Chatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard – Review by Beverly Finnie

Chatroom With A ViewChatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m still trying to wrap my head around Chatroom With A View. I thought I was reading one story the whole time and then the ending made me question it all. When an author can make you second guess what happened and what didn’t, I feel like that makes them pretty good at what they do! I enjoyed this book. I was intrigued till the very end. I would recommend it to anyone I know that likes a psychological thriller. This book is comparable to You and the movie Identity. If having that knowledge intrigues you, I say you should check it out.
There’s also a lot that could be a trigger for someone so I recommend tread lightly, but don’t let it stop you!
Troy leads a normal life for someone who comes from an abusive household. But what happens when that abuse goes too far? What happens when you can’t protect anyone but yourself? That’s exactly what happens to him, which causes him to spiral. Getting himself stuck in situations that he has no idea how to get out of. Ones he never intended to be in. On top of that he has his crazy ex Veronica trying to force herself into his life. He knows she’s mentally unstable but to protect himself and others he sometimes needs to play along.
Will he manage to escape the chaos that he’s caused?
Can he escape Veronica as well?
So many questions, but they all have answers. While the author has you twisting and turning as you go, every question you think of definitely has an answer. Or does it?
You are just going to have to dive in to find out!

View all my reviews

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