Fighting Chance by Toni Denise – Review by Carrie Reed

Fighting ChanceFighting Chance by Toni Denise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great, short read. Kendall is very annoying at times, I feel like she I pressuring Chad to admit things he doesn’t want to bring to light and forcing him to reveal secrets and come out of the shadows. It seems she is just worried about her career and showing up her co-worker who thinks he can do her job better. Chad on the other hand, he doesn’t need to be so tight lipped especially because reading, we can tell he is already falling in love with Kendall, so why not take a leap of faith. Kendall’s dad Rich is my favorite character, he is a great father to her, and tells her like it is when its needed. He know the secrets Chad keeps but will not divulge the slightest hint to help her career, but still very supportive of both of them. The ending was sweet and I was very pleased. I loved the romance, drama and all the main characters.

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