The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Slaughter of Leith HallThe Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Slaughter of Leith Hall was not my typical first choice as far as books. Historical based novels tend to drag and be drab. This one did admittedly stall in the excitement area for the first few bits of the story but once it took off it really took off and I was engrossed to find out how things would come to culmination for the characters and the underlying murder mystery that is prevelant throughout. Once I got over the beginning parts this book drew me into the world of Charlie and Leith. Charlie is far from home and finds a protector and more in Leith. Things take a dark turn when a murder becomes his obsession. He is determined to find justice and closure. I can’t say much else for fear of spoiling the good stuff but this is one you will want to read if you are a fan of dark and suspenseful mystery reads. I know I am looking forward to seeing what else is available from Conyngham and if we will get more in this book as a series.

Review by @lizaileen
View all my reviews

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