Evil’s Whisper (Evil Saga book 1) by Jordan Elizabeth

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Evil’s Whisper (Evil Saga book 1) by Jordan Elizabeth
Genre – Fantasy, Romance
Page Count – 271 pages
Cover Designer – M. Joseph Murphy
The desert winds bring the voices of the Dead to those who can hear.
Sabiya is not one of those people.
Though she has lived in Juniper City since she was born, the desert outside is foreign to her. Her life is a contrast between the brutality and the wealth of her family, a life where women are worth little and easily disposed.
A life Sabiya is desperate to escape.
The desert beckons her, but she is not prepared for the sheer expanse of nothingness. Nor is she expecting the robbers who capture her when she has barely begun her journey. She is rescued with the help of another captive’s brother.
Sabiya is returned to Juniper City with only the memory of her savior, the exotic Jadaidi warrior, Uthias. He’s a man with another, secret name and a dark purpose. An ancient past is about to catch up with the present, and old wars are once again igniting, where no one is safe.
The life of one young girl is important only to her. And perhaps one other.


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Jordan Elizabeth grew up on epic fantasy. Swords and sorcery were her drug of choice. She currently roams Central New York wearing a cape and corset and brandishing a lantern.  Her attic is filled with swords.  Her living room is filled with books.  Her heart is filled with magic. She is the author of forty-one books and has ranked as an Amazon best-selling author and Barnes & Noble best-selling author.

Author Interview With Jordan Elizabeth




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