Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny Book 2) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Shelly Kittell

Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny, #2)Pursuit into Darkness by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is full of paranormal suspense and intrigue. The struggles abound. Julia is with Samuel and the rest of the ka-tet llving out their lives. Valentino enters the picture and all heck breaks loose. Her soulmate is killed by him, as well fellow members of the resistance of vampires. The storyline is very engaging. I was pulled into the action from page 1 and couldn’t put down until I finished it. Julia is very strong-willed. She feels she is weak but she fights for what she feels she must do to protect those close to her. The characters are well-developed. The chemistry between her and Samuel is very up and down. It’s like a waning candle but you always feel the spark that is constantly there. The mystery around Kali kept me intrigued as well. That young girl knew more than she should. This is a fun book for fans of paranormal or fantasy. I highly recommend it.

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