The Wolf’s Shadow (The Lycanthropy Files Book 1) by Cecilia Dominic – Review by Lorrene Huisman

The Wolf's Shadow (The Lycanthropy Files #1)The Wolf’s Shadow by Cecilia Dominic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! This book was just so darn good! The story had its own aurora of being compelling, and it was a very quick read and easy to fall into. It was very much enjoyable, I loved the way the author had the story flow, and how things went about! Needless to say I am waiting for the next installment!

I loved how the story takes flight centering around the work of Joanie who is looking into her own personal research for an issue, but along the way things happen and come up that really test and question everything. I loved the fact pace of the story, the secrets that arose, the questions that came, as well as the questions that I came up with as I read. I felt I was right beside Joanie with her adventure. Things were far from what they seed at first when I was reading, I loved the discoveries that were made. The author made the visionary very real as well. The book was addictive and impossible to put down!

Loved this book and I am going to love the rest of the series! The book was a wonderful start of a new series, and I can not wait to read more in the series and see what happens as the books continues. The author is amazing at what they do! Highly recommend this book and series, a must read!

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