The Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Hawke Family Complete CollectionThe Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These books definitely didn’t disappoint one bit! Gwyn put as much into these books as she did in Night Hawke. I seriously found myself reading these books every chance I had…these books were 100%-page turners! I found myself lost in not only the steamy parts of the book, but the mystery and back story as well. Gwyn has a talent for creating in-depth story plotlines and characters with intriguing skill! And yes, there is a lot of steamy scenes, but what I really enjoyed is that it is not purely sex-filled romance, but there was plenty of action and suspense, which really created deeper stories.

Savage Collision:
Savage….what a name…and what a man! Gwyn has a way of describing a beautiful character with a kind soul, but of course is described to be as hot as a man can be! But with every kind soul, there’s a past lingering its ugly face in the background…and Savage has to deal with that and more!

Savage is introduced to a woman named Dani…has Savage met his match when it comes to Dani? Is Dani falling for Savage…will their relationship work out beyond “friends”…there’s only one way to find out and that is to read the book yourself! I promise you…this is a page turner that you will not want to put down!

Tortured Skye:

The second book in the Hawke Family Series, and it was as good as the first book! Gwyn may honestly be one of my new favorite authors! This book was well written and didn’t lack in anything! Skye and Gabe are the two main characters in the second book, and there were times when the author had me wondering how these two were ever going to connect! But like the other books I have read by Gwyn…she magically found a way to bring everything together! She writes with such detail and has this way of creating world’s that you can easily find yourself lost in!

I really enjoyed Gabe and his story, his journey was a unique one, and Skye just adds to the plot! There’s emotion, attraction, passion, and so much more! I hope that you find yourself as lost in the books as what I was!

Wow!!!!…. really, I mean wow! Once again, Gwyn has not disappointed one bit! In a way I think that the series has gotten even better in these two installments. The author has upped her game even more by providing intriguing, page-turning storylines. Like any good family dirt…there are secrets that run deep in the first two books, and more secrets are revealed in these next two books, which really helped suspense and the world building!

Stone Sober:
This one was interesting and had a darker vibe than the others. Stone is introduced to a woman named Nora, and the two of them find that they are drawn to each other, but there’s one problem…they are not at all alike. There are plenty of secrets, darkness and just the overall unknown that creates tension that keeps you turning the page to find out more and to try to learn more about Stone and Nora!

Building Storm:

Storm finds herself in a unexpected situation and is trying to piece her life back together after what can only be described as losing it all. She has to try to be strong because she has her daughter to look after and is trying her best to live life through all of the pain that she has endured! She isn’t looking for love but lo and behold, apparently love has found her! And the hardest thing for Storm is that she has been through so much, that she doesn’t even realize that love has found her! Landon McCabe is looking for a fresh start after being a man on the run. He figures why not start fresh in New Orleans…nothing can go wrong there…right?! Well let’s just say that Landon and Storm find themselves both coming from broken situations and have no idea that the healing compound is each other! You must read in order to find out what else goes on between Storm and Landon!

Like all things…. the series has come to an end with these last 2 books, I’m sad to see this series come to an end, but it was definitely entertaining while it lasted! Gwyn built a wonderful world, with amazing characters that all had unique characteristics and backstories that truly captivates the reader. Gwyn didn’t disappoint with these last 2 books and gave it the proper ending without leaving you thinking what if or that’s it!

Tainted Saint:
This book was a shorter read than the previous 4 books but was still satisfying and entertaining. It was nice that Gwyn made sure that all of the characters from the previous stories continued to find their way into each book….and this book was no different! There were familiar characters, romance, steaminess, mystery and secrets!

Caroline is introduced in this book, and she has found out that she has an eye for Saint, a bouncer of one of the clubs. Does Caroline also catch Saint’s eye or is she in for a rude awakening? Gwyn didn’t go as in depth with this story, but she still continues to provide the reader with a story that has plenty of twists and turns!

Steele Resolve:

When I say I didn’t expect an ending like that…I mean it was truly unexpected, but still a satisfying ending to an amazing series! We met Byron in the first book of the series and wonder what happened to him? Well Gwyn waited until the last book to bring Byron back as a main character, and it was worth the wait! He has been featured as an amazing loyal and enjoyable supporting character, but I was glad to see that he got his own story in the series!

This book would be considered another quick read, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t full of emotion and suspense! Steele…is she good for Byron, is she bad for Byron? Does poor Byron even know which way he needs to go…will his heart win or will it be his family that gets the last laugh? This story takes us on an adventure with Byron and his journey of who he is.

I’m sad that the series is over, but I can’t complain with how Gwyn ended it. It was well thought out and very entertaining! All I can say is Happy Reading!

View all my reviews

Mary Espinoza, January 2023

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