Naomi (Maggie Trilogy Book 2) by Mya O’Malley – Review by Karyn Taylor

NaomiNaomi by Mya O’Malley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Naomi is the 2nd book in the Maggie Trilogy by Mya O’Malley. I would 100 % recommend that you read book 1, Maggie, before reading this book. Although the mystery surrounding Maggie is solved in Book 1, this book is a continuation of Naomi’s own personal story and there is so much necessary information in the first book.
This book is a paranormal thriller/romance but unlike the first book where the ghosts were friendly and helpful, this time round the ghost is menacing and dangerous. Naomi’s past has come back to haunt her…literally. The ghost of Naomi’s ex-boyfriend Nick has come back to haunt her and he’s even more menacing and horrifying as he was when he was alive.
Nick’s return puts much strain on Naomi’s relationship with fiancé Bryce which is then further strained with the return of Bryce’s ex-wife Genna who is the mother of his daughter Holly.
This is such a well written paranormal thriller. Like book 1 I was dragged into the story from the very start and did not want to put this book down. It is a sit at the edge of your seat, heart in your mouth read. Again, like the first book the author throws in a few curveballs that come totally out of the blue and have you reeling.
I would definitely recommend this series to others and I can’t wait to read the final instalment of this exciting trilogy.

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