The Colors of Darkness by Feather Chelle – Review by Carrie Reed

Colors of Darkness: Ability Awareness Activity BookColors of Darkness: Ability Awareness Activity Book by Feather Chelle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars!

This book to me, is the perfect way to explain blindness or visual impairments. The author gives tests or activities you can try at home to get a small taste of what it is like for someone with a visual impairment. I liked the info on Braille, I am happy that there was an alphabet made for the visually impaired to “read” it is a very cleaver system. I am also very happy to see that there have been many changes in the world to adapt to those who are impaired visually to be able to live out their everyday lives with some “normalcy”. This book really made me think about how I view things in my life and what I take for granted.

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