Embracing Jared (Thrill of the Chase, #3) by Anna Paige – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Embracing Jared (Thrill of the Chase, #3)Embracing Jared by Anna Paige
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved Loved Loved this book and definitely could not put this down until the very end. The very beginning had me pulled into the story and this book gave me roller coaster of emotions of the highs and lows. Jared, a rock star, wants nothing more to make sure his father is taken care of. Madison is a caring and compassionate caregiver to Jared’s father. At first, when Jared and Madison meet, there is some friction. When you read more into the story there is so much more!! I could just go on and on about this book but do not want to give away any spoilers. I can say this book is definitely worth the read. Fantastic Contemporary Romance with sweet and emotional moments.

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