Daddy’s Girl (Freshwater Book 3) by Belinda Williams – Review by Angelina Frazzini

Daddy's Girl (Freshwater Book 3)Daddy’s Girl by Belinda Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Daddy’s Girl by Belinda Williams is book three of the Freshwater Series. This book can be read as a standalone.

Em is driven and smart. She’s got too much to accomplish before she even thinks about settling down. Her father on the other hand thinks the time is now. Her father is always on the look out for men to send Em’s way. Starting a family isn’t a dream Em’s had for herself. That is until she meets Joel. What is it about Joel that has her picturing a different future? Joel doesn’t have time for relationships. He’s got a business to focus on. As he’s trying to close a deal with Mr.Georgiou, he offers to set Joel up with zen to get to know her more. Joel needs to close this deal so he takes him up on the offer, not expecting what he gets when he meets Em. He realizes everything Em is and knows he wants more than a hook up with her but how does he convince her he isn’t doing this to impress her father? Will these two alter the plans they had for their futures to make room for each other.

This was a good read! It was enjoyable and I really enjoyed watching the characters evolve and change and realize that that’s okay to do to make room for new dreams while holding on to the old ones.

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