Forget Nico: Falling for the Wrong Italian (Italian Teens novel 1, The Italian Saga) by Gaia B. Amman – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Forget Nico: Falling for the Wrong Italian (The Italian Saga #3)Forget Nico: Falling for the Wrong Italian by Gaia B. Amman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forget Nico: Falling for the Wrong Italian is part of the Italian Teens aka Italian Saga series by Gaia B Amman. I am a little confused on where it falls into line, because it says it is book 1, but there are 2 books prior to this one… Anyway, it is the first book I have read, and while I enjoyed it, it left me wanting more. The book cover drew me in, and states its based on a true story, which drew me in. The description sealed the deal, but I was expecting a little more. I kept expecting and waiting for some big reveal, and it never came. I would describe the book as a typical coming of age story. It follows Leda’s multiple year crush on Nico. There are highs and lows, love and hate, typical changes in teenage friendships. I don’t want to ruin the story, or ending so I won’t give too much away. The book finally came full circle and did wrap up nicely, but it wasn’t fulfilling. I want to know what happens next, so I hope the next book continues the story. And I just found out there is a pre-book which tells of Leda and Nico’s friendship in their younger years, so I recommend reading that first (even though I haven’t yet).

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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