Remember My Name (Remember My Name Series Book 1) by Laurencia Hoffman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Remember My Name (Remember My Name #1)Remember My Name by Laurencia Hoffman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shane Coulter is a man with a dark past and a darker heart, he has been through a lot in his life and this has made him into the person he is today, abrasive, sarcastic and a pain in the ass to those around him, but as much as he tries to distance himself from those around him, he can’t seem to push them far enough away. One day he is meeting his friend for something to eat, but instead of him, he sees a face from his past, his first love, Callan Reid, a tall, blonde man whose blue eyes keep him entranced and help his breath to come back, but they also remind him of what they had and why he left him. Callan cannot help being drawn back to Shane, the man he left behind to appease his family, but the life he chose hasn’t made him happy and all he wants is a second chance with him and he is determined to get Shane to come around to his point of view.

They agree to meet up and go on a date, but Shane insists that it is his rules or nothing and the main rule is that they are complete strangers, they don’t talk about the past or delve too deeply into each others lives, Callan agrees, albeit reluctantly and they agree to meet and start again. As the two meet on one of Shane’s favourite walking trails, Callan asks to take his picture, Shane agrees, however, it is too much like all times, but he agrees to dinner as payment for the photographs, although he takes his own car and follows him there. When they get to the restaurant, it is the same one as the other night. After the waiter brings their food, they talk about their careers and other small talk, slightly touching on the topic of family and relationships, but before he can get too comfortable, Shane makes his excuses and leaves, albeit agreeing to dinner the next Friday on his way out.

Shane is really trying to keep his aloof attitude going, it is becoming harder, especially when the rest of his family and his boss at work are trying to drum up an uncomfortable amount of conversation, as time passes and Shane sees more of Callan, he is finding that the more time he spends around him, the harder it is becoming to stay closed off and Callan is beginning to think that there is more to Shane pushing him away than just being obstinate, meanwhile, Shane is still desperately trying to keep his secrets hidden, but his well built walls and boundaries are starting to be pushed against and he isn’t comfortable with it at all. Will Callan be able to get Shane to open up to him and accept the help being given, or will Shane close himself off even more as the pressure mounts? Can Shane keep his demons at bay, or will the darkness close in on him and destroy whatever he has left? This is a thrilling story of love and protection in this romance with a dark twist which will keep you on the edge of your seat and guessing as to what will happen all the way to the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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