Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow Duet Book 2) by Amy Argent-Review by Elena Tobar

Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow #2)Whatever Tomorrow Brings by Amy Argent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you haven’t read book 1 in this series, you definitely need to. This one is just as much, if not even more of a tear jerker then the first part of Tori and Will’s story is. I went through so many tissues reading this story, the author does such an amazing job of giving a full picture of what a struggle battling cancer is and just how messy it gets. It made my heart so happy that Tori was there for Will every step of the way encouraging him and doing everything humanely possible for him even though she didn’t know if he would survive. They both open up their hearts and love and fight with everything they have not knowing just how much time they might have left together. Their love story is breathtaking, and the kind of love that everyone hopes for. Tori and Will go through so much together and this book is definitely an emotional roller coaster ride where I was scared to see what would happen next but also hopeful and the ending was so beautiful that it was worth all the tears along the way.

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