The Intruders by Brett McKay – Review by Shelly Kittell

The IntrudersThe Intruders by Brett McKay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow! This is quite the thriller. Dex just wants to change his life for the better but ends up having a horrible ride that puts his whole family at risk. This book is scary, original, entertaining and very engaging. The author includes his thoughts in between each chapter. This was new to me. I understand that this book started out on Vella and that is why the format. I came to like it because you got a glimpse into the process of how the story came about which added another level to it. A definite thriller that creeps you eye. Those silver eyes gave me goosebumps. The characters, right down to the minute details, are so spot on and relatable that you can feel a piece of yourself in them. The plot flows fairly smooth. I recommend this for all those thrill seekers out there. Don’t forget to check over yoru shoulder.

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