Caim (Antipodes Book 3) by T.S. Simons – Review by Breanne Christian

Caim (Antipodes #4)Caim by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cam and Freyja have settled into life with their friends and family surrounding them on Lewis. Then alarms go off, alerting the residents to someone approaching. They find that it is old acquaintances from Clava, with a couple of children that look familiar. As Freyja and Cam find out why they were selected and that Freyja’s sister may still be alive, they embark on yet another journey. Terror and danger continue to surround the couple as they, and some selected friends, search for answers and try to keep their community safe.
I can not speak more highly of this series. I would not change a single event that has happened. This book, as well as others, have held my interest and I want to continue reading. The characters continue to be relatable and loveable. Feelings are realistic and emotions can be felt through the page. I highly suggest the Antipodes series.

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