scene was great! What made it even better was the group of friends she met knew all about it and said “ oh you’re the scone stealer” when being introduced. Just perfect!

The theme of this was interesting to me. We have a international Pop star who has a double life. I loved a sneek peek into her Pop stat lifestyle. The concerts, the Stalkers, the clothes changes, the different teams and large amount of employees make me okay with not being in that life. When she becomes a music teacher she sheds a-lot of that and tries to blend to the normal side.

Each of these two MC have past issues that get dealt with along the way. Filled in with laughs and eye opening discussions. The friendship group they have are the best! I really enjoyed meeting them as they amped up the level of the story. The interventions they come up with are awesome. Just trying to help out a couple who should be together.

This is the first book I read in this series and was saddened to find out it is the last. I was looking forward to Wyatt’s story as well as a few others. The bight side is I can grab them to read now.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story really had me going. The chemistry between Abigail and Everett was sparking. Every time they clashed I had a hard time not laughing. Two people living secret lives and trying to hide it was amusing. The chemistry, and storyline was great. The pacing was well done and I didn’t feel like the story was being rushed. I love how Abigail is trying to be her best as a student teacher, but not quite making the mark. But she has no problem being a popstar. Does she continue her singing career or does she go on to be a teacher? Everett is trying to be a good vice-principal and an analyst, but does the juggling fail? or does he succeed?

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Mary Espinoza

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a fun read, and quite honestly gave me Hannah Montana vibes! We are introduced to Kaia/Abigail, and we quickly find out that she lives a double life! Kaia is a popstar who lives on the road and does tours worldwide, well with that part of her life coming to a pause for the next few months, she decides that she wants to go back to life as Abigail, the student teacher. On Kaia/Abigail’s journey of being a student teacher, she meets Everett, her mentor…. but little does she know that Everett has some secrets of his own! There are plenty of funny moments between Kaia/Abigail and Everett and there are some serious moments as well. Everett is just trying to live life and work his poor little heart off because of some trauma from a previous relationship, little did Kaia/Abigail and Everett know that their first impressions of each other were soon going to change! To me, this story actually had quite a bit of moral lessons such as, Never Judge a Book by Its Cover! And this added quite a bit of appeal to the storyline between our main characters. The way that Kaia/Abigail has to keep her double life separated it very interesting and the dedication that she has to do so is even better! When I picked up a copy of this book to read, I had no idea that I was in for such a treat, I also didn’t realize that this is the third book of the Swan Cove Series by Christi Barth. I am definitely going to go back and read the first two books of the series, I can only imagine how entertaining those books are going to be! Christi had a great way of keeping you entertained throughout the story, and I never found myself getting bored while reading. I don’t think that you will be one bit disappointed by picking up a copy of the book and getting lost in the pages! It’s up to you if you want to read the first two books of the series’ first, or if you decide to read this one as a standalone!

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Mary Espinoza, April 2024

Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Michelle Austin

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a good 5 star read. Abigail had a not so easy life growing up. She has created a secret identity that has her touring worldwide as a famous singer. When her tour is done she focuses on finishing her teaching degree as her alter ego. Everett works at the school also and lets just say there is no love loss between these two. But are there some sparks under that fire between them? I have to say I really enjoyed this couple’s story. We get twists and turns that added a great element to the story. All of the characters added a great element to the story. The author did a great job with her writing and I look forward to reading more from her. 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Brandy Rymer

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a fun read, I quite enjoyed the contemporary romance that ensued between pop star/student teacher Kaia/Abigail, a woman who leads a double life to keep her real identity separate from her stardom, and her teaching mentor Everett. It is too funny reading about the situations that occur to them upon their first meeting, and the fact that first impressions can most definitely be changed when you get to know someone. This book has a lot of great moral lessons being taught throughout the storyline, which adds to the appeal of the book. I loved the two personalities of our main character, Kaia/Abigail, and the way that both come together as she finds her inner strength to be herself and allows the power, she built in her pop star character to shine through in her real life. I realized at the end of the book that this is the third book in the Swan Cove series and am so excited to go back and read the first two books in the series about Everett’s friends blossoming romances as they were developing. Christi Barth is an amazing contemporary romance author, and I am looking forward to reading more of the books that she has written. She has a beautiful gift of bringing her characters to life, while leading the reader to make real-life connections and includes great character-building attributes in her stories to help the reader see how their life choices can affect their lives. This is a powerful skill that a lot of authors do not touch upon in their books, but that can impact the reader’s experience, love that she does this.
@Brandy Rymer

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Brittany Angel

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Who doesn’t love a sweet little romantic read? This was great in all the right ways. I think I will be picking up more novels by this author in the near future.

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Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Angela Hayes

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Will You (Pretend) Marry Me by Christi Barth is a sweet and enjoyable contemporary romance- a bit of a romcom, with an enemies to lovers vibe, pretend relationship vs real feelings, hidden identity/alter ego, chemistry, secrets, banter, angst, and just enough ‘drama’ to keep things ‘interesting’.
Kaia is a pop superstar with a student teacher alter-ego, Abigail Dilworth. What will happen when she sets out to finish her teaching degree, doing her teaching training by going incognito at a high school where she will need to deal with the vice-principal who has secrets of his own. What ensues makes for a fun read.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Christi Barth!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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