Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my … Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance is the first book in Shandi Boyes’ Russian Mob Chronicles and even though you can read it/them in their own rights, they are sort of also part of her mind blowing Enigma series (and that is also where we met Nikolai for the very first time)!! I read the first Enigma book over a year ago and I have been hooked ever since! I absolutely love how ‘fast’ she is and never leaves us waiting too long!
Nikolai is a story filled with twists and turns and danger and action and … well, it is a mafia story so I am sure you can imagine, at least to a certain extent! This story is obviously about Nikolai who at first I had really hard time to like and then, the more I learnt the more I started … hmmm…. liking him?!… and then there is Justine … every hero needs a heroine and I generally go more for stronger females but the more I read the more I could feel the heat and the chemistry between them … AND do not forget all these other little stories and sideliners that are peppered through the main story and I think I might need to re-read it as there were so many layers and I was simply inhaling it and I want to be prepared for the next steps of the journey …
If you are looking for a new writer then please, be invited into the world of Shandi Boyes! You will not be bored AND there are loads of stories to gorge on!

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