Hidden Tracks by Zoe Lee – Review by Angela Hayes

Hidden TracksHidden Tracks by Zoe Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Hidden Tracks by Zoe Lee is a contemporary rock star romance. I loved all the banter, quips, camaraderie, friendships- and the fun vibe of this story.
Astrid Sinclair has had to work incredibly hard to get to where she is. The music journalist knows all the ins and outs of the music industry first hand, having been married to a ‘rock god’. Since the divorce, she’s had to put in extra effort to earn her respected reputation. She may make her living from writing about rocks stars and musicians, but she has vowed never to get personally involved with one ever again. Her rule is about to be tested though, when she decides to do a story on the band “Downbeat”. Spending some time with the band to get all the information she needs puts her in close proximity with Seth Riveau, and their chemistry is instantaneous. Will he find a way to break down her defences? Will she decide to take a chance on love?
I had a little trouble finding my rhythm with this book. I struggled to connect with the characters and the story, but I think that maybe I was just having an ‘off’ day. There were times Astrid and Seth frustrated me quite badly and I had the urge to shake them. I loved seeing and catching up with some of the characters we met in ‘A Perfect Fit’- I especially love the camaraderie and friendship of the group.
If you love a great rock star romance, with wonderful characters, and just a little push-pull; then this is definitely the book for you!

Thank you, Zoe Lee!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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