Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers Book 4) by Belinda Williams – Review by Jules Herbert

Cry Baby: A Grump Sunshine Slow Burn Romantic Comedy (Pierce Brothers Book 4)Cry Baby: A Grump Sunshine Slow Burn Romantic Comedy by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this book so damn much! This is the 4th book in the Pierce Brothers Series and brings us the story of Noah and Amy.. Noah is broody and Amy is pure sunshine so you just know right from the start this is going to be fun! LOL! They are brought together under very sad circumstances and soon realise they have an undeniable attraction that can’t be ignored. Filled with such wonderful, relatable characters and storylines this AMAZING author brings us all a book that simply should not be missed
Even though this is the 4th book of the series it can be read as a stand alone and totally enjoyed BUT why would you do that when the entire series is so ABSOLOUTELY AMAZING!! Find them all and read them all I say!!!

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