Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Sara Oxton

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar a fantastic four-star read. This is number six in the High Tech Crime Solvers series and each part of the story is written by a different author, each bringing their own spin, and Jacquie Biggar always brings a spin that will keep you turning like a spinning top, as they have this way of never letting you stop to breath as you read, the action and suspense just keeps your breath just a hairsbreadth from being able to being released fully, you are always on the edge of your seat. Julie is someone you can get behind; you know why she has the passion and drive to get to the story. Its short and I was surprised that so much was able to be pushed into such short number of pages.

Review by @saraoxo

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