THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda Burson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is such a wonderful boxed set with so many different areas of interest covered for young adult readers that it would be a wonderful one to snag a gift or read for yourself! I love box sets from my favorite authors for this reason! I can share all my favorites in such a convenient way and start people with a wonderful series. The Marcy Series has something for everyone like I said with a strong female lead and really brings to a whole host of supporting side characters to fall in love with as well. I have included below the review for the first two books in the series individually as well so you can get a taste of what is in them in depth a bit more but this is one that you do not want to miss out on!


“As I fall asleep, all I can think of is a four-letter word: Rage.”

This was my first time reading anything by Linda Burson, and I don’t generally pick up many novels in these genres either, but was wanting to switch it up a bit and the synopsis grabbed my attention from the get go. I was really intrigued by the fact that this was looking to lean more towards an alpha female lead rather than focusing on an alpha male lead for a change. So, I jumped in with an open mind and was fully ready for some kick butt female lead story lines.

So, we meet the lovely and deeply aggravated Marcy. She is the owner of a bakery, Coffee, Tea, & Treats, engaged to Brad, and seems like life is going fairly well. Except it really isn’t. She has been plagued with these nightmares for quite some time now and it is affecting every person and aspect of her life.

“I haven’t been my sweet self for a while. I’m not trying to be difficult, but the nightmares I’ve been having are taking their toll on me.”

All that seems to be the norm in her life as far as feelings go anymore is rage.

“As I fall asleep, all I can think of is a four-letter word: Rage.”

Eventually it takes its final toll on her relationship with her fiancé and an ultimatum is given to her, she either gets help or he is gone.

“That’s it, damn it! I’m done! Do you hear me? I’m fed up with your craziness. I’m leaving. You need help and you need it now!”

This eventually leads her to a newfound love and friend, Liam. They embark on a journey together that will either heal them or tear them apart more.
I will say that this isn’t necessarily a cliffhanger book, but there are unanswered questions and loose ends. It is book 1 in a series and you will definitely want book 2 after this one is done so that you can get the answers to some of those questions left hanging in the air after this one is done. The one reason that I did not give this five stars was because for me this book was in a lot of ways disjointed. It almost felt like two stories with an intermission of excessive information. I have a feeling that it will make all the more sense when reading the second book but it was a tad confusing in the sense that it was introduced in this novel rather than spread throughout the next few books. Otherwise I did enjoy it and will give the next one a go to see what comes next for Marcy and the rest of the characters.


“Marcy, sometimes we can’t explain why the heart wants what it wants. It doesn’t mean it’s wrong; it just means we get confused…”
This is the second installment in The Marcy series by Linda Burson and I was very much impressed with the flow and improvement with the storyline progression in this book. I liked the idea behind the series in book one and wanted it to go blossom in this one and it didn’t disappoint!
“Marcy, sometimes we can’t explain why the heart wants what it wants. It doesn’t mean it’s wrong; it just means we get confused. You need to incorporate your mind; use your intelligence to logically figure out why you feel so connected to him. The heart will lead us astray, but our hearts combined with our reason helps us decipher what the right answer is for us.”
This pretty much picks up where the precious book leaves off, with Marcy confused as to where she wants to settle her heart with, between Liam or Brad. She knows that she has ‘feelings’ for both of them but which one does she love? Luckily, she gets the opportunity to have time to figure this out with both of them, something that is not traditional in most relationships in the modern age, also made for a very interesting and captivating read.
This also contained all the drama, suspense, mystery, and intrigue that balanced so well in the previous novel. It really takes the reader on a roller coaster of a ride. Marcy has quite the intense life both in the present and in her history and she is still uncovering a lot of details. I look forward to reading more about this in future installments in this series.

Review by @lizaileen
View all my reviews

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