The Letter Carrier by L.C. Lewis – Review by Mandy Ott

The Letter CarrierThe Letter Carrier by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Letter Carrier absolutely took my breath away. Not only is this based on the true life story of a French girl, Michelle Naget, during the German invasion of France during World War II, but it’s a tale of faith, determination, family, and perseverance. The characters of L. C. Lewis are so beautifully written and realistic that it was easy to picture the Naget family together at their house, having dinner together, interacting with one another, and loving one another. Lewis’s descriptions of the French towns and countryside, as well as her accounts of the planes and their attacks, made me feel like I was there with the Naget family preparing a meal, or traveling the roads when the German pilots began to attack. This story made me giggle with the connection the family has with each other. But there is also heartache and worry, as well as anger and horror. The Letter Carrier is so many things rolled into one and I couldn’t put it down!

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