Stranded (Cetacea Chronicles Book 1) by Feather Chelle – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1 by Feather Chelle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an amazingly fun tale! My children are grown but I would have loved to be able to read this story to them when they were little. Stories that have facts and Magic are always a favorite of mine but I always prefer reading stories that combine a little realism with my fantasy. The amazing pods you will meet in this story will capture yours and your children’s interest. It had the standard good verses evil in the form of dolphins verses sharks (although I love sharks lol) and told the tale of helping your fellow kind whenever you can. I also think with the very unique situation our kids are facing with the covid pandemic that this book brings light at the end of that dark tunnel of disease. I absolutely recommend this book for anyone who reads to there children or even teachers who would like to read to their class. The facts at the end about all the ocean life discussed in this book would make it appropriate for a teacher looking to add a little marine biology to their science lesson!

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