The Debt Collector: An Underground Bad Boys Romance by India Kells ~ Review by Liz Vrchota

The Debt Collector (An Underground Bad Boys Romance)The Debt Collector by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ohhhhh India Kells this corrupted my mind so good! I absolutely had to one-click this novel like I do with just about every India Kells novels. This one was a tad more steamy than I am used to seeing from her and I loved it, every wanton moment. Now keeping in mind that I have mentioned this is a bit of a steamy read be smart and don’t pick it up if that isn’t your thing, although I do think you would be missing out on quite the read, especially if you are a fan of India Kells of novels.

There is a lot going on in this book, but it is done flawlessly and not too overwhelming, I was able to read it in one sitting. Tessa finds herself in a slave ring. Everyone’s worst nightmare. The man who saves her, Locke has a proposal, one that is something she would never have expected to find herself involved in either. Oh and then there is Locke’s best friend Gage. These three have some intricate personalities that work together a lot like poetry. Which for me is what makes a novel like this work so well. For all the other juicy details run and one-click right now.

Review by @lizaileen
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