A Long Kiss Goodbye (Onyx & Mercury Book 2) by H.D. Thomson – Review by Amy Brennan

A Long Kiss GoodbyeA Long Kiss Goodbye by H.D. Thomson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just finished this novel, and boy oh boy, I have already purchased the first installment in this series and really appreciate her writing style and the methods in which she conveys the characters feelings and thoughts throughout. I have been switching through different genres as of late, and this one really did the trick when it came to my need for a suspenseful read. Avery very much has built all her walls up to not be hurt, or to not hurt others as there are a few things that come up that would certainly have her feeling like it was a necessity.

Enter Luys, who has had this insatiable need to get to know Avery since the moment he laid eyes on her. Lucky for him, he gets to play the protector and wants to keep her safe from everyone and anyone. As the twists and turns build, this gets impossibly more difficult, and Avery isn’t sure which way is up for most of this crazy maze of an adventure. There is a whole lot of suspense, a dash of romance, and a butt load of intrigue! I thoroughly enjoyed this read, trying to solve the mystery before the ending, and look forward to disappearing into more of her written work as soon as time allows. Highly recommend!

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