The Sound of Love (The Sound Series #1) by Maria Watts – Review by Tracy Manderson

The Sound of Love (The Sound series #1)The Sound of Love by Maria Watts
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Sound of Love by Maria Watts
4out of 4 stars
This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Watts and I didn’t know if I liked the story or hated the story. This book makes you keep reading, and the story makes you absolutely frustrated, then it makes you laugh, and maybe even cry. I loved the ninety’s and the boy bands some of the music today stinks compared to the ninety’s.
The story starts off nice and sweet and then you watch them grow and we see them exploring more mature and darker issues.
Nina Bains is a normal schoolgirl from Southampton. She is a typical teenager going to school, hanging out with her friends and fantasizing about Chris Mulligan, one of the lead singers of the Funky Guys.
Nina has the chance to meet and get to know Chris personally. They fall in love and their two worlds collide with such a force that Nina is knocked out of her everyday life before she even realizes what is happening. As she is drawn more and more into Chris’ world, she suddenly finds herself on tour with a boy band phenomenon in a whirlwind of fancy hotels, tour buses, venues, fans, groupies and music. Soon she realizes all that glitters is not gold and she has to question everything she once believed in.

Can Chris and Nina understand the meaning of love? Will she risk everything to love Chris? Will Nina become something she doesn’t like while on the road?
The characters where written well and the way Ms. Watts wrote Nina’s character was real she was intelligent and mature for her age. I was Nina once I fantasized about my favorite boy band and I probably do the same thing Nina did.
Tracy Manderson

Review by @tracym

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