Black Blade (Black Blade Book 1) by Alexander Charalambides – Review by Kerry Baker

Black BladeBlack Blade by Alexander Charalambides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Black Blade by Alexander Charalambides is a great fantasy book that is a unique take on Lancelot and Excalibur.
This is a relatively new author to me but I was excited to read more of his work. I loved the new take on this old story.
The story was in depth and complex, jumping back and forth time wise but the author handles it well, keeping the storylines moving forward nicely. I enjoyed the fact that the story was told from multiple points of view as it gave an overall view of what was going on.
This author has a great way of using his words to create a lasting story. It was interesting and unique and exciting to read. I am definitely looking forward to reading more of this author in the future.

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