Unearthly Magik (Black Cauldron Detective Agency Book 1) by Matilda Reyes – Review by Tausha Treadway

Unearthly Magik (Black Cauldron Detective Agency Book 1)Unearthly Magik by Matilda Reyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unearthly Magik (Black Cauldron Detective Agency Book 1) by Matilda Reyes. This was such a fun read. Its a fast paced, paranormal, supernatural story filled with magic, underground that is supernatural, secrets and mages. Ava is a Mage who runs the Black Cauldron Detective Agency and she knows all the goings on in New York. If you need secrets uncovered, objects found or just plain Mage gossip Ava is the one to call. When Tasis her formal rival shows up asking her to help find the Laurent Grimoire she may have bit off more than she can chew. She is full of worry if she can really trust Tasis or not. Is this all a big scam to ruin her and her agency. Will Ava and her Mage’s be able to find The Laurent Grimoire before bad people get their hands on it and start a supernatural war? Read this fast paced fun paranormal read to find out!

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