Love’s Mulligan (Stroke of Love Book 1) by CA Miconi – Review by Michaela Massie

Love's MulliganLove’s Mulligan by C.A. Miconi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kellie felt abandoned by the man she loved, and so she left her small town to start over, cutting contact with both her friends and her family. Harrison wanted to have a head start before he moved forward with his high school sweetheart, but was too proud to tell her. Over a decade later, Kellie is an Event planner at a high end hotel in Vegas, while Harrison has succeeded and become a pro golfer. His PR team is pushing for a huge publicity stunt, causing Harrison to end up at the very hotel his first love works at. Upon their first glance of each other, they each know that they never stopped caring, and that the passion still exists. This story is their second chance, and it is full of twists and turns around every corner. I really enjoyed CA Miconi’s portrayal of her characters, because they feel like real people in a crazy romance. This is a beautiful love story of second chances, and never giving up on what’s most important to you.

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