The North Wind Descends (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 4) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Anantha Rusum

The North Wind DescendsThe North Wind Descends by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I came back to this series after a gap, I had read the first one, The lightning horse but did not read books 2 and 3. So I was a little apprehensive when I picked this book. I had the background of the characters but over the span of four books, they have all changed, aged and characters have been introduced.
The book starts off with a murder mystery which the Egyptian diplomat Hani has to solve and this time around, a specific request from the queen has to be honored.
The plot is complex, and there are lots of twists and turns. There is a murderer on loose and Hani’s family is in jeopardy. His daughter also gets involved and Hani finds himself tangled in a complex puzzle which becomes increasingly difficult to solve.
This book blends historic fiction and mystery beautifully. It is a very fast read, and it keeps the readers on their toes on what is coming next. Overall, a very compelling and an enjoyable read.

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