An Unexpected Bonding (The Unexpected Trilogy Book 1) by Lilly Rayman – Review by Stephanie Nicole

An Unexpected BondingAn Unexpected Bonding by Lilly Rayman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An Unexpected Bonding was a very interesting read for me, filled with fantasy, myth, romance, drama and more it had me flipping the pages quickly to see what happens next. Ms. Rayman leads her readers down a very unexpected path and her words are so well written that you never see what is coming next. Ms. Rayman incorporates several wonderfully written characters and their stories but by the end of the book she ties up all the loose ends perfectly. At 395 pages An Unexpected Bonding isn’t too short or too long but more like the perfect length for a lover of the fantasy genre. So if you are looking for a new wonderful fantasy book to read this weekend I highly recommend An Unexpected Bonding by Lilly Rayman.

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