Seductive Prey (Relentless #1) by Vivian Fiano – Review by Liz Vrchota

Seductive Prey (Relentless #1)Seductive Prey by Vivian Fiano
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a gripping and deep read! I have not read Ms. Fiano before and this could not have been a better introduction to her! This book is everything my dark suspense and romance reader heart could have ever wanted. I loved how the characters felt real and relatable as I read them, almost feeling as if I was right there as they experienced the suspense. I was not expecting that ending but it sure has my heart racing waiting for book two! If you love a bit of a twist here and there and some deep thoughtful undertones to your romance, this is the book for you. I look forward to seeing what else may be available by Vivian Fiano as well.

Review by @lizaileen
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